
Sunday 30 November 2008

Fascism in UKIP: The proposed changes to UKIP's constitution

Derek Clark MEP has been asked to draw up amendments to the constitution . Paul Nuttall will be given dictatorial powers to remove the so-called malcontents. Disciplinary committees will become a thing of the past because Farage can’t take the chance that some of those accused of ’bringing the party into disrepute’ may get off.

The NEC will vote in favour of the amendments on Monday. Only Del Young is expected to oppose the motion. In January, the membership will be asked to vote in favour of the changes. It is proposed that an article be put in the next issue of Independence informing members of why the changes are necessary. Farage and Nuttall will then start a campaign of spin and lies in order to persuade the membership that a number of members are out to wreck UKIP and must be removed. Dark hints of BNP infiltration will be used to fool the gullible. Phone calls will be made in a further effort to win over the doubters. The RO’s will be working overtime. Once the amendments are approved the mass expulsions will begin in February or March. Paul Nuttall, who a few still think of as a nice guy, approves of this move to total dictatorship. No wonder he is so keen to model his appearance on Benito Mussolini!

Farage and Nuttall’s hate list: David Abbott ,Geoffrey Collier, John West, Robin Page, Martin Harvey, Peter Cole, Gary Cartwright, Eric Edmond, Gerard Batten, Del Young, Bruce Lawson, Greg Beaman, Len Baynes, Ian Gilman, Victor Webb, T.N Warry, Piers Merchant, Alison West, Lynnda Robson, Roger Knapman, Trevor Coleman, Dave Hudson, Ron Hurrell & Martin Haslam.

Ladies and Gentleman, UKIP will shortly become a fully fledged dictatorship. However, they will not be allowed to get away with it. The counter- revolution has already begun.

Del Young: The last man of integrity

Del young is now a lone voice on the NEC. He is the only man with the integrity, decency and courage to appose the fascist style dictatorship proposed by Farage, Nuttall and their nodding donkeys on the NEC.

Mr Young, I applaud you for fighting for democracy and probity. Despite being mocked by the rest of the NEC you have stood your ground. Despite being unlawfully removed as head of UKIP’s youth movement you have refused to be intimated. You still fight on.

We all admire you for your bravery and keen sense of British justice. Keep up the fight and never doubt that the vast majority of honest members are behind you. We know that you won’t let us down at the next NEC meeting. Resist tyranny at all costs. We are with you!

More from the UKIP shop. Signed photos of Lisa Duffy, Douglas Denny, Christopher Gill and Rachel Oxley.

Paul Nuttall, UKIP’s very own wannabe Mussolini, is pleased to announce an exciting series of high quality signed pictures featuring members of UKIP’s revered NEC. The first photos in the series are now out. Buy now while stocks last!

Fascism in UKIP: The disgraceful treatment of Eric Edmond

You may recall that Dr Eric Edmond was expelled from the NEC earlier this month. His ‘crime’ was to voice concerns about the MEP selection process and Farage’s leadership.

David Bannerman was one of the prime movers behind the disgraceful treatment of Eric Edmond. Like a venomous spider he poured his poison into Nigel’s ear. He compiled the nine page travesty of a document that was presented to the NEC. Paul Nuttall, in a cowardly attempt to rig the meeting, refused Mr Edmond the right to have legal representation. In a further travesty of justice, Bannerman was allowed to be both prosecutor and judge!

UKIP has now become a fascist style party. Any criticism is ruthlessly crushed. Elections are declared null and void if the candidates face doesn’t fit. If you dare to speak out you are targeted, smeared and removed.

And Farage, Nuttall and Bannerman have the audacity to criticise the EU!

Perhaps members will now realise that Nuttall is no better than Farage. This ‘new broom’ is just another career politician who wants his snout in the trough. He will do anything to please his master. The NEC is now corrupt and beyond redemption. Those who sit on it are without decency and honesty. With the exception of Mr Young they are all Farage’s nodding donkeys.

Incidentally, who does Bannerman really work for? Has he really severed all links with the Tories? Why did he stay with a senior Tory in Brussels? Why have talks taken place between senior members of UKIP and members of the Tory Party? Is UKIP just a Tory pressure group or a real political party?

Ladies and Gentlemen, Bannerman, like Farage and Nuttall, is using you.

