
Monday 30 July 2012

UKIP: Jon Ison continues his destruction in the West Midlands

A West Midlands regional membership spread sheet, showing the variations in membership numbers by month shown to the Junius team reveal that it's Solihull and Meriden Branch chairman John Ison has set a new party record in losing his association a staggering 16 members since April 2012, that’s nearly a 30% decrease in just 4 months!

Ison has resided over the collapse of the (until recently) largest branch in the West Midlands! Before he took over the branch was thriving had 100+ members, BUT is now down to a pitiful 45 members. (So a near loss of 65 members over his entire chairmanship of just over 12 months!)

In the same period all branch activity as stopped, before ISON took over the branch it had 17 candidates in place for the 2010 local elections. This year he didn’t put up a single candidate!

Proof that more and more people are distancing themselves from this vindictive and largely untrustworthy individual !

Mr Ison now appears to ruling his sinking ship with an iron fist to hold some level of position within UKIP. Aware of his own local unpopularity Ison has refused on hold an AGM for the branch fearing that a vote of no confidence will be issued and passed against him!

Constitutionally this is not allowed though how much longer will UKIP let it continue???????? Will the West Midlands RO step in a either to dissolve the branch or demand an EGM to hold the yearly elections as per party rules ?

Sunday 29 July 2012

UKIP's vote continues to drop!

Forget all the Farage spin about UKIP's vote increasing! Here's yet more proof that UKIP is NOT on the rise!

Stoke on Trent City - Springfields and Trent Vale: City Ind 370, Lab 245, Lib Dem 152, C 109, Ukip 105, Ind 36, BNP 27, Trade Unionists and Socialists Against Cuts 14, Democratic Nationalists 2. (May 2011 - Lab 537, Lib Dem 321, Community Voice 277, Ukip 206). City Ind gain from Lab. Swing 3.6% Lab to Lib Dem

UKIP vote down by 101 votes since May 2011.

Thursday 26 July 2012

Gary Cartwright on UKIP

UKIP: Lack of Joined up Thinking, or Something Else?

UKIP never showed much of a propensity for joined up thinking. I well remember: the much vaunted policy paper launches which were embarrassing, with content being so controlled (and redacted) from above, and with the suggestion of unseen hands in the background that I eventually came to agree with Roger Knapman - architect of the 2004 Euro election success - that UKIP should have remained a one issue party.

I note an article on their party website complaining that a recently announced cut in wind energy subsidies is not enough - (complaining about wind energy is the party's stock in trade). But I also note that in UKIP's aged and out of date environment and energy policy, the party calls for 50% of Britain's power to come from nuclear generation. I have no problem with that per se, in fact I contributed to that paper, but does the party not realise the extent to which nuclear energy is subsidised in the UK?

Subsidies for nuclear energy are largely disguised, a matter recently brought up with ministers by backbenchers in the Commons. For example: limitation of liabilities, underwriting of insurance costs, subsidising waste disposal, and most importantly providing institutional support for the concept of nuclear energy. Other areas of concern have been identified.

UKIP states in the article I refer to above that "The whole wind farm industry is a con and is not viable without subsidies. It is wrong that the taxpayer should be paying to keep afloat private businesses, often based abroad,..."

British energy, which operates nuclear plants, came close to bankruptcy in 2004, and was saved by, guess what, a government subsidy of £3billion. France's EDF now owns 80% of British Energy.

Do you see what I mean about lack of joined up thinking?

But as regards UKIP's position, we have to ask if it is indeed lack of joined up thinking, or is it those aforementioned unseen hands in the backgroung that are responsible for the lack of consistency, at least in this policy area? I personally suspect the latter.
To read the original: LINK

Wednesday 25 July 2012

UKIP: Lord Fudge

Having finally accepted that his chances of a peerage recede further with every knock on the door from OLAF, Nigel Farage has decided to follow the lead of Christopher Monckton and simply pretend to be a member of the House of Lords. Ladies and Gentlemen - we give you 'Whingeing Lord Fudge!'

In a press conference today Lord Fudge told twenty empty chairs "I am repositioning the party. If Huhne goes down I'll be standing in Eastleigh, and I've told the activists they have to turn up in fancy dress, pull silly faces, and pretend to be someone they're not. I told Monckton he can just come as he is though. Despite the new image, the policies will stay the same, utter crap."

The party's press officer was upbeat, pointing out that in a recent council election, the Fresh Choice for Crumbledown-on-Sea candidate, Colonel Dickie Farquarson (deceased), polled a whopping 3 votes. "That's 3 more than we would have got if we had not stood, which proves that we are now the UK's second party" he gloated.

