I am the first to admit that Nigel Farage has done one good deed since he became our beloved leader - he sacked Mark Croucher as a UKIP Press Officer and Editor of Independence.
Numerous complaints had been made to Nigel about Mark Croucher's total inability to keep to deadlines, answer emails and letters or even set his alarm clock. Even Nigel, it seems, could not tolerate Mark crawling into the office at 11.00, bleary eyed and somewhat the worse for wear after a night out on the town. The final straw came when Mark stopped turning up altogether. Nigel phoned him up only to be told that he would much rather work from home! Nigel’s response was to give Mark the order of the boot.
As you can imagine Mark was furious and demanded severance pay. He pointed out to Nigel that he was in possession of a rather embarrassing conversation recorded on his mobile. This conversation had apparently been recorded by Mark without the knowledge of the ‘lady’ concerned.
Oil was quickly poured on troubled waters and now Nigel and Mark are the best of friends. They are now so close that Mark even posts comments on The British Democracy Forum on behalf of our computer illiterate leader. In a further gesture of friendship he even allows Clive Page, UKIP Press Officer and convicted benefit fraudster, to stay at his pub when he is working in London. What a guy!
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