Nigel Farage writes to Junius

Nigel Farage has kindly sent me the following letter:

Dear Junius,

As an avid reader of your blog can I please be allowed to make my own humble contribution to your site? In anticipation of your agreement I enclose some of my family snaps. I am sure that your readers will enjoy them!

Love Nigel.

PS. Mr Snuggles sends his regards.

Thanks Nigel. Your wish is my command. Here is the first photo. On the back it reads: 'Nigel, aged 1'.

Saturday 29 November 2008

Nigel Farage’s proposed deal with the leader of the Tories

Clive page, UKIP press officer and convicted benefit fraudster, should really learn to hold his tongue. Singing like a canary after you’ve had a few is not a good move. After all, you never know who may be listening!

Earlier this year an offer was made to the Tories. Nigel was willing to do a deal with David Cameron if the price was right. Nigel offered to withdraw all of UKIP’s parliamentary candidates if Cameron allowed UKIP to stand uncontested in three safe Tory seats. As you would expect, Nigel wanted a seat. The others seats would go to David Bannerman and Bob Spink.

Sadly, for Nigel, the Tories were not interested in his grubby little pact. Why should they want to do a deal with a party in decline? The Tories have far more sense than to align themselves with someone who is currently involved in so many scandals that he makes Peter Mandleson look like the Pope.

Gawain Towler: Don't sit on the Grass

From my dusty files:

The Evening Standard (London) October 4, 2000

'My parents tell me they'd rather I had a joint than got drunk'; ... AND EVEN THE YOUNG CONSERVATIVES THINK SHE IS BONKERS

THE YOUNG Tories of old had a reputation for drunken abandon - the organisation has since been rebranded as Conservative Future to improve its image - but drugs of any kind were apparently always taboo.

However, at least some of the new generation have managed to combine a love of strong policies on law and order with a discreet puff of cannabis.

Shadow home secretary Ann Widdecombe's proposal today that there should be zero tolerance of cannabis use received a mixed reaction among younger delegates in Bournemouth - with several young Conservatives, including a would-be MP, admitting they had smoked the drug.

The most open on the subject was 18-year-old Cara Cuthbertson, a politics, business and English student at Llandudno College, who said that not only does she smoke cannabis regularly but does so with the approval of her Conservative-voting parents. "I don't think this new policy is a good idea at all," she said. "Drinking makes people violent and that is a real social problem, especially where I live in Wales. But people who are stoned tend to want to stay indoors where they don't cause any trouble. I smoke dope and my parents have smoked it. They tell me they'd rather I had a few joints than get drunk as it is less harmful.

"I wouldn't advocate legalising cannabis because I think a lot of older people would have a real problem with that."Perhaps surprisingly, given Miss Widdecombe's hard line, even a young would-be MP was today prepared to admit having smoked joints - and having inhaled. Prospective parliamentary candidate for Glasgow Maryhill, Gawain Towler, 32, said: "When I went before the selection committee I had to tell them that I had smoked pot as a student a few years ago. But they didn't seem to have a problem with that."

End of article.

Gawain Towler is currently a UKIP MEP candidate in the South West.

Friday 28 November 2008

Nigel Farage and Paul Nuttall to move against Piers Merchant

Members of the NEC are now claiming that they did not receive a written copy of Mr Merchants report on the MEP selection/election process. They argue that as they did not get the report it could not have been sent to Greg Lance-Watkins by a member of the NEC. This has been done in order to suggest that Piers is the source of the leak. This is, of course, pure nonsense. I can assure you all that Mr Merchant is not the leak.

The NEC has been leaking for years. But is it so surprising that it leaks like a sieve? There are still good men and women in UKIP who are not prepared to tolerate corruption, dishonesty and deceit. Farage and Nuttall need to realise that their days are numbered. Tyrants never prosper. They will soon face their Waterloo.

Another bargain from the UKIP shop!

The Paul Nuttall fright-mask.

Now you too can be Paul Nuttall!

Put it on and scare your friends by re-enacting the now legendary NEC meeting where Paul lost control and had to call for the police!

Price £3.99.

Mike McGough: Still confused

I see that Michael McGough (pictured here on the campaign trail) still refuses to apologise for lying in his MEP election address. He has consistently declined to give a reason why he falsely claimed to be the UKIP PPC for Harlow. He even states on the British Democracy Forum that “I have nothing to hide”.