Party members will soon receive a letter from the NEC advising them of a constitutional change knocked up in a ramshackle bar in St James which will require them in future to address the party leader as M'Luddite.

Lord Monckton, three times Olympic gold medallist and former adviser to the Aga Khan, was unavailable for comment.

Sunday 22 July 2012

UKIP: Derek Clark storms out of East Midlands Regional Committee Meeting

How we laughed when we heard about last Monday's East Midlands meeting! The new committee decided to ask Derek a few awkward questions regarding his not so illustrious career as an MEP.

Mr and Mrs Ransome

Derek was asked why he had donated so little money to the region since becoming an MEP. He was also asked why he had lied to the committee about the OLAF investigation. Mr and Mrs Ransome took this rather badly and stormed out of the meeting. They were quickly followed by Derek!

It comes as no surprise that Clark was unwilling to defend himself against the charges brought him. For how can you defend lies, greed and dishonesty?

Chris Pain is the new regional chairman for the East Midlands. He replaces the incompetent and dishonest Clark.

For more on Clark and the Ransomes: LINK and LINK and LINK

Thursday 19 July 2012

Gerard Batten: A former member of UKIP's inner circle speaks out!

We have received the following email from a former member/employee of UKIP's inner circle. They requested that we make it public. The first part features alleged remarks made by Gerard Batten.

'I am white English Anglo-Saxon and only English should be allowed to live in the UK. This is our land. All others, drunk Scots, sheep shagging Welsh and terrorists Irish should just fuck out. Foreigners should not have never been allowed in’.

‘You, scum from Balkan have imported your ethnic hatreds and blood feuds onto British soils’

‘All Nigga Nogs are homicidal baboons. Fucking Establishment has let them in to apologise for slavery. I am not apologizing to anybody for anything. Schwarzies should be dropped from planes back to Africa where they belong’.

‘All Muslims are terrorists. When you reform Christianity you get Martin Luther King. When you reform Islam you get Osama Bin Laden’.

‘Fucking Mohammed was not any prophet. He was pedophile’.

‘Quran is a mumbo-jumbo terrorist guide for suicide bombers and nothing else’.

‘Muslims have declared a war on all of us and we must fight them’.

‘All fucking Jews are part of Bilderberg conspiracy. World is run by fucking Jews. At Bilderberg they get money and training how to screw the rest of us’

‘Your husband is a fucking Jew. He got £1 million pounds when he was 18 at the Bilderberg. If you don’t admit I will just ask questions in the European Parliament until I get the answers’ (One week after first question out of 10 asked and then when Batten did not get the answers he wanted in September last year he ranted about Bilderberg).

‘Ban Kosher, Ban Beth Din, Ban Jews’

Ban Sharia law, Ban Islamic Banking, Ban Mosques’

‘All foreigners are criminals’

‘Stupid Slavs’

'Import of Slavs has led to the Balkanisation of my country’

‘Only foreigners who should be allowed into the country are those marrying white English people’.

'My constituency London is now controlled by foreign ethnic gangs’

‘My East London looks more like India, Bengal and Somalia rather than English city’.

Some of the daily rants by UKIP’s London MEP Gerard ‘Adolf’ Batten.

However there are 2 groups of people that Gerard Adolf particularly despises. Which are none of the above. One group are UKIP voters ad Gerard’s favourite ‘term of endearment’ repeated almost daily is:

‘My voters are stupid and uneducated. They don’t read newspapers and they don’t watch news. Nobody reads papers or watches news. They do what I tell them to do and they will always vote for me. I will always be a MEP’.

But Gerard particularly hates one very specific group of people. British taxpayer.

For those not familiar with UKIP MEP’s shenanigans, the name of the game for UKIP’s trusted circle led by Nigel Farage is not UK’s withdrawal from EU. They don’t have any intention of pursuing that dream. For them EU is the their best friend and source of unbelievable riches. And believe me when I say each one of them will fight to the bitter end to stay in EU, to keep their seat in the European Parliament because that is their ultimate ticket to fleece British taxpayers. Nowhere else would such assortment of incompetent nobodies be allowed to become millionaires or almost millionaires.

How do I know? I was their press officer whose job was more to keep their theft out of newspapers rather than promote any of their activities in the media. I was a part of their inner circle, I had their private phones (Nigel’s included), they consulted me daily and abused my good will towards UKIP’s stated aims.

I was the one who stopped story in News of the World (my apologies to everyone now), which was going to publish:

David Campbell Bannerman’s second home in Cambridge, also his designated office paid through EU expenses clad in marble and giant Jacuzzi.

