
Monday 31 January 2011

UKIP: Nigel Farage and Libertarianism

Nigel's staff pose for Derek Bennett's latest UKIP publicity photo. Annabelle Fuller is second from right.

UKIP claims to be a Libertarian Party. However, it appears that the Guru of UKIP, Nigel Farage, is struggling with the definition of Libertarianism. And so he has asked for help. Did he seek the advice of his party? No. He has sought the advice of his peer group - those who pay his inflated salary. Farage has sought the advice of the Eurocrats. The advice of UKIP members is of no interest to Farage, as he charts his course as a professional Europhile.

This is the e-mail he sent out to the Eurocrats, offering them money for their opinions.

The Definition of Libertarianism Prize

Sponsor: Nigel Farage, co-president of the EFD Group and leader of UKIP

Prize money: €50 cash (tax free)

The Challenge

Write a definition - in a maximum of 100 words of what you consider 'Libertarianism' to be.

The language must be English.

It must be in grammatically coherent sentences.

It must be mostly or entirely a positive definition. That is, it must not be a statement of what libertarianism is not, or is against.

Negatives may be used, in a subordinate capacity, to exclude or make precise .
It should not contain unexplained neologisms or acronyms.

It should not refer to extant political parties.


Entrants must be willing to appear at an appropriate Mises Circle meeting to claim the prize in person.

Entries must be emailed to

The closing date for entries is midnight 13 February 2011, Belgian time.

The entry must be in the name of one individual, who will take all the credit for the definition and be the sole recipient of the prize.

There is only one prize.

The judge of the best definition shall be Nigel Farage only.

The definition must be an original composition of the author, using substantially original phraseology.

Michael Jose, and close members of his family, are barred from entry to the competition.

Canvassing will disqualify.

The winning definition will be be placed in the public domain.

Saturday 29 January 2011

UKIP: John Bufton

We would like to wish John Bufton a speedy recovery after suffering a recent stroke.

Certain UKIPPERS in Wales are keen to find out if he will be forced to retire as an MEP. His number two on the Welsh MEP list is particularly EAGER to see him stand down.

Mr Bufton has been less than impressive as an MEP. You may recall how he was recently caught out by the Daily Mail and Channel Four. It concerned a little scam that he had been involved in ever since becoming a UKIP MEP. John had been turning up to the EU Parliament every Friday morning to collect his £260 daily allowance.

No crime in that but you would expect him to stay for the day rather than quickly scuttling out of the building as soon as he has signed in!

Mr Bufton defence was rather lame to say the least!

"That's our system".

Bufton is less than happy with membership of Farage's EFD group but sadly lacks the guts to follow Nikki and Mike's example. We can confirm that Farage was rather 'helpful' when it came to that Channel Four programme. That Bufton was targeted came as no surprise to us or Nigel. You p*ss off Farage and face the consequences!

Mr Bufton also upset many Welsh UKIPPERS by being rather tight when it came to donating part of his salary to the party.

It later emerged that Bufton had donated just £900 to UKIP Wales during his first year as an MEP. This was despite a promise to donate large sums to the party.

The monthly pre-tax salary of all MEPs within the new statute from July 2009 is €7,665, which is the equivalent of an annual salary of €91,980.

And let us not forget that Mr Bufton gets an attendance allowance of €298 every time he signs into the Parliament.

A quick check of the records will reveal that from July to December 2009 he has claimed this allowance 55 times.

As we said, UKIP activists in Wales were less than happy to discover just how little Bufton has donated to the party. Especially when they remembered how they were expected to empty their branch accounts in order to finance his election campaign.

For more on Bufton: LINK & LINK

And we recommend this site: LINK. The latest article on there is rather interesting!

Friday 28 January 2011

UKIP: Even more Farage hypocrisy

Farage's shame is growing. As well as hiding behind nanny's skirts and leading for parliamentary immunity, it has now emerged that he was not alone in facing the European Parliament's legal affairs committee. Another transgressor was also pleading for immunity, and stood in front of his peers before Farage. Who was it? It was none other than French fascist Bruno Gollnisch, of Front Nationale.

Imagine how disgusting this spectacle was. The holocaust denier and racist Gollnisch, and the spineless Farage, co-president of the far-right EFD group, both pleading for immunity. Neither of them man enough to account for their own words and deeds.

UKIP is right about one thing - the European Parliament is home to some pretty disgusting specimens.

Thursday 27 January 2011

UKIP: More hypocrisy as Farage pleads to eurocrats for immunity!