Mr McGough, if you have nothing to hide why are you not prepared to come clean and provide the membership with a detailed explanation of how you came to believe that you were the PPC for a town in Essex?

If Mr McGough had any integrity he would apologise both to the members and the chairman for Harlow. However, don’t hold your breath as it appears that misleading members is of little concern to Mr McGough.

Thursday 27 November 2008

Remove Nigel Farage or watch UKIP die!

At the last NEC meeting it was revealed that UKIP has only £45,000 in the war chest. UKIP can never hope to fight an adequate campaign with such a paltry sum. But is it so surprising that UKIP is failing to attract support?

The leadership promotes witch-hunts, presides over kangaroo courts and ignores their own returning officer’s report on the corrupt MEP selection process. The NEC (with the exception of Del Young) consists of nodding donkeys who would jump off the White cliffs of Dover if Farage told them it would get him a few extra votes. They ignore complaints and turn a blind eye when an MEP candidate makes a false statement in his election address. They allow the party secretary to insult members. They promote the incompetent and the dishonest. They allow Farage to turn UKIP into an extension of his own ego. They allow a pro-EU reformist to become an MEP candidate. They ignore a declaration signed by the chairmen of 21 constituencies. Shall I go on?

Perhaps not. It’s all SO depressing. In 2004 UKIP had the opportunity to make a real difference. Millions had voted for us. We should have built on that support. Instead, the majority of our MEPs went native and forgot the reason why they were elected. Farage became leader and the situation became even worse. Farage has led UKIP to electoral oblivion. He lacks the integrity, the intelligence and the decency to lead ANY political party.

Remove him NOW or watch UKIP die!

Peter Reeve is getting a very worried man

As you may recall membership in the Eastern Region is falling fast. On average, between 17 and 18 members are now leaving UKIP East every single month. Coincidently, this started after Peter Reeve took over as Regional Organiser.

Things are now so bad that Mr Reeve has taken to personally phoning ex-members asking them to renew their membership. When they refuse he demands to know why. I hear that one ex-member asked Mr Reeve if he was interested in sex and travel.

Wednesday 26 November 2008

More from the UKIP shop. Nigel’s favourite teddy.

An exact replica of Nigel Farage’s very special friend and key political advisor is now available from UKIP’s famous internet shop!

Mr Snuggles first met Nigel during his stint as David Cameron’s special advisor to the White House. It was love at first sight. Nigel and Mr Snuggles are now inseparable. It is rumoured that Mr Snuggles is really the power behind the throne. This could explain the crass decisions made by Nigel since he became UKIP leader. However, I am not one to ‘bear’ grudges. May they both enjoy a long and happy engagement!

Alan Bown and the Elcom case: If you think you’ve got problems …..

Alan Bown, UKIP’s chief donor, is not very happy at the moment. His legal bill is now over £100,000 and rising! Michael Zuckerman, UKIP’s Party Secretary, has conceded to the NEC that UKIP is likely to lose. The final cost to UKIP will run into hundreds of thousands of pounds. Alan has rather surprisingly agreed to pay for EVERYTHING if UKIP loses. However, he is furious that Nigel has not bothered to come and support him in court. He is also absolutely furious with Andrew Smith and largely blames him for the whole mess. Privately, he wants Smith to resign. Gerard Batten now wishes he had never signed Andrew’s nomination papers!

You may remember that it was Andrew Smith who, as Party Treasurer, continued to accept donations from Alan Bown despite the fact that Alan was not on the electoral roll. This is illegal under current electoral law.

At the High Court Alan had to rely on the moral support of Gerard Batten, Lynnda Robson and Lawrence Webb as Nigel was ‘far too busy’. Michael Zuckerman could only managed a hour before quickly disappearing down the Strand (I hear that he had an appointment with God). The Electoral Commission ( who have a barrister, a junior barrister and five solicitors fighting their corner) argue that UKIP should face the full weight of the law as they gave Farage and Smith every opportunity to cooperate. Indeed, they approached them five times about Mr Bown not being on the electoral roll.

It is anticipated that Mr Justice Walker, will hand-down his judgement shortly.

When will Nigel learn that he is not above the law?

Whatever happened to Annabelle Fuller?

Has anyone seen Annabelle Fuller ( pictured left) recently?