Godfrey Bloom whose private company employees are paid by EU expenses. They work for Godfrey, make profit for Godfrey and are paid by British taxpayer through EU expenses.

Nigel Farage who pays his wife Kirsten £30 000 a year to communicate via emails for him (E-mail address: . Why? Because‘dear Leader’ Nigel doesn’t know how to type or use computers (NB for fools who follow Nigel on twitter @Nigel_Farage it is not Nigel who is tweeting but his bellowed Annabelle Fuller. Same goes for Nigel’s Facebook page).

Nigel also has full control of UKIP finances, which are used to subsidize Nigel’s constituency office. Why? Because Nigel needs all his expenses to finish in his own pocket. Nowhere else. And for those fools banging on about Isle of Man trust account – well who is going to pay for private schools fees for Nigel’s and Kirsten’s children. Nigel? Grow up.

Gerard Batten also loves his expenses. His public transparency report (attached) mentions only 4 people working for him: Lynnda Robson – part time secretary in London, Kamila Zarychta – secretary in Brussels, Fiona Wise – researcher in London (and real author of the ‘Cost of the EU’ booklet because Gerard doesn’t have a clue about figures and Math, his single O level is in Geography) and Lawrence Webb, UKIP’s Regional Organiser in London. I am not mentioned at all. Full time Press Officer. Neither is his friend (famous perpetrator of conspiracy theories which really believes – nobody laugh now – Vice President of USA Joe Biden wants to kill him and all other Russian dissidents and also President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, who in his spare time, between running huge country, also personally trains leading Al Qaeda operatives) Pavel Stroilov. Pavel’s job does not exist because Pavel is still a student who has huge problems with English language. He is there to guide Gerard on Russian affairs and split with him his EU payments. Just as Tom Wise did with Mrs Jenkins. Last but not least Gerard’s employee, certain graphic designer Harold Batten, Gerard’s own brother.

And those two brothers really know how to steal. Harold Batten is not only paid monthly by Gerard but also is paid for every piece of stationery, every leaflet, every letter, every newsletter, every piece of graphic that comes out of Gerard’s office. When I blew a whistle on Batten’s brothers after feeling sick to my stomach that they, thieving brothers Batten were charging £2500 a piece for UKIP’s ridiculous letterhead (one with £ sign in chaotic dark pink/yellow colours) and £1500 for one set of Gerard’s business cards it resulted in OLAF’s investigation.

Later on when Gerard started lying that he does not employ his brother, that Harold Batten is not a sole trader hiding behind name Roundel and that way submitting invoices on top of the pay he receives monthly, and when I started Employment Tribunal it ended in the comical exchange at the last hearing on 20 March in the East London Employment Tribunal. Gerard lied and wrote to the Tribunal every single week to complain about all posts on Junius and Greg Lance Watkins blogs, and in particular about very existence of his brother stating in his writings, which became part of the sworn witness statement ‘My brother Harold Batten is a semi-retired professional graphic designer who does not and has never owned a “printing business”. The absurd allegations that he does and it is funded by me only appears in X’s ET1 and then in Mr Lance-Watkins’s article” (statement attached). But since Gerard is not the brightest bunny himself and there are invoices with Harold’s name and Gerard himself openly admitted to Open Europe think-tank that he does employ family members, in short when Adolf Batten was confronted with written evidence, only then he admitted lying in the Tribunal and admitted that Harold Batten does extremely profitable business on the back of British taxpayer. Conservative estimates to the tune of at least £300 000.00 since Adolf was elected. Tidy little sum for jobless‘graphic designer’.

On top of it Gerard learned from Nigel that expenses are there for taking. Of course he is illegally paying Lawrence Webb as a Regional organizer for London and has been paying him £45 000.00 a year every single year since 2004, when Batten was first elected. But Batten also pockets money himself. It is a known fact that Adolf Batten only visits Brussels couple a times a year (‘I can’t stand sitting in the hotel room by myself eating chips. I rather be home and do nothing’, as Batten says). He only goes to Brussels when his lunatic band of EDL mates meet to hold their CounterJihad meetings. As he did in 2007 when CounterJihad movement was established and they held their very first Brussels conference ( held on 18 and 19 October 2007 when he took with him another UKIP racist fruitcake Magnus Nielsen and designated him a driver. Batten used even that opportunity to help himself with taxpayers money and claimed full cost of the trip to Brussels as well as cost of the driver, pocketed money himself and didn’t even tell Magnus anything. Secret which Batten tried to keep for himself for years but is now in the hands of OLAF.