This must rank as the most supreme act of hypocrisy in political history.

Nigel Farage's UKIP has always been opposed to the concept of EU parliamentary immunity. This has been partly due to the refusal to recognise the legitimacy of the European Parliament, and partly because, in the words of the great leader, "A politician should stand up and account for what he says and does". UKIP MEPs have never voted to defend the immunity of any MEP who is in trouble, even if it is one of their own.

But now things appear to have changed.

Yesterday, the European Parliament's legal affairs committee met in camera, to hear a "request for defence of the parliamentary immunity of Nigel Farage."

Farage is trying to overturn the decision of President Jerzy Buzek to fine him for his comments to Herman von Rompuy. He turned up in person to plead his case, much to the amusement of committee members and staff.

Actually, it does not take Rumpole of the Bailey to realise that Buzek did in fact act outside his remit in imposing the fine. Farage, however, is not fighting him face to face, he is hiding behind his nanny's skirt, and pleading for the protection of a parliament he claims he does not recognise. How pathetic this sad and ineffectual little parasite has become. He is opposed to immunity for anybody else, but when it comes to his own skin, he runs for help, pleading to the eurocrats he claims to despise, and begs for his own skin.

Lack of moral fibre, it is called.

Tuesday 25 January 2011

UKIP: Derek Clark fails to show

Some serious issues were discussed today in Brussels relating to pension rights and employment within the single market. The EU seeks further control and harmonisation in these matters, and it is important that UKIP MEPs are present to at least attempt to block any initiative that threatens our national well-being. Debate took place in the vital employment committee, which sadly means that UKIP were not able to represent British interests, as its member on that committee is Derek Clark.

Clark is not particularly bright, and not at all politically astute.

Decisions, Derek, are taken by the people who turn up. You did not. So stop complaining about the EU meddling in our affairs, when you, who was elected to fight for British interests as a UKIP MEP do not even bother to turn up for work.

Derek Clark fails UKIP by allowing the East Midlands region to fall into disrepair. He fails the electorate by doing the job he is paid a salary to do.

British interests suffered today in the employment committee. What is your excuse, Derek, for failing to turn up and do the job you are paid for? Perhaps it is simply that you do not understand what is going on?

Derek Clark should resign his seat and give it to somebody who turns up for work.

Monday 24 January 2011

UKIP: More hypocrisy from Farage and Nuttall over the English Democrats and the BNP

A statement from Farage on the English Democrats:

Some weeks ago I received a message from the South East Chairman of the English Democrats, Steven Uncles. He requested a meeting with me to discuss electoral cooperation.

At the time I was dubious and delayed answering. However, with their acceptance of Richard Barnbrook, originally elected to the GLA for the BNP, I am adamant that at no point now or in the future must the UK Independence Party be linked with the English Democrats.

With this move, the party have put themselves beyond the pale. As a non racist, non sectarian party UKIP at all levels must have nothing to do with them.

We urge all English Democrats who feel as we do about this to join UKIP now.

End of quote.

What utter hypocrisy! This is the man who happily sits with fascists, racists, holocaust deniers and anti-Semites in his EFD group! Or did Farage think that no one would notice?

Any member of the English Democrats who is tempted to join UKIP should think again. Both Nikki Sinclaire and Mike Nattrass left the EFD due to the overt racism and homophobia of certain colleagues.

Here are some of the people that Farage and his fellow UKIP MEPs are MORE THAN HAPPY to sit with in the EFD:

Popular Orthodox Rally (LAOS)

Controversial Greek politician and leader of LAOS, Georgios Karatzaferis, was a member and vice-president of the Ind Dem group, forerunner of the EFD, in the European Parliament (2004-2007). He appears to retain not only party, but also personal links to his former colleagues. In May 2010, a delegation of EFD members and staff visited Athens, where they met with Karatzaferis and others. (24)

In 2000, Karatzaferis claimed that the Protocols of Zion were being put into effect and that "the Pope and the Jews are conspiring against Greece". (25)

Also in 2000,
"The New World Order means that we are a puppet at the hands of the Jews... The Global government has taken place in Europe. The common currency too! They are dancing it to their tune. Do you know what kind of money the Jews are profiteering with these ups and downs? We are being led to the fulfillment of targets set 200 years ago." (ibid)

In 2001, the rhetoric became more menacing: "The Jews have no right to provoke, because they have filled the world with crimes". "The Jews have no legitimacy to speak in Greece and provoke the political world. Their impudence is crass". He also challenged the Israeli ambassador to come and debate "the Holocaust, the Auschwitz and Dachau myth". Karatzaferis finished by asking "Mister Jew ambassador" to "be a bit careful" and warning "the Jews" that if Greek Jews continue their "insolent behaviour" (as in their response to Karatzaferis's earlier claims that "the Jews" were responsible for 9/11) they were "not going to have a pleasant time." (26) The US State Department, in its Annual Report on Religious Freedoms in 2005, singled out LAOS, and its leader (and then MEP) Giorgos Karatzaferis, for promoting
“radical nationalism, anti-Semitism, racism, and xenophobia”.