As you may recall Miss Fuller, a very close friend of Nigel Farage, was forced to resign from UKIP over the posting of a UKIP candidate’s video interview on the internet.

Apparently, she lost the video disc in a taxi. It later turned up on You Tube via a mysterious Moroccan internet buff. By an amazing coincidence Miss Fuller was on holiday in Morocco at the time of the posting.

In a further strange twist she later appeared in two national newspapers claiming that she left UKIP because of the sexist attitude of certain colleagues. Absolutely no mention was made of the now infamous You Tube video. To make matters worse Nigel endorsed her story!

Nigel, your priceless. Even Joseph Goebbels would have been reluctant to back Miss Fuller on that one!

Mike McGough, UKIP’s wannabe MEP, gets very confused

Poor old Michael McGough (pictured above) has had a rough time lately. In the May elections he only got 1% of the vote. This disastrous vote shook him so much that he started to think that he was the PPC for Harlow. He then made matters far worse by putting this in his MEP election address. As you can imagine, Martin Harvey, the chairman for that area was not pleased and quickly made a formal complaint to Piers Merchant, the Returning Officer.

Unfortunately, Michael made himself look even more foolish by failing to correct this error at ANY of the hustings held in the Eastern Region. When challenged by members Michael bravely defended himself by claiming that “he thought” he was the PPC for Harlow. Apparently, he “thought” that he had formally applied for the position. He then “thought” that he had gone to a hustings where he “thought” that members elected him UKIP PPC for Harlow. Confused yet? I know I am.

As Piers quite rightly pointed out in his report: “ I also received complaints about Michael McGough, who, it was claimed, described himself as a UKIP PPC when he was not, thus seriously misleading the voters”.

Any normal party would have immediately removed him from the Eastern Region MEP list for lying to members. However, this is UKIP. Making a false declaration is not a problem as far as Nigel and the NEC are concerned. Why bother with rules and regulations? After all, they not only turned a blind eye to Lord Pearson proposing two MEP candidates but even allowed a non-party member to become Nigel’s running mate in the SE.

Mike, as part of his UKIP election campaign, is currently making a fool of himself on the British Democracy Forum. Mike McGough: its life Jim but not as we know it.

Spot the Difference!

Has anyone noticed Nigel’s uncanny resemblance to our dearly beloved Mr Bean? His bumbling attempts to lead UKIP are clearly modelled on his famous alter ego! All we need now is for someone to play Nigel’s little Teddy. Any offers?

Tuesday 25 November 2008

Bannerman gets his snout firmly in the trough

David Bannerman is now working as a paid employee of the European Union. He can be found hiding in the offices of the Ind/Dem Group.

Here’s part of his employment contract:


Article 11

“An official shall carry out his duties and conduct himself solely with the interests of the Communities in mind; he shall neither seek nor take instructions from any government, authority, organization or person outside his institution. He shall carry out the duties assigned to him objectively, impartially and in keeping with his duty of loyalty to the Communities”.

Would Mr Bannerman care to explain how he can possibly continue as Deputy Leader of UKIP and lead MEP candidate in the Eastern Region after agreeing to this?

Perhaps someone should remind him that UKIP was formed in order to get us out of the EU! Has he no scruples or sense of patriotism? Oh dear, apparently not. Another UKIPPER that's gone native.

Lynnda Robson, aide to Gerard Batten, on UKIP’s MEP selection process.

Lynnda Robson is a stalwart member of UKIP, an excellent researcher and a valuable aide to Gerard Batten MEP. She recently took UKIP to court over the MEP selection process.

Here is her excellent letter to UKIP’s NEC:

I am writing about numerous breaches of the Rules for Candidates by three candidates in London. One of them is Ralph Atkinson, but I will not go into details as I know Gerard Batten has already informed you about his activities.The other two are Marta Andreassen and Tim Worstall who I believe should be disqualified from this election. I am aware that Marta has decided to run in SE Region but believe that she should be disqualified in London and her votes reallocated since she was not entitled to them. This is quite a long email, I'm afraid, but there are an awful lot of rules being broken.

The reasons I believe they have both breached the rules are as follows:

1. Eligibility (external, under Electoral Commission Rules)

Under Section 4, Becoming a Candidate, of its European Parliamentary Election Rules, Elcom says that candidates must be:


A British citizen.... or a citizen of another member state who is resident in the UK or Gibraltar during the nomination period.

