
Wednesday 14 October 2009

Crisis in UKIP: Ralph, Gerard and Nigel too.

Ralph Atkinson - UKIP researcher and former MEP candidate- recently found himself out of a job.

Farage - who controls ALL UKIP staff appointments - made the decision not to renew Ralph’s contract.

Mr Atkinson has not been in Nigel’s good books for a VERY long time.

After the MEP selection process he was threatened with removal from the list - as was Batten - after the pair became embroiled in a row over allegations of dirty tricks during the London MEP selection process.

The row became so bad that it almost resulted in the collapse of UKIP London as both Batten and Atkinson sought to gain allies in the various branches across the city.

Farage never forgives or forgets. I would strongly advise Batten to watch his back. He has punished Ralph and Gerard's turn is next.

Farage hates Batten with a passion and often refers to him in Brussels as “that f**king BT salesman”. Nigel was even hoping that UKIP would lose in London. Such is his hatred of the man!

I am also afraid that Gerard’s decision to go for the leadership has just made matters worse.

Farage wants Pearson as his successor and has already expressed anger that Batten could split the Pearson vote and let in Sinclaire.

I am afraid Gerard is in for a rather rough ride!

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