LAOS has two representatives in the EFD group, Niki Tzaveli (vice-chair of the group), and Nikolaos Salavrakos, a former legal adviser to LAOS. In fact, for the purposes of representation in the European Parliament, the party is styled Laikos Orthodoxos Synagermos - G. Karatzaferis.

Adonis Georgiadis, a LAOS Member of the Greek Parliament, has attracted criticism for his literary activities. A writer and publisher, he has been accused of promoting a book, Jews: the whole truth, by Konstantinos Plevris, himself a former LAOS member, which describes Jews as "subhuman" (p.582). Plevris is critical of the Nazi regime for
"not ridding Europe of Jewish Zionism", and states that Jews should be "rounded-up and executed within 24 hours" (p.742). Plevris, who describes himself in his book as a "Nazi" (p.600) also claims that former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan is a "descendant of cannibals".

25.,id=76848240,84927984,19454128,98978672,11563824 26.

Mario Borghezio

Borghezio has multiple convictions for racially motivated violence, including an attack on a 12 year old child in 1991. In April 2000, during a regional election campaign, Lega Nord members chanted Borghezio's controversial "Prayer of the Gypsy", with its reference to the gassing of "nomads". He has also been filmed more recently explaining to a group of young fascists the need to infiltrate "mainstream" political organisations.

Borghezio has been linked with the neo-Nazi terrorist group "New Order". However, in a recent interview with Italian journalist Claudio Sabelli Fioretti, Borghezio admitted to his involvement with the Belgian Nazi Jean Thiriart, the founder of Young Europe, a group that espoused a united Europe "from Vladivostok to Dublin", organised in accordance with National Socialist principles.

"Lo stavo in un movimento rivale di Ordine Nuovo. Si chiamava Giovane Europa. Il leader era Jean Thiriart" he stated. This translates as: "I was in a rival movement of New Order. It was called Young Europe. The leader was Jean Thiriart".

Thiriart, a Belgian Nazi, was imprisoned after WW2 for his wartime activities, which included hunting down and killing resistance workers in occupied Europe. Thiriart trained under SS Lt Col Otto "Scarface" Skorzeny, and maintained strong links with him after his release from prison.

In fact, Skorzeny has been revealed to have had partial control over Young Europe at the time when Borghezio was a member.

Skorzeny was involved initially in Operation Werwolf, the Nazi resistance movement, and then subsequently in neo-Nazi terrorist groups across Europe. Evidence has emerged showing that Young Europe operated a number of paramilitary training camps, and that it was on the instructions of Skorzeny in the 1960s that these camps were closed down.

Associates of Thiriart were involved in an attempted Nazi coup in Belgium in 1973, and papers obtained this summer from Belgian police have helped researchers to prove ongoing links between a number of activists.

Given Borghezio's open support for fascism, and his record of racially motivated violence - his last arrest was as recently as 2007 - it is no wonder that he has started to attract the interests of prominent anti-fascists across the EU.

Slovak National Party

The Slovak National Party – members of UKIP’s EFD Group – reacted rather badly to their massive defeat in the recent Slovakian national elections. Sadly for them, they will no-longer be able to prop up Smer - their coalition partner – in government. It is interesting to note that Smer is an offshoot of the old communist party.

Jan Slota – leader of the SNS – had this to say about their defeat:

"Homosexuals and Hungarians will begin to rule in this state, so thank you very much.”

Mr Slota has described Slovak’s Hungarian minority as a
"a tumour on the body of the Slovak nation".

He also famously said that
"in 1248 a Frankish bishop was amazed after visiting the Carpathian basin that God could have given such a beautiful country to such ugly people. He was referring to the old Hungarians, who were Mongoloid types with crooked legs and even more disgusting horses. Somehow these people have vanished. Who civilized them? Probably us, the Slovaks".

