
Thursday, 5 November 2009

Tom Wise trial: He pleads guilty

On Tuesday Jeffrey Titford was called to the stand.

Rather laughably he continued to promote the story that UKIP had acted decisively against Mr Wise after they became aware of the allegations.

So would Mr Titford care to explain why Tom Wise was allowed to remain a member of UKIP until he decided to resign in March of this year?

And please don’t insult our intelligence by claiming that ‘we withdrew the whip’.

Did all those years on the EU Gravy Train teach you nothing about how the EU works?

Would Mr Titford care to explain why just weeks before the Euro elections Mr Wise was asked by UKIP HQ to make a donation to UKIP’s campaign funds?

Would he care to explain why Mike Nattrass made the following comment at an NEC meeting?

'What the **** do you think we should do - if he goes down we all will. How the hell do you think we get our money'.

And would Mr Titford care to explain why UKIP’s leadership did nothing after he himself was reported to OLAF for allegedly misusing EU funds? Double standards?

The case number for Mr Titford is OLAF OF/2008/0764/Titford.

On Wednesday Alan Knowles, Peter Reeve and Nigel Farage were to be called as witnesses. None were called to the stand.

No witnesses were called today as various legal points were discussed by the defence and prosecution.

It the light of new evidence Tom Wise has decided to plead guilty. He may face a jail sentence. Lindsay Jenkins has had the case against her dropped.

Also see: LINK

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    It does seem monumentally unfair that having angled and wangled in abuse of his position to get elected (much as Jeffrey Titford tried to orchestrate a coronation of Gollom and the utterly corrupt selection process to choose MEPs this time).

    Tom Wise has been on the fiddle as I have known from the start - due to the utter failure of leadership and corrupt efforts of the liars and cheats in EUkip's leadership and NEC they did NOTHING to remove him and thus Tom Wise continued to draw a salary he would never have come close to in real life.

    Further - although proven a liar, a cheat, a bully and a thief Tom Wise - due to EUkip keeping him on and colluding in his criminality even telling lies to cover for him - Wise goes on to an overly generous pension whether in or out of prison!

    This is NOT like MP Allowances - this was a carefully organised theft by deception.

    I am glad the case did not procede against Lindsey Jenkins as I believe she was stupid but although she made the fraud possible I do not believe she was stealing the money for herself!

    Greg L-W.