Both Marta and Tim are clearly not UK residents. When asked about this at the London hustings Marta airily replied she was 'addressing' this issue. Some people I spoke to afterwards interpreted this (possibly cynically, but in the light of recent developments perhaps not) as roughly meaning ' if I get a high place on the list I will find an accommodation address in the UK for the minimum time necessary to meet Elcom criteria'. Tim has apparently said he will move back to the UK 'soon'. Seems odd since he is reportedly a tax exile who can only spend 183 days in the UK and he is building a house in Portugal for himself and his family and they are currently all resident there.

Christopher Gill's response to this was that he had not bothered to consult Elcom or check its rules as this was an internal election - unbelievable!

One would hope that UKIP will not be a party to any breach of certainly the spirit, if not the letter, of the Electoral Commission rules but according to Christopher Gill: 'At a later stage all candidates will of course have to comply with whatever electoral legislation is then in force or otherwise be disqualified from standing' which seems to confirm the cynics' idea that an accommodation address will be found for them for the minimum amount of time necessary.

2. Eligibility (internal, under UKIP rules)

Under its constitution UKIP restricts full membership to UK citizens and resident foreign nationals. It also requires its Parliamentary candidates to be fully paid-up members in good standing.

Marta could therefore not possibly be a full member at the time her nomination was made and must therefore be ineligible.

Christopher Gill says she is an Associate Member but cannot tell me exactly how many other Associate members we have in the Party and indeed how many of them there were before Marta was given this (possibly) unique status.

Certainly nowhere on the membership application form is there an option to become an Associate Member. The UKIP constitution also states (16.4) 'All parliamentary candidates must be paid-up members of the Party in good standing...' - no mention of associate members there, I see.

3. Same Proposer

Marta and Tim had the same proposer - Lord Pearson. This is expressly forbidden but Christopher Gill has told me categorically he is not prepared to take any action as he felt 'Lord P. was only being helpful'! Apparently breaking rules is OK if it is Lord P. doing it for Marta and Tim!

4. CRB checks

All candidates were mandated to have a full, advanced CRB check (not something vaguely similar in another country, but the full UK version). Indeed, £41 of the £250 deposit was for this purpose. So important are these checks considered to be when identifying suitable candidates that the London Assembly candidates list was delayed for two months last year because of the requirement by the leadership, at a late stage, for all candidates to have these checks. You will all recall Nigel Farage stressing the importance of these checks and saying that if we had them in place in 2004 they would have picked up Ashley Mote's transgressions - therefore it was imperative that all candidates must have them in 2008.

But to have a CRB check you need a UK address at which you reside and for which you can produce utility bills. Once again neither Tim (who I believe can only spend a certain amount of days in the UK, which would indicate he is non-resident for tax purposes) nor Marta (who lives in Barcelona) would have been able to obtain a UK advanced CRB check as neither is resident in the UK. Why was an exception made for them?

Very odd reply from CG to this one 'Marta has never made any attempt to hide the fact that she lives in Barcelona'!! and 'Tim lives in Bath'. However, TW told me that although he owns a flat in Bath this was rented out and he was living in Portugal with his family.

5. Candidates standing in more than one Region

It was clearly required that candidates make it clear, both at the hustings and by other means, if they are standing in more than one Region. Marta certainly didn't mention it at the London Hustings, nor is it in her published candidate details. Many of these members who might otherwise vote for a certain candidate would be far less inclined to do so if they knew he/she actually considered our Region second best.

Christopher Gill's response was: 'The point you make about declaring an interest in another region is well made - in a message to all MEP Interview Panel Chairmen dated 10th July David Challice highlighted the fact that the onus was upon candidates to publicly disclose if they were standing in more than one region. This instruction seems to have been ignored in at least one other region to my certain knowledge and will feature in my report'.

What use is 'featuring in his report' going to be? The damage has been done and another rule broken.

I know that the fact the shortlists were published on the UKIP website should apparently have enabled members to do some detective work and identify who was standing in more than one Region - but again this does not seem to comply with the spirit of the rule or why it was made, as very few of our members ever look at the website, let alone delve deeply into the members section, and I doubt one in a thousand of our 'ordinary' members, as opposed to those of us more involved with the Party, is aware of multi-region candidates.

