
Tuesday 17 May 2011

UKIP: Disgust in Ramsey as Reeve and Duffy politicize parish council

UKIP spin doctors have made much of the fact that the party recently 'gained control' of it's first council in Ramsey, Cambs.

Forget the spin. Here are the facts.

Ramsey Town Council has the same powers as a parish council. Nothing more, nothing less. To present this a massive victory for UKIP is absurd!

Candidates were always non-political. But then along came Reeve and Duffy.

We can confirm via our contacts in Ramsey that recent events have left a very sour taste in the town with allegations of 'dirty tricks' on the part of Reeve and his munchkins.

For instance:

Reeve posted numerous election posters across the town WITHOUT getting permission from the local authorities. Complaints were made to the returning officer and they were removed. However, within a few days they had mysteriously reappeared. Reeve, of course, claimed to know nothing about this.

Reeve also distributed election literature which failed to comply with electoral law. For instance, official UKIP leaflets and letters failed to mention who had promoted or printed the literature.

They are allegations that UKIP's election expenditure far exceeded the amount allowed by law.

The Lib Dems did not contest the election and the Tories failed to distribute election literature or even conduct a basic campaign. UKIP was given a easy ride.

Three of UKIP's councillors don't even live in Ramsey.

Reeve at the very first council meeting had the UKIP councillors appoint Lisa Duffy, his girlfriend, mayor. He also instructed them to appoint Ian Curtis, his friend, deputy mayor.

He then told the non-UKIP councillors - he used the words 'you lot' - to sit on the other side of the table as 'his councillors' did not wish to sit with them. This arrogant, combative stance has angered many in the town.

Reeve is also claiming credit for planning a Micro Business Centre in the town, In fact, this idea was first put forward by the 'Ramsey Intiative'. See: LINK

Reeve and Duffy are VERY ambitious people. They ultimate goal is sit alongside Farage in Brussels. Reeve also thinks that one day he will become UKIP's first elected MP. He has even promised to marry Duffy in Westminster once elected as a Cambridgeshire MP. She's got a long wait!

They are using the people of Ramsey for their own sordid ends. Greed is the sole thing that motivates this dishonest pair!

Delusions of grandeur has always formed a large part of the psyche of this unsavoury duo! Let's just hope that the Town's officials are good at damage limitation!

We have been amused by the amount of UKIP supporters on Twitter, Facebook and the blogs who seem to think that winning a majority (in crude fashion) on a non-political council is a cause for celebration.

And don't forget that Reeve is still under investigation by OLAF for alleged fraud! The OLAF case number is OF/2010/0282. See: LINK

Here is the video where Stuart Agnew - UKIP MEP - admits to illegally paying Reeve! It can be heard roughly 3 minutes 27 seconds into the video.

And for more on Duffy: LINK

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