Mr Slota has gone on record as saying that the best way to treat gypsies is with a “long whip in a small yard”. He even once threatened to
“sit in our tanks and destroy Budapest".

What a charming man!

Slota has called the fascist leader Jozef Tiso "one of the greatest sons of the Slovak nation". On February 17, 2000, 40 of the 41 city council members in Žilina, where Slota is mayor, voted to dedicate a plaque honouring Tiso.

Tiso was a friend and ally of Adolf Hitler. Hitler even went as far to praise Tiso’s anti-Jewish policies during a meeting with the Slovak leader in April, 1942.

So will Farage disown Slota for his comments. Will he condemn the SNS for their racism and bigotry? Fat chance! Being in control of a group and a larger budget means more to Farage than silly little things like principles, decency and integrity.

True Finns

Timo Soini, leader of the Finnish Perussuomalaiset (True Finns) Party, and rather oddly a keen supporter of Millwall F.C, should add a little spice to Farage's group.

He wants to restrict entry to Finland for foreigners, and calls for legislation to force those already there to integrate. Describing itself as "populist", the True Finns has its roots in agrarian politics, is anti-capitalist, believing that entrepreneurship hampers bureaucracy. The party attracts a great deal of support from those who would have previously voted for the SDP or the Left Alliance. Its mix of "back to the soil" agrarianism, populism, and militaristic nationalism has led many observers to categorise the party as National Socialist. Indeed, in keeping with Nazi tradition, Soini was a corporal in the army.

In April 2009, all the leaders of Finland's political parties signed a declaration condemning racism. Only Soini refused to sign. The party also believes homosexuality to be an "aberration". Finnish celebrity Teuvo Loman complained to police about a Facebook site, called "Lets beat Teuvo Straight", set up by a True Finns candidate for Urjala municipal council elections. The site allegedly promoted violence against Loman.

In December 2006, True Finn councillor Jussi Halla-aho caused a controversy when he published the following comments as part of a discussion about immigrants and rape: “The number of rapes will increase in any case. Therefore, as more and more women will undoubtedly get raped, I sincerely hope that at least the right women, the green-leftist reformers and their voters, will find themselves in the clutches of the rapists, who randomly select their victims. Rather them than anyone else. With people like that nothing else works, except when their own multiculturalist views turn against them.” Halla-aho, who describes asylum seekers as "parasites" , has been charged with hate crimes.

Another interesting True Finn politician, is the former wrestler and parliamentarian Tony "the Viking" Halme. In 2004, he received a four-month suspended prison sentence and was ordered to pay fines totalling 80 income-linked "day-fines" - amounting to EUR 4,480 - for criminal offences that were uncovered in connection with a drunken firearms violation episode in the summer of 2003.

Other charges brought against Halme included behaviour likely to cause danger, smuggling, possession of imported goods knowing them to be illegal, and drug use. The latter is ironic, as he has called for drug offenders to be sent to Russian prisons, where they can be dealt with in a more cost effective manner. The day after he was elected to parliament he caused a stir by attacking President Tarja Halonen as a "Lesbian". (Halonen had been a champion for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans-Gender rights in her country). In 2006 Halme was convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol. In that same year he was involuntarily committed to a mental hospital.

The True Finns will sit well with the populist Lega Nord, the Italian party expelled from the Independence & Democracy Group by Farage following allegations of racist behaviour. That party is partly defined by its homophobia.

More on the Lega Nord

Giancarlo Gentilini, Lega Nord's deputy mayor of Treviso called in 2007 for the "ethnic cleansing" of homosexuals." I will immediately give orders to my forces so that they can carry out an ethnic cleansing of faggots," he told a local television station. "The faggots must go to other cities where they are welcome. Here in Treviso there is no chance for faggots or the like."

In the same year he taunted Pecoraro Scanio, Italy's Minister of the Environment and an open bisexual, by saying: "In Gorgo, a woman was raped with a chisel in the back and in the front. I say to Pecoraro Scanio that I want the same thing happens to his mother and his sister."

Pro-Federalist Lega Nord – the party's constitution says that the party will end its political activity when federalism is obtained - are no strangers to racially motivated violence: indeed, MEP Mario Borghezio was fined in 1993 for beating a 12 year old Moroccan child. In 2005, whilst sitting as an MEP, he was found guilty of setting fire to the belongings of immigrants under a railway bridge in Turin, during a vigilante raid. In September 2007 he was arrested by Belgian police for his part in an anti-Islamic demonstration.