6. Electoral Roll number

All candidates were required to give their UK electoral roll number on the application form. Unless they have given a false address, neither of these candidates can possibly be on the UK electoral register.

Christopher Gill acknowledges this is a problem for MA which should have been noticed and addressed earlier, although he contends that TW is a UK resident (wonder if HMRC know this?) but again refuses to take any action.

From this litany you will realise why many of us are extremely sceptical about the validity of these two candidates. At every turn it would appear that exceptions and accommodations are being made, and rules broken and ignored, to get them on, and keep them on, the candidate lists. I would appreciate a full explanation of why they were exempted from the stringent criteria that the rest of us had to comply with in order to be considered and would ask the NEC to disqualify both of them.

To paraphrase George Orwell: 'Why are some candidates more equal than others?' I am absolutely sure that if when I had applied I had said :

I'm not a UK resident
I'm not a fully paid-up member of UKIP
I can't get a CRB check
My proposer has also proposed someone else
I'm not on the UK electoral Register; and
I have no intention of mentioning I will be standing in two Regions

I believe I would have been very firmly rejected - and rightly so.

Such chicanery will not play well with Elcom or our other enemies in the media and the community at large. And there are a number of people already aware of these facts, and upset about them. Indeed some of these questions have already been asked on the Democracy Forum - whose members number many who most certainly do not wish us well - so are thus in the public domain . This really could badly damage our chances in the 2009 elections and we should not be putting ourselves in this position.

I would formally ask the NEC to disqualify these two candidates from standing in London Region.

Please do not think I have anything personal against Marta - on the contrary, my limited acquaintance with her has always been a pleasure. And Tim seems a personable sort of fellow. But rules are being broken and distorted to keep these two candidates on the list and this is simply WRONG.I have already informed Christopher Gill that should this request be ignored then I wish to withdraw from the London list, and whilst I will do everything to ensure Gerard is elected I will not campaign or fund-raise if Atkinson, Andreassen or Worstall remain on the List.

I have also told him that I want my £250 returned as this has obviously been taken from me under false pretences. The false pretext in this case being that all candidates would be treated equally and subject to the same rules, which is patently not the case.

End of letter.

After being sued in the Court for the return of her £250 deposit UKIP paid her the money, plus costs. However, they refused to admit liability and said that they were returning her deposit “as a gesture of goodwill”.

This is, of course, complete nonsense. UKIP returned the deposit because Lynnda asked for documents, including a copy of Marta Andreasen’s application form and a copy of her £250 cheque and CRB documentation. It is thought these may not have existed in a form which would have satisfied the Electoral Commission or UKIP’s Constitution.

It is also thought that Tim Worstall’s application form would have proved interesting reading since he is a tax exile living in Portugal and, therefore, cannot be a full member of UKIP, legally pay his £250 donation OR get a CRB check.

Failure to produce these documents would have proved very damaging for UKIP as it would have called into doubt the whole selection process. This is something Farage could not risk as it would have raised too many awkward questions about the manipulation of the lists and the favouritism shown to certain candidates.

Needless to say the NEC have rejected all her complaints. For instance, Christopher Gill, despite showing clear incompetence in his handling of the whole MEP selection process, remains a trusted member of the Farage clique.

Lynnda has now resigned from the London MEP list. She remains a member of UKIP and continues to work for Gerard in his London office.

Monday 24 November 2008

Bob Spink: UKIP MP?

A strange press release was recently posted on the UKIP website:

Dr Spink said: "I joined UKIP because it alone respects Britain's independence and this 'single issue' determines our economic performance and policy is almost all areas of our life."

In a letter to the Clerk of the House of Commons, Dr Spink wrote: "May I be designated simply as 'Independent'? I remain an enthusiastic UKIP member and supporter, but UKIP have never had a whip at Westminster and I have been acting, effectively, as an Independent in the house, so this adjustment of my designation should add clarity to my position."

"In short, I remain 'UKIP's MP', but I am independent of any Party Political Whip, as I have stressed many times."

Anthony Butcher of the Democracy Forum has said: “UKIP made a big fuss of him becoming their first MP and representing them in Parliament. It's a fair step backwards for the party, who now no longer have an official UKIP presence there”.

Question: Why did he want his association with UKIP removed? As UKIP’s only MP he surely decides the UKIP whip for himself?