Batten really does not like paying for anything himself. Every meal he has in London, without a fault he always takes somebody with him, be it those in his offices or Alan Lake, Deputy Leader of EDL (as Searchlight caught him in March 2011) to a launch in restaurant at Liverpool Street station, he submits those receipts as his expenses for constituency work. Gerard Adolf doesn’t even think he should be buying himself a car from his own money nor paying insurance to drive that car. Expenses are used for that too. At the end of last mandate in 2009 Batten bought the car (green Ford that he totaled last year when he hit biker and then set him up to be prosecuted because he is MEP) with unused expenses, which should have been returned to EU Parliament.

List of Batten’s thefts is a very long and I will stop here and will not even mention house Batten bought for his older son, again with our money. OLAF is investigating and hopefully they will do a good job and issue arrest warrant for Batten very soon.

My proceedings are now at the status where perjury has been committed by Batten himself, and two of his witnesses as well as by his lawyer Diamond. I have asked that Court issues orders and warrants for Gerard ‘Adolf’ Batten himself, his two witnesses crazy anti-abortionist Andrea Williams, CEO of proscribed racist organisations ‘CCFON – Christian Concern for Our Nation’ also known as‘Christian Legal Centre’ (which also employs Batten’s barrister), Sam Solomon, known anti-Islam preacher proscribed everywhere (co-author with Batten and Diamond of ‘A Proposed Charter of Muslim Understanding’ with Binding Code of Conduct – in short despicable illiterate ‘re-rewriting of Quran’ to suit Solomon’s, Batten’s and Diamond’s needs, paid from Batten’s EU expenses, and whose only purpose is to offend Muslims, harass them into signing allegiance to Adolf Batten and make Muslims leave UK) as well as already mentioned Paul Diamond, Batten’s barrister (operating from Paul Diamond Chambers with only PO Box in Cambridgeshire as an address) and only UK lawyer with more than 50 warnings of the most senior judges for misleading various courts and bombarding judiciary with his ‘travesties of reality’ to borrow the words of Lord Justice Munby and Mr Justice Beatson.

These Employment Tribunal proceedings could not have been openly reported before because in true UKIP fashion Batten and Diamond have at the first hearing fraudulently tricked inexperienced judge and used article 8 of the ‘Human Rights Act’ (yes, only in UKIP land can hypocrite UKIP MEP use Human Rights Act for himself and at the same time tell UKIP voters he is fighting for its scrapping) to obtain Restrictive Reporting Order (which was abused by Batten to harass everybody, from journalists with legitimate interests in Batten’s theft and racism to brave bloggers Greg Lance Watkins and Junius ). Last hearing put an end to Batten’s precious RRO and Presiding Judge stipulated that ‘it is a right and proper that publicly elected officials are subjected to the public scrutiny’. Therefore all Batten’s idiocies can be freely published now.

Batten’s sworn testimony in the Tribunal was just extension of his favourite rant ‘I am MEP, I am right, everybody else is wrong and that’s it. I have Parliamentary immunity and I am can do what I want’.

Amongst other things I asked Batten why does he have Greg Lance Watkins’ home address (see witness statement). Batten’s reply: ‘I made it my business to find his address to trick stupid Frank Maloney to send his boxers to threaten Lance-Watkins with severe beating for things he wrote about me’.

I was astonished and simply stated ‘Do you Batten realize that nobody is allowed to threaten anybody with physical violence in this country? It is a crime, plain and simple’.

Batten: ‘I am MEP and Lance Watkins is nobody. I can do what I want with him’.
(NB Court record exists should Mr Lance Watkins wish to pursue this further).

Afterwards I questioned in details Adolf Batten about the meeting he tricked me into attending in above mentioned proscribed Christian Centre on 10 February 2011, Wimpole Street London. Once there I was introduced to anti-Islam preacher (Batten’s close friend) Sam Solomon, Andrea Williams, CEO of the nutty organization, her deputy Andrew Marsh. The purpose of the gathering was to finalize policy of removal of Jews and Muslims from UK that this group was preparing for some time already. One more person joined them over the phone (Sam Solomon’s mobile) well known racist thug and leader of EDL Stephen Lennon AKA Tommy Robinson. In short whole discussion during the meeting was to develop policy (at the end they agreed to call it ‘Dismantling Multiculturalism’ policy) to ban all customs, religious requirements, buildings, schools, economic allowances, to ban religious laws and religious customs of Jews and Muslims and in that way (rather than through straight killing) eliminate those two groups (‘Fucking Jews’ and ‘sick Muslims’ as Batten referred to them) from UK. They even prepared expanded ‘Binding Code of Conduct’ for Jews and Muslims that every Jew and every Muslim would have to sign (yes, for those remembering history lessons Hitler did the same through Nuremberg laws, but even Hitler made only Jewish organisations to sign, whilst Adolf Batten wants every Jew to sign). During the meeting Batten kept handwriting notes of the meeting (I have a copy and is attached). As meeting was nearing to the end (I did not speak just listened trying to memorise everything) I was asked if I would organize big launch of this ‘wonderful policy’ in the House of Lords (Batten to organize) and invite Gert Wilders, Dutch anti-Muslim nutter to help them launch. I was also asked to brings as much press as possible to publicise it. Final item of the meeting was a plan to trick some big American Radical Christian donor to buy Batten a big house with security and provide funds so Batten can remove Farage as a party leader and Adolf Batten to become one.

