
Monday 26 May 2014

> Send In The Clowns!


The Junius team decided, for tactical reasons that we need not explain to the educated, to take a back seat during the Euro-elections. It was our intention to remain silent until it was all over, but we could not resist sharing this with the world.
It is a press release from UKIP's Irish Republican press officer, Hermann Kelly. For those of you who are unaquainted with this individual, we would simply say that he is famous amongst the Brussels press corps for his stupidity, and know more widely for his history of violence against women.
Enjoy.... We include Kelly's contact details so that you can all call him up at work and tell him what UKIP should do. We even decide not to hide his mobile number!
News item of the Euro elections is the Rise of the Eurosceptics.

EFD Group press release.

25th May 9pm. Immediate.

Eurosceptics of centre, left and right are poised to do very well in the European Elections, doubling the vote from roughly 56 to over 115 according to projections.

EFD Group spokesman, Hermann Kelly said:

“The EFD Group is very hopeful of increasing the size and number of its delegations by taking in members from Southern Europe in greater number, as opposition to the Euro project grows.

We also expect UKIP to double its number of MEPs in the European Parliament, underlining the growing resentment of the EU imposing laws upon an unwilling population.

We are confident what these elections will give voice to the increasing antipathy across the continent of Europe towards the centralist project.


The EFD Group panel of spokespeople will be at the Level 3 passarelle in the European Parliament throughout tonight.

Hermann Kelly

Europe of Freedom and Democracy Group

Director of Communications (UK Delegation).

European Parliament

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