
Monday 9 November 2009

UKIP leadership election: More on Mike Nattrass

Still thinking of voting for Mike Nattrass as leader?

His commitment to becoming UKIP leader is so great that he decided to visit his daughter in the Philippines during the first part of the campaign.

When it became clear that many members were less than impressed with this he tried to spin his way out of trouble:

Posted on behalf of Mike Nattrass

Dear Members,

I need to apologise to everyone for missing the first hustings.

My diary clashed with a prior promise to visit Manila and help my daughter and her school distribute rice and water to those homeless from the recent typhoon. Also spade purchase and distribution to move the mud. Many homes have been swept away, hardly buildings you would call a "home" but it was all they had and money is needed to rebuild.

Friday night another storm came into the city cutting power to most of Manila. This was the last thing they needed and yet another typhoon is forecasted this week.

These people have nothing except a belief in Jesus Christ. They do not complain "It could have been worse" is what they say ... it makes you cry inwardly.

Halloween is followed by "All Saints Day" and "All Souls Day" they go to the graveyards and light candles, have food and remember the dead. So all the roads to the graveyards turn into massive traffic jams! Some graveyards are flooded but this does not stop them.

In certain cemeteries they have to pay an annual fee for upkeep. If the fee is not paid the authority will just dig up the body and sell the space to someone else. Yes space to die is at a premium here and they die at an alarming rate.

On the street a poor lad who was mentally not 50% politely came to me and tried to sell me a lighter for the equivalent of 25p, so I gave him 5 pounds and said "keep the change." To you and I this would be "no big deal" but I have never seen such a reaction before, he lit up better than a lighter and jumped about as if he was a lottery winner. My daughter said he would not earn that much in a week.

Never say anything bad about the ordinary people from the Philippines. They are so poor that they can hardly afford clothes but what they do have is amazing cheerfulness, a will to live and a belief in God. It gives anyone with a soul a powerful respect for them and a respect for life.

I am a serious contender in the leadership election but I was not prepared to cancel my prior commitment and must therefore sadly miss the first few meetings.



PS I don't smoke and this has nothing to do with the EU.

Please pass the sick bag.

We at Junius strongly believe that Mike had a lot of help writing this as you can actually understand it. The lack of numerous spelling mistakes is also a first for Mike.

So a holiday with his daughter suddenly becomes a noble example of his humanity and concern for others! What a man!

So does Mike intend to become the Tony Blair of UKIP? A man who cares about every country but his own?

It is a pity that he lacks the same concern for the people of the West Midlands who are losing their jobs and their homes thanks to years of Labour misrule!

And did you remember this statement from Mike’s official website?

Initially Tom Wise MEP was cleared by the Parliament and told no OLAF investigation was necessary. Tom has not taken any money, he did however draw down from his budget to pay a contract and then paid it back into his budget when he decided not to pay it all to the contractor.

Nigel Farage correctly took a robust view, asking Tom to leave our group for the “unattached.”

It was a UKIP member who initiated the investigation of Bedford Police. The police initially said the request was of no interest but the UKIP member reported the Bedford Police to Police Complaints for favouritism on the grounds that Tom Wise was a former police officer. This motivated an enquiry which is not complete. Tom is innocent until proven guilty. I believe him to be innocent.

To see the original: LINK

We know that Mike is often slow on the uptake but this really takes the biscuit. Will someone please tell him that Tom Wise pleaded guilty?

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