As soon as the meeting finished I called Nigel, naively hoping, that he will do something about those stupid racists. All that happened was Nigel lightly reprimanded Gerard (and not before Batten was further exposed in Searchlight) and I was sacked for blowing the whistle.

Later on I handed whole file (Batten’s handwritten notes, Batten’s two emails of 10 and 11 February 2011, complete typed ‘Dismantling Multiculturalism’, Ban Burqa rewritten document and Binding Code of Conduct) to the police. Sadly Batten is still not arrested because he has two bent cops friends who are protecting him and due to his immunity.

During the hearing I had four exceptionally reputable expert witnesses: Mr Michael Whine, director of the CST (Community Security Trust – organization protecting Jewish population) and also director of the Board of the Deputies of British Jews, Mr James Brandon, Communications Director of the human rights organization Quilliam Foundation, Sheikh dr Suhaib Hassan, director of Sharia Council for UK and Ireland, and Member of the Islamic Council for Europe and Mr Massoud Shadjareh, the Chair of IHRC (Islamic Human Rights Commission), who have all jointly condemned Adolf Batten and his fascist conspirators.

During the Tribunal hearing there was oral testimony by Sam Solomon (his sworn witness statement is attached) who lied on stand that he is ‘leading expert on Islam in the Western World’ which was proven to be a lie by statements of expert witnesses: Michael Whine, James Brandon and Massoud Shadjareh, who jointly confirmed that nobody considers Solomon expert in anything, let alone Islam, with James Brandon describing Solomon as delusional, paranoid man driven by his own prejudices with no understanding of Islam. In the second part of his testimony, in collusion with Batten and Andrea Williams, Solomon continued with his lies and claimed that meeting on 10 February 2011 was meeting about ‘Rise of Anti-Semitism’. When presented with a copy of Batten’s handwritten notes from the meeting Solomon became speechless and at that point even Judge had enough of him and told him to leave.

Similar nonsense about meeting being about ‘Rise of Anti-Semitism’ was contained in Andrea Williams signed and sworn statement, leading to perjury investigation against Batten, Solomon and Williams.

Just for a good measure, Batten’s barrister Diamond just could not keep his mouth shut and complained to the Judge that his name is mentioned on ‘extremist websites’ Greg Lance Watkins blog and Junius. I used the opportunity to remind the Judge that actually Paul Diamond is known extremist and author of articles on PJ media about him, Diamond, being ‘street fighter against Islam with posh British accent’, one more speech which he also used in Nashville Tennesse at the Conference of US based anti-Muslim nutters where Diamond was raising funds for EDL leader Tommy Robinson, as well as his radio interview ranting about Islam, which are all publicly available on Internet. Then Diamond, just like his friends, also started lies he did not write article, he did not give speech (video exists), he did not give radio interview (recordings exist) earning himself also potential charge of perjury and perverting the course of justice.

As soon as any of these muppets are in the cells I will be in touch to report further.

My very best wishes,

Name redacted by the Junius Team

Saturday 14 July 2012

History Of England To Be Replaced By History Of France – Latest EEC Madness

More light relief from the wonderful world of the internet!

In an act of brazen EEC madness, The Bloody EEC has announced that all of England’s rich and interesting history is to be replaced by France’s rubbish history.

From 2013, such key events as the Battle of Hastings, the signing of the Magna Carta, Elizabeth’s Golden Age, the Glorious Revolution and the battles of Trafalgar and Waterloo will be erased from the history books and substituted with tales of ignominious defeat at the hands of an unspecified island opponent.

“This is a disgrace,” shouted UKIP’s Nigel Cabbage when The Bloody EEC rang him up about all this. “We didn’t sign up for this in 1973! I don’t want my two kids, Nigel Cabbage Jnr. and Winstonella Wellington Cabbage, to learn that we’ve consistently put our hands up the minute anyone’s waved a sword in our general direction. I blame Ted Heath for this.”