The former leader of Lega Nord, Umberto Bossi, an MEP in the last parliament, was convicted of incitement to violence in 1998. He received a one-year suspended prison sentence. He had previously received a conviction for taking a 200 million bribe. In 2003 he described Africans as "Bingo-Bongos", and suggested that the Italian navy should open fire on boats carrying refugees.

Notorious holocaust denier Father Floriano Abrahamowicz is considered to be the "unofficial Chaplain" of Lega Nord. He told an Italian newspaper: "I know the gas chambers existed... but I don't know if anyone was killed in them. I know that, in addition to the official version, there is another version..." He has also been a vocal supporter of Erich Priebke, the German SS officer convicted of war crimes for a 1944 massacre in Rome, extradited to Italy from Argentina and currently living under house arrest.

The Lega has its own militant faction, the so-called Green shirts.

Morten Messerschmidt: Heil Hitler, & some embarrassing songs.

The Danish People's Party (DPP), rejected by the British Conservatives, has been condemned by the Paris based European Jewish Congress for its approach to the question of immigration. It has also been accused of Islamophobia.

Morten Messerchmidt is one of the DPP's new MEPs. In 2002 he was sentenced to prison for racially motivated offences. In April 2007 he was reported to have been drunk in a restaurant in Copenhagen, and was seen "Heiling Hitler". Messerchmidt subsequently admitted singing Nazi songs at the restaurant. The incident caused him to temporarily resign from his position in the government.

Messerchmidt is a former assistant to Mogens Camre MEP, himself reported to the police for possible violations of anti-racism legislation in 2007.

And Farage has the nerve to condemn the BNP and the English Democrats!

And what about the odious Nuttall? He refused to share a platform with the BNP’s candidate in Oldham. He even refused to take part in a debate with him in a recent edition of the Sunday Politics Show. And yet Nuttall is quite happy to sit with fascists in EFD! Another first class hypocrite!

And do you remember a blurred photo, taken in the summer of 1997, showing Nigel chatting to two men? One was Tony "the bomber" Lecomber, the other was Mark Deavin, head of research for the BNP. It can be seen above.

When the photo was sent anonymously to UKIP, Farage claimed bafflement. While admitting that "I briefly met Mr Deavin at his request on June 17 1997, and had lunch with him in a restaurant," he insisted that "I have no recollection of ever meeting or speaking to Mr Lecomber in my life... I can only surmise that Mr Lecomber was planted outside the restaurant or that the photograph has been doctored." A month after the lunch, by an odd coincidence, Deavin wrote an article in Spearhead which discussed the possibility of closer relations between the BNP and UKIP.

Deavlin had briefly infiltrated UKIP but was expelled by Alan Sked in May 1997 after his true affiliations were discovered.

It is an interesting fact that Farage met Deavin AFTER the BNP man's expulsion from UKIP. At the time of the photo Farage was also having serious problems with Alan Sked. The relationship between the two had deteriorated to such an extant that Sked had even briefly managed to expel Farage from UKIP!

At the time of the photo Farage was considering his political future and his options.

It seems that every time this incident is mentioned Nigel gives a different version of what exactly happened. At the last count he was on version number 5. How about giving us version number 6?

Sunday 23 January 2011

UKIP candidate in court

UKIP can certainly pick 'em!

UKIP candidate denies false election claim

A FORMER UK Independence Party candidate has appeared in court charged with standing for election while disqualified from doing so.

Paul Clarke, 28, pleaded not guilty to one count of making false statements regarding disqualification from being an electoral candidate at Guildford Crown Court on Wednesday (January 12).

The charge relate to his standing in the Reigate & Banstead borough council elections in May 2010, in which he came fourth out of five candidates, receiving 236 votes in Merstham ward.

Mr Clarke, of Portland Drive, Merstham, has been released on unconditional bail with a trial date set for March 30.

To see the original: LINK

Saturday 22 January 2011

UKIP: So when is Marta Andreasen going to call for a full audit of UKIP's accounts?

Marta Andreasen – UKIP’s very own pro-EU MEP – has been demanding that EU officials allow an independent audit of the EU’s books. LINK

"It was now the time to get a real external and independent auditor to audit the books of the EU and tell the taxpayers where the money is spent.”

"We should not give any more money to the Commission until these people accept an external auditor…engaged and paid for by the member states.”

For more on Marta: LINK

Most laudable. So can we now expect Marta to call for a FULL INDEPENDENT AUDIT of UKIP’s finances, including those of UKIP's MEPs?

