
Tuesday, 29 September 2009

The Irish Referendum: Friday is D Day for the Irish people

The Irish people have until Friday before they can reject the Lisbon Treaty and thereby protect what's left of their independence.

For more information on this crucial vote see: LINK


  1. Hi,

    Sorry just a flying visit - I'm kinda busy on:
    with only 2 days to go.

    You may find the info at:
    of some help in understanding the goings on on the ground and the efforts of Nigel Farage on behalf of the EFD, promoting a NO Vote, where Farage has been doing what he has always been good at.

    Such a shame his sychophants in the anti UKIP section of the party opted for destruction of EUkip for their own grubby gain!

    Greg L-W.

  2. Keep up the good work!

    The Irish vote on Friday should be interesting!

  3. Hi,

    45mins. to close of the polls!

    Although the yes vote is crowing at a win they may yet be deluding themselves as they live within the Dublin Bubble where the majority of those living off bribes from the EU are gathered lick ticks on the scrotum of an old Eland Bull.

    As with Britain the Westminster bubble is largely out of touch with much of the Country or the 'beltway' in Washington.

    Dublin is to Ireland as Paris is to France ie disconnected in aspiration and experience!

    The coastal and rural areas of Ireland seem to be strongly NO but it is they who work, produce and actually EARN their living and as RTE leans out of its window for comment it will clearly hear Dublin first and formost.

    Let us hope but you can follow much of the Irish debate on:
    or for some speculation on the outcome being yes you may find:
    article #G188* - of interest

    Time will tell but there is one fillipe in a yes vote - that being that that may give rise to the emergence of Tiny Blur as President which as we know will help our cause as he all but knackered Britain, he left politicians in utter disrepute, he has failed spectacularly in Palestine also being replaced by Mitchell without his consent (effecively dumped by Obama) he has made no impact with his 'Faith Institute', his posturing on Global Warming is held in derision - who better to destroy The EU!

    Greg L-W.