“Does that mean we never invented the lava-lamp now?” he asked, clearly frightened.

Under the new EEC proposals, tyrannically entitled Outline For A New British History, school pupils will learn that:
  • The British king, Louis XVI, was beheaded at Tyburn by the British following the British Revolution.
  • Britain was defeated at the Battle of Trafalgar by a mysterious fleet of pirates.
  • The British Empire was governed from the French Foreign Office and policed by the French Foreign Legion.
  • The Battle of Britain ended in defeat for Britain as the country was overrun by Hitler’s evil hoards. The nation was eventually freed from its enslavement four years later. By the French.
  • Britain’s favourite dinner is some foul-smelling concoction that makes your stomach turn at the sight of it.
“It’s damnable,” continued Cabbage. “Not content with farting about with our sausages, the faceless cabal of nefarious Eurocratic maniacs in Brussels – along with their French paymasters, I might add – are conspiring to wipe our country and its glorious British history off of the face of the Earth. If our great wartime leader, Charles De Gaulle, was alive today, he’d be turning in his bloody grave.”

To read the original: LINK

Wednesday 11 July 2012

UKIP/EFD/EAF links to the EDL

The European Parliament has been scandalised by an incident in which 'Tommy Robinson' of the English Defence League (EDL) has personally issued a threatening letter to a British MEP inside the parliament.

Robinson and other neo-nazis had accessed the Parliament, on Monday 9th July, to attend a conference organised by the Belgian far-right Vlaams Belang.

Under the guise of the 'International Civil Liberties Alliance', the extremists gathered to discuss their mutual fear of Islam.

The organiser, Phillip Claeys, is a board member, along with UKIP's Godfrey Bloom, of the Pan-European party, the EAF.

One of the speakers at the conference was Magdi Allam, an Italian MEP who is obsessed with Islam. Allam is a member of Nigel Farage's EFD group in the European Parliament.

As if it could not get any worse, several of the 'delegates' have been described by the press as 'mentors' of the Norwegian gunman Anders Breivik.

The EAF is one of two pan-European parties to be denied further EU funding on the grounds of far-right extremist agendas.

This latest incident clearly shows the cross-over between UKIP and the far-right. At his recent tribunal in London, UKIP MEP Gerard Batten was represented by a barrister, Paul Diamond, who appears to have a history of defending in court people accused of 'anti-Islamic' behaviour. He also represented Batten at the trial of Julian Assange, and Mrs Batten when she appeared in court charged non-payment of her TV licence.

Through Sam Soloman, Diamond has links to the EDL. Soloman was an 'expert witness' at Batten's recent hearing. The UKIP website openly admits the links between Batten and Soloman.

Tuesday 10 July 2012

UKIP: Peter Reeve and David Bannerman

Our readers will remember that Peter Reeve - a paid employee of UKIP - was more than happy to continue working for a man who betrayed the entire membership of UKIP. See: LINK

It has now emerged that Mr Bannerman has been told by a senior Tory in Brussels to stop employing Reeve as his 'assistant'. Poor Peter! All that money he's going to lose!

Senior Tory figures were shocked to discover that Reeve may have had access to sensitive Tory material - material that could benefit UKIP if it got into the wrong hands. We can confirm that Bannerman is rightly regarded with distrust by many Tories in the Eastern Region and Brussels due to the hypocrisy over his decision to leave UKIP and join a pro-EU party.

It looks like Bannerman's ambition to be lead Conservative Eastern Region candidate in 2014 has been seriously damaged by his decision to employ UKIP's answer to Matt Lucas. What a shame!

Sunday 8 July 2012

UKIP: Questions for Farage & yet more terrible election results

Steve Crowther gets desperate to please his master

Some of our readers will be aware that Farage was featured in the Telegraph. How we laughed when we saw Crowther's desperate plea to UKIPPERS following the appearance of the said feature!

Date: Fri, 06 Jul 2012 11:11:12 +0100
Subject: Comment on Nigel's article
From: Steve Crowther
To: UKIP ROs 2011 ,
UKIP Regional Chairmen 2011 ,
UKIP NEC 2012 ,
UKIP MEPs 2011
Thread-Topic: Comment on Nigel's article

Dear All


Farage challenges Cameron to a debate on Europe

Regards, Steve
Stephen Crowther, Chairman, UK Independence Party
Eastacombe House, Heanton, Barnstaple, N. Devon EX31 4DG
Phone 01271 813844 Mobile 07775 787579
We are not surprised that UKIP's corrupt leadership has to beg members to say nice things about Farage. They certainly can't expect members to do it of their own free will! And they certainly can't expect the public to praise such a corrupt individual!