Don’t forget that in July 1999, Meridian TV’s Phil Hornby put a question to Nigel Farage, and received in response an unequivocal answer. An answer that has now come back to haunt him.

Hornby: "Is there something, Nigel Farage, a touch hypocritical about you flying out on these free flights and enjoying the restaurants and so on of the parliament here, and enjoyng the gravy train, so-called, life of an MEP? How do you square that circle?"

Farage: "You will remember that right through (the 1999 Euro campaign) that we said we are not going on the gravy train; that we are the only people who are intending, annually, to publish so that the public can inspect them, our expense accounts, our allowance accounts, and the excess that we get - the excess that we are forced to take - particularly on travelling allowances, we are going to be putting into a trust fund and that money will be used to help victims of the European Union in our country, so I do reject the allegation that we’re on the gravy train and there’s certainly no chance of the three of us going native."

He lied. Eleven years on and still no trust fund or a full audit of the accounts.

And don’t forget that a unanimous resolution passed at the NEC meeting of 17 November 1999 stated: "The NEC re-affirms its control over MEPs expenses and allowances, in accordance with the pledge signed prior to the Euro-election. Substantial allowances are being deposited within MEPs accounts which must come under NEC control for the benefit of the Party. Messrs Stone King, Solicitors, have been approached with a view to setting up the 'Trust Fund' promised to the electorate. The NEC wishes to take matters forward to counteract negative statements in the Press but is reluctant to incur legal expenditure without a guarantee of compliance by the MEPs".

Minutes of the meeting were circulated to branch chairmen and candidates on 24 November 1999 with a covering letter that included: "Enclosed is a copy of the agreement signed by all Euro election candidates prior to June 10th. This is a matter of a serious nature which must be resolved. The Party is not receiving the benefit in the way that was promised to Party members and to the public who voted for us".

The trust fund was quietly forgotten.

And what about the £211,000 that ‘vanished’ from UKIP's South East’s accounts?

And what about Farage’s failure to account for 85% of the money raised through the Ashford call centre?

And what about Farage’s failure to account the €6,000 a year travel budget for each UKIP MEP or the £2 million that he claimed in expenses as an MEP?

There is little point in Marta attacking EU bureaucrats for failing to be open and honest about the EU's finances when her own party is just as lacking in transparency. Some would call that hypocrisy of the highest order.

Wednesday 19 January 2011

More hypocrisy from Farage as residents slam councillor for defecting to UKIP

Three little hypocrites: The odious Paul Nuttall, Alf Doran and Spiv Farage

The hypocrisy of UKIP's leadership is simply staggering!

Remember when a councillor left UKIP to join an Independent Alliance? See: LINK

UKIP was none too pleased and demanded that the councillor - Martyn Aitken - reimburse them for their election expenses. They also demanded that he stand down and seek re-election as an Independent.

Dave Pascoe, press officer for North East Ukip, said at the time:

"If he has acted out of principle, then he should stand down so we can have a by-election to give people the opportunity to see if they endorse his change of allegiances from Ukip".

So what about those councillors who have defected to UKIP? We don't recall UKIP's leadership EVER demanding that they stand down and face re-election so voters can endorse their change of allegiance!

Take Alf Doron for instance. He recently left the Tories to join UKIP. Farage and Nuttall have been falling over themselves to welcome him. No mention of Alf standing down so that the people can 'endorse his change of allegiances'.

The Junius Team has NEVER been impressed with councillors who change sides. They should ALWAYS resign and give the electorate a chance to endorse their decision to cross the floor.

And we are not the only ones who feel this way:

From the Champion:

Shocked residents in Formby have warned Councillor Alf Doran he will come to regret his decision to defect his position as a Conservative Councillor to join UKIP.

Last week the Champion reported the Harington ward councillor, and former mayor of Sefton, had announced he had left the Conservative party and signed his allegiance to UKIP, but promised the change would not effect the way he served the community.

However the move has proved to be unpopular amongst Harington ward residents.

Andrew Edwards, from Formby believes Cllr Doran has made a mistake in changing parties. He said: “The Councillor will come to regret his decision.”

And Coucillor Barry Griffiths who lives in Formby told the Champion he had been inundated with complaints from residents who think Cllr Doran should put himself up for re-election as a UKIP candidate.

However, Nick Coulson, also of Formby said: “I do feel that the electorate is asked to vote for an individual not a party.”

But he agreed with the other residents who have called for Cllr Doran to stand as a UKIP candidate.