Rumours in Brussels suggest that Dr Spink is getting disillusioned with UKIP’s current leadership. The recent NEC fiasco and the expulsion of three very respected members apparently left him feeling very uneasy. Is Dr Spink about to leave a sinking ship? Watch this space!

UKIP: Champions of Free Speech?

In Brussels Nigel and Paul are getting very hot under the collar. They want the British Democracy Forum closed down and this blog banned. Paul Nuttall, Farage’s little sidekick, also wants to take legal action against Greg Lance-Watkins and close his blog. Once the leadership claimed to believe in free speech. They forgot to mention that it only applied to those on their approved list. I seem to recall two other gentlemen taking a similiar stance in the 1930's.

The leadership of UKIP is seemingly determined to self-destruct. They alienate some of UKIP’s hardest workers, promote the dishonest and incompetent and then try to stifle debate in an attempt to hide their own wilful lack of leadership skills.

In future ages, if nothing is done to remove Farage and Nuttall, UKIP will be remembered as a very small footnote in British political history. You will find them filed under ‘Kilroy-Silk and elections 2004’.

New UKIP logo?

Nigel Farage wants to drop UKIP’s pound sign logo and replace it with something 'more relevant to the 21st century'. Judging by Nigel’s inability to accept criticism can I suggest this?

Nigel Farage & Paul Nuttall: The sordid story behind Gregg Beaman’s departure.

Nigel Farage was beside himself with fury when Gregg Beaman was elected the North West’s lead UKIP MEP candidate. He told his various sycophants that ‘he did not accept the result’. Paul Nuttall, his little sidekick, was told to start drawing up a list of complaints to be used against Beaman. Suggestions ranged from ‘using his position as Regional Organiser to gain advantage over his rivals’ to ‘posting on the internet in order to bring the party into disrepute’. Nuttall readily agreed and eagerly set to work on various complaints.

Nigel then told Gregg that he could not remain as an MEP candidate AND the RO for the region. He would have to choose either one or the other. Nigel hoped that Gregg would put his job before the Euros and stand down. This would save Nuttall making his complaints to the NEC and thus prevent any potential hostility from NW members who would, quite rightly, feel aggrieved that Nuttall had engineered the downfall of their chosen man.

Surprisingly, John Whittaker finally showed some backbone - pity it’s made of jelly - and promised to support Gregg if he wanted to stand and fight his corner. By this time Mr Beaman was sick and tired of the whole sorry saga. He resigned from both positions and walked away with his reputation and dignity intact. Nuttall, on the other hand, has shown himself to be as treacherous as his mentor.

This post originally appeared on the British Democracy Forum. Gregg Beaman’s wife, via the Forum, later confirmed that the above article is factually correct.

Sunday 23 November 2008

UKIP shop now open!

I am pleased to announce that UKIP's famous internet shop has now reopened for business. Nigel and Paul plan a whole new range of fascinating UKIP products such as the talking/walking Paul Nuttall doll. Just pull the string and he calls for the police. Excellent value at £9.99.

Spot the Difference!

Have you noticed how much Paul Nuttall resembles Italy's fascist dictator?
However, there is one major difference between the two. At least Mussolini made the trains run on time. Paul, on the other hand, can't even run an NEC meeting without calling the police for help!

UKIP still losing members

UKIP continues to decline. Nigel Farage was recently told that membership is now down to just over 14,000. Each region is losing between five and ten members every month. Donations are now almost non-existent and moral is at an all-time low.

Nigel is starting to look ill, grey and haggard. At one SE meeting his hands were seen to be shaking. Nigel knows that the chickens are finally coming home to roost. Private and public scandals threaten to overwhelm him and the party. He faces the future with frightened eyes. His dream of another five years on the EU Gravy Train is now slipping away.

Bye, bye Nigel. You only have yourself to blame. If you play with fire, you're gonna get burned!

Bob Feal-Martinez moves against Dr Eric Edmond

Bob Feal-Martinez, chairman of UKIP Swindon, is now trying to get Eric Edmond (pictured on the left) thrown off UKIP’s South West committee. This follows Dr Edmond’s unlawful expulsion from UKIP’s NEC earlier this month. Eric had committed the crime of questioning Nigel Farage’s leadership skills and therefore had to go.