Why not respond to Crowther's plea by posting the following questions at the end of the Telegraph article?

What happened to £211k which disappeared from the SE Regional Accounts between 2004-5? 

How much has Farage donated to UKIP since becoming an MEP?

How did Nigel Farage spend the £2m in expenses, which he boasted of receiving between 1999-2009?

Why he failed to keep his promise to pay the balance of his real expenses and claimed expenses to the party or into a fund for victims of the EU?

Why he sits with extremists in the EFD group?

Why he is the ONLY South East MEP not to publish his expenses?

Why did you promise not to employ your wife when first elected as an MEP? You later did!

What does she do to earn over £30,000 per annum?

Why have your always refused to provide a full audit of your MEP accounts since 1999?

What happened to 85% of all the money raised by Ashford?

Why didn't you conduct a UK based campaign against the Lisbon Treaty?

Why did you lie about kicking Tom Wise out of UKIP? He left of his accord when his membership ran out!

Why did you back Pearson's decision to campaign for Tory candidates in the last General Election?

Why did you ignore Piers Merchant's report on UKIP's corrupt MEP selection process?

Why did you secretly claim a second EU pension?

And so on. But don't expect an answer!

And yet more terrible election results!

Chesterfield Borough - St Helens: Lab 579, Lib Dem 412, Ukip 205, Green 54, C 23. (May 2011 - Two seats Lab 852, 784, Lib Dem 541, 442). Lab hold. Swing 5.9% Lab to Lib Dem.

Fylde Borough - Heyhouses: C 401, Ind 313, Lib Dem 163, Green 150, Ukip 147, Integrity UK 25. (May 2011 - Three seats C 839, 723, 681, Lib Dem 557, 488). C hold. Swing 1.0% Lib Dem to C.

Kingston-upon-Thames London Borough - Grove: Lib Dem 710, C 687, Lab 440, Green 123, Ukip 56, BNP 23, Christian People's Alliance 20. (May 2010 - Three seats Lib Dem 2527, 2391, 2037, C 1505, 1475, 1390, Green 713, Lab 618, 584, 576, Ind 272). Lib Dem hold. Swing 7.5% Lib Dem to C.

Malvern Hills District - Malvern West: Green 490, C 329, Ind 130, Lab 91, Ukip 68. (May 2011 - Two seats Green 798, 710, C 667, 556, Ukip 171). Green hold. Swing 2.6% C to Green. UKIP vote down by 103 votes since last year.

Thanet Borough - Westgate-on-Sea: Lab 482, C 377, Ind 316, Ukip 298, Lib Dem 64, Ind 22. (May 2011 - Three seats Ind 853, C 793, 751, 675, Lab 555, 528, 444, Ukip 283). Lab gain from C. Swing 8.2% C to Lab.

Tonbridge and Malling Borough - West Malling and Leybourne: C 769, Lib Dem 472, Ukip 127, Lab 123, English Democrats 57, Green 43. (May 2011 - Three seats C 1234, 1147, 1137, Lib Dem 489, 402, Lab 361, Lib Dem 350, Ukip 296). C hold. Swing 7.6% C to Lib Dem. UKIP vote down by 169 votes since last year.

And UKIP couldn't even find candidates to contest these seats!

Liverpool City - Allerton and Hunts Cross: Lab 1450, Lib Dem 564, C 240, Liberal Party 165, Green 77, Trade Unionists and Socialists Against Cuts 31 . (May 2012 - Lab 2465, Lib Dem 711, C 379, Green 237, Liberal Party 201). Lab gain from Lib Dem. Swing 4.3% Lab to Lib Dem.

Liverpool City - Riverside: Lab 1424, Green 163, Trade Unionists and Socialists Against Cuts 115, Lib Dem 81, C 70. (May 2012 - Lab 2666, Green 191, C 139, Trade Unionists and Socialists Against Cuts 109, English Democrats 103, Liberal Party 66). Lab hold. Swing 3.8% Lab to Green.

Maldon District - Tollesbury: Lab 271, C 257, Ind 75. (May 2011 - C 358, Lab 268, Green 120). Lab gain from C. Swing 7.2% C to Lab.

UKIP on the path to power? Don't make us laugh!


Thursday 5 July 2012

UKIP: Derek Clark - A Waste of Taxpayer's Money!

Derek Clark - A Waste of Taxpayer's Money!