He added: “Clearly that individual’s party affiliations are an important factor in the electorates decision at the ballot box. I always feel that if an individual wishes to change that affiliation he should volunteer to stand again.

John Lee, from the Southport Party spoke to the Champion about his concerns, he said: ”I despair upon hearing the news of Alf Doran defecting to UKIP. No councillor should have the right to move parties after being elected.“

Some residents have voiced their support for Cllr Doran's decision. Phillip Clulee, a Hightown resident who spent most of his life living in Harington Road Formby said: ”I applaud this tremendously. Like him, I am worried about European influence on this country we should be able to stand up and leave Europe."

To see the original: LINK

Sunday 16 January 2011

UKIP: Stuart Wheeler

From UKIP’s website:

UKIP Leader Nigel Farage was delighted at the appointment.

"I am absolutely thrilled that Stuart Wheeler has become UKIP's Treasurer," he said.

End of quote.

No wonder Farage is ‘delighted’. He hopes to hoodwink Wheeler into financing yet another Euro bid for our Nigel. He just loves being on that EU Gravy Train!

We note with amusement an interesting comment from Mr Wheeler:

'I should be allowed to investigate any issues regarding its (UKIP’s) finances'.

A rather odd remark to say the least! You would have thought that this would be an absolutely normal function of any party treasurer!

But this is UKIP! A proper Treasurer would need to investigate the finances of not only UKIP MEPs but also those of the EFD group. We very much doubt that Farage would like that!

Remember Marta Andreasen brief term as UKIP Treasurer? Her reign soon ended in tears! See: LINK

UKIP statement, 8 October 2007:

Mr Farage said he was "delighted" that Mrs Andreasen had taken up the position. "I hope her appointment will restore faith in the financial security and propriety of the party, which due to recent circumstances has not been as good as it could have been," he said.

End of quote.

This is what Barbara Booker (posting as Barboo on the British Democracy Forum) had to say:

If Nigel Farage's hope then had been realised, there would not now be any need to brush aside the current treasurer in order to bring in another outsider. Stuart Wheeler's comment on the crucial nature of the party's financial management would have been superfluous.

As it is, the impression has been created that a wealthy donor has so little faith in UKIP's financial management that he insists on controlling the party purse strings before untying his own again. It is, after all, more usual to join a party first as an ordinary member before being promoted to a position of responsibility. Not come straight in as treasurer when there is no vacancy for that position.

End of quote. To see the original: LINK

And remember John de Roeck? He wanted to know what had happened to the money raised by the Ashford Call Centre:

From: John de Roeck
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2003 08:52:35 +0000

Dear NEC members,


I am advised that the South East Regional Committee has resolved to disassociate itself from the Ashford Telesales operation at it's committee meeting of Friday, 17th October 2003. This has important consequences under the Political Parties Elections and Referendum Act 2000(PPERA).

I have previously been led to understand along with other NEC members, by Nigel Farage and John Moran, that the Ashford telesales operation was being run under the auspices of the South East Region. We were told this at various NEC meetings. I further understood that the reporting under PPERA would be through the South East regional committee. I need to address the issue of the South East regional committee divesting themselves of the telesales operation and advise the NEC what now must be done to achieve compliance with the PPERA.

I have received a copy of the following correspondence from the Treasurer, Doug Denny, of the South East Region. "It must be stressed, however, that the Ashford office has been set-up by Nigel and others without any discussion, consultation, approval or acceptance in any official capacity by the SE Region committee to date. It is, to date, in limbo. It is not as yet included in any official SE Regional business." This shows that there has been a lack of communication with the South East committee.

The South East Regional Committee has decided to no longer take responsibility for the Ashford telesales operation.

As a consequence I have no option but to carry out my duties as National Treasurer under PPERA, and immediately take on direct responsibility for reporting activities and ensuring compliance of PPERA, of the Ashford telesales operation through Central Office.

If the SE Regional Committee wishes to change its decision it should advise me by the latest by 31st October 2003.

I have discussed this issue with the Electoral Commission who confirm that this is a necessary course of action in the circumstances. I wish to further advise that as Party Treasurer I am personally liable for reporting by the Party to the Electoral Commission and may incur civil and criminal penalties, as well as with the Party, if I do not follow proper procedures and reporting practices.

The effect of reporting through Central Office is that donation reports, campaign expenditure reporting, accounting reporting, and general compliance with PPERA will now be undertaken directly through Central Office and not through the South East region. Other than reporting and compliance issues, the running of the Ashford Office should remain the same.