Bob can always be counted on to do Farage’s dirty work. I urge all UKIP’s SW members to fight for Dr Edmond and reject Feal-Martinez’s witch-hunt.

Nigel Farage admits "UKIP is brassic"

At a recent meeting in Weybridge Nigel admitted that UKIP does not have enough money to fight the Euro elections. He needs between £300,000 and £400,000 for the South East if he is to stand any chance of keeping his seat. The South West also needs at least £150,000 while other regions will be largely expected to fend for themselves. Please don’t tell little David Bannerman of Acton. He already faces the prospect of getting pushed aside by Bob Spink. Another blow like this could finish him!

Nigel also needs £250,000 for a campaign HQ in London. He went on to explain that you can hardy tell the British electorate and the press that Britain’s fourth largest party is “brassic”. Quite right, Nigel. After several years with your snout in the trough I would have thought that even you should have been able to save some of your cash for UKIP’s fighting fund.

Nigel also upset certain members by stating that only the two lead candidates would be featured on campaign literature in the SE. As you can imagine the other candidates were far from happy! Nigel, my advice is to quit before you fall. If only you knew how many stories are yet to break!

Saturday 22 November 2008

Derek Clark MEP under investigation by OLAF.

Derek Clark, UKIP East Midlands MEP, is currently under investigation by the EU's anti-fraud office. Poor old Derek! He now joins Nigel Farage, Jeffrey Titford and Tom Wise who are also under investigation.

Derek Clark OLAF Case Number: D/007/033/04.09.08

Derek Clark OLAF Investigation Number: DD/FD-D2008.A1/7133/OF/2008/0240

Clive Page: UKIP Press Officer & Convicted Benefit Cheat

Ex-hack shamed over scam by Simon Armstrong, The Evening Chronicle, May 20th 2004.

A former Tyne Tees TV manager claims he has been left penniless after admitting swindling thousands of pounds in a benefits scam.

Clive Page, 60, dishonestly claimed more than £5,000 in housing benefit and council tax for a flat on Newcastle Quayside which he didn't live in.

Despite having moved out of the property at the Watergate Buildings and sub-letting it to another tenant, the 60-year-old claimed the cash between July 2002 and July 2003.
Magistrates at Gosforth gave him an 80 hour community punishment order after his solicitor claimed he was a ruined man with barely a penny to his name.

Defending, Ruth Foster said: "He has been a highly-respected man. His one foray into the world of crime has led to his ruin."

Page moved to Tyne Tees in 1978 and ran their news and sport from 1982 after starting his career at the Chronicle. He was sacked from Tyne Tees in 1988 as part of a departmental re-shuffle.

Page, who is living at his partner's home in Sandhoe, Hexham, had previously pleaded guilty to making two false representations in order to claim £3,543 housing benefit and £1,943 council tax benefit. He also admitted providing a false statement which claimed he was living at the Quayside flat.

Prosecuting, Kerry Walker outlined the case against him: "Between July 2002 and 2003, he told the local authority he was living at the Watergate Building.

"However, on those dates he was sub-letting that property for £500 per month. In effect, he was claiming housing and council tax benefit for a property he was not living in."

End of article.


Did Nigel Farage know that Page had a criminal record when he was offered employment with UKIP?

Did the NEC know. Where they ever informed?

Why does the leadership condemn Ashley Mote for benefit fraud when they are seemingly prepared to ignore Page's conviction?

Gawain Towler: British Democracy Forum Monitor & Wannabe UKIP MEP

One of Gawain Towler's jobs in Brussels is to monitor the British Democacy Forum and make copies of anything that he feels should be brought to Nigel’s attention. What a great way to waste taxpayer’s money! Lately he has been extremely busy as Nigel is obsessed with finding out who I am. For a while he was convinced that I was Greg Lance-Watkins. Now he is not so sure ……..

I was quite amused to hear that a few disloyal UKIPPERS in Brussels are copying some of my postings and passing them round the hallowed floors of EU HQ. Much fun has been had at the expense of failed scriptwriter and EU employee David Bannerman and his now infamous Suffolk Rally. Sadly, David does not share the joke and has bitterly complained to Nigel about the damage to his ‘reputation’.

Get a life David! After all, you have an extremely well paid job in Brussels, a lovely desk, a signed photo of Graham Norton and enough paper clips to fill the Albert Hall. What more could a man from Acton want!