An important vote took place today in the European Parliament's Employment Committee. An amended Regulation on laying down 'common provisions' on a number of major EU funds - Regional Development, Social Funds, the Cohesion Fund, etc - which gives more power to the European Commission in the area of what are known as 'delegated acts' went before the committee members.

The opinion on the amended regulation was passed by the Committee.

If that all sounds a bit daunting to you, it clearly was also the case for UKIP's man on this committee, Derek Clark. He failed to vote against it. To his credit, Johnny No Mates as he is known (he is never seen in the company of other MEPs) managed to stay awake throughout the proceedings. And he was somewhat hampered in his work by the fact that he had no voting list to rely on to tell him what to do.

In fact, it was clear that he had no idea at all what was going on, as is usually the case. How exactly does this get Britain out of the EU? And we wonder why UKIP is not taken seriously!

UKIP is now clearly unfit for purpose. Gerard Batten now thinks that British courts meet in secret, and he thinks that the European Parliament is the proper place to complain about the lawful arrest of a serial tax dodger. Has he forgotten that he is supposed to be campaigning against the EU, not going running to it to complain when one of his barmy chums gets nicked for an offence?

Stuart Agnoid is backing EU farming subsidies - based on the fact that he gets them himself, although he doesn't like subsidies for organic farmers because he isn't one, and so he doesn't qualify for those.

The future Tory peer Lord Farage of Bromley has edged closer and closer to the front of the parliamentary chamber so he can almost reach out and touch Barroso and Van Rompuy. Possibly this is a wise move, as it gets him further away from his own MEPs and the smell of linament.

Godfrey Bloom has decided that the best thing to do is to stay hammered, and simply don't turn up for anything.

The King of Dartmoor remains bonkers, talks to himself in the street, and hangs out with Tory MEPs.

The Martyr has isolated herself, and no longer sits as part of the UKIP delegation (although we are not supposed to know that).

What an absolute waste of taxpayer's millions these clowns have become!

Tuesday 3 July 2012

UKIP's far-right links exposed

From The Centre of European Politics:

UKIP in alliance with Marine Le Pen and the Austrian Freedom Party

UKIP has always denied any alliance with the extreme right but here we have the evidence. Godfrey Bloom MEP has set up a transnational party with the French National Front, Austrian Freedom Party, and Flemish Interest.

The European Alliance for Freedom ( received just under € 373,000 from the EU budget under the EU party statute in 2011:

The Alliance’s President is Godfrey Bloom, while other board members include MEPs from the Austrian Freedom Party and the Flemish extreme right. The French National Front has revealed that both UKIP and Marine Le Pen are members of the Alliance:

Here is a translation into English from the National Front’s press release of 27 January 2012 – note the last sentence of the second paragraph:

‘Marine Le Pen will visit Vienna this Friday 27 January at the invitation of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ) and the European Alliance for Freedom (EAF). She will meet various political figures as well as the leaders of patriotic movements in Europe. She will then proceed to the Austrian National Assembly where she will be received by one its presidents as well as by the parliamentary group of the FPÖ.

‘Marine Le Pen joined the European Alliance for Freedom last October. This pan-European platform was founded at the end of 2010 and despite its opposition to the European Union such as it is organised at present, has been recognised by the European Parliament. The members of this Alliance have come from the ranks of those movements engaged in the patriotic and sovereignty struggles of our time. They include for example the Austrian FPÖ of Heinz-Christian Strache, the British UKIP of Nigel Farage, as well as other movements coming from Sweden, Flanders, Malta and elsewhere in the future.

‘The day will conclude with Marine Le Pen attending a ball at the Hofburg Imperial Palace in Vienna at the invitation of Heinz-Christian Strache, president of the FPÖ.’

If further proof of the EAF's far right politics were needed here we have a Flemish poster from its website showing a white sheep expelling a Turkish and Moroccan sheep from Flanders:

Clearly UKIP has some explaining to do. Perhaps the BBC and British political class should apply the same cordon sanitaire to UKIP as applies to the BNP. Should a party that forms transnational alliances with Marine Le Pen and the Austrian Freedom Party not be ostracised?

To read the original: LINK

Sunday 1 July 2012

UKIP: And yet more dire election results

Harraby Carlisle

Lab 637
Con 180
Lib Dem 71
Green 31

Chelmsford North (Essex County Council)
Lib Dem 1614
Tory 941
Labour 711
UKIP 435  
Green 134

Patching Hall (Chelmsford City Council)
Lib Dem 842
Tory 488
Labour 309
UKIP 263  
Green 84