Two further issues of profit sharing and reporting need clarification now that we know that the operation is no longer part of the South East region as follows:

1. Although no written plan of budget of the Ashford operation was produced to the NEC the NEC was told that Alan Bown would underwrite losses for the first three months. We were also told by Nigel Farage that he would underwrite losses personally. We must establish a clear understanding and agreement for any profits and losses and ownership of the Ashford operation. We need to know if profits are generated from the scheme who exactly will receive the benefit and by the same token if there are losses who will be responsible. We must also agree the profit sharing formulae if the operation is to continue to use national data gathered in the UKIP name rather than just South East data. We must consider if Central Office should be burdened with liabilities of the Ashford telesales department unless it is also receiving the profits. If John Moran and Nigel Farage continue to take responsibility for the operation and remain the signatories to the bank account for Ashford telesales, it is important that the Party receives a written agreement from them, in which they agree to indemnify the Party from any losses, consequential losses or other liabilities incurred by the Ashford operation, or give a similar written undertaking acceptable to the NEC. A detail to consider is whether the operation should be converted into a limited company.

2. Accounts from the Ashford telesales operation should also be prepared for the NEC in future on a monthly basis so that we can establish the effectiveness of the operation. As the operation is using data collected nationally from UKIP, we have a duty on the NEC to receive reports and in turn report to membership. This is in addition to the Party Treasurer responsibility of reporting to the Electoral Commission. In the September NEC meeting Nigel Farage agreed to supply accounts although none as yet have been produced.

Kind regards,
John de Roeck
Party Treasurer
cc Members of the NEC
cc Members of the South East Regional Committee

As you can imagine Farage was less than impressed with John. A stormy NEC meeting resulted in Farage making this threat:

"For as little as £ 1,000, I could have him killed and his body disposed of."

John de Roeck later resigned.

We can confirm that many UKIPPERS are unhappy with the speedy appointment of Wheeler. As expected, the NEC rubber stamped his appointment after Farage made it quite clear to his sheep that he wanted the multimillionaire to replace Mark Wadsworth.

But will Mr Wheeler miss illegal donations to the party or advise the NEC the mislead the Electoral Commission like Andrew Smith did? We hope not! See: LINK

Wheeler is a political clown. What can you say about a man who actually thought that being a member of the Tories while donating money to UKIP would not upset certain senior Conservative politicians?

And let us not forget that he has already gone on record as saying he may continue to vote Conservative!

So what do UKIPPERS think about that?

From the Kent News:

Tycoon Wheeler may still vote Tory even after becoming Ukip treasurer

Gambling tycoon Stuart Wheeler says he may still vote Conservative despite becoming the new treasurer of the UK Independence Party.

The millionaire businessman, who lives at Chilham Castle, near Canterbury, was expelled by the Tories in 2009 for giving £100,000 to their Euro-sceptic opponents, who he now hopes to raise even more money for Ukip in an official capacity.

However, Mr Wheeler said he would only vote Conservative in future local and general elections if there were no Ukip candidates standing in his constituency.

His current political stance is far removed from his position of 11 years ago when he handed over £5 million to the William Hague-led Tories – the largest ever donation to a political party.

"I’ve always been very strongly opposed to our relationship with the EU," said Mr Wheeler. "And over the last year I’ve gradually come to realise that the EU is unreformable, and also the Conservative Party is going to do precious little about it.

"The right thing for the country to do is to leave Europe, and that is the main aim of Ukip. If you think like me then there’s no other party you can join, unless you’re a racist and want to sign up to the BNP.

"I’m now going to be very much a supporter and member of Ukip, and as long as Ukip candidates are standing in my area then I will vote for them.

"If they’re not then I’m more inclined to vote Conservative than anyone else, but I’m still unhappy with the party and its stance on the EU in particular."

Mr Wheeler made his first donation to Ukip in March, 2009, just months after Marta Andreasen – the controversial former chief accountant of the European Commission – was unveiled as the party’s new treasurer. However, she quit Ukip later that year, claiming she disagreed with how it was being managed at chairmanship level.

Mr Wheeler had also previously told KoS he did not want to join Ukip because there were "some internal rumblings there that I would not want to get involved in".

When asked about those comments this week, Mr Wheeler said he had put his previous concerns about the party behind him.

"As far as my job is concerned it doesn’t really matter what decisions were made in the past," he said. "People still say this, that and the other to me about the party, but part of the basis of my appointment was that I should be allowed to investigate any issues that may arise regarding its finances.

"The party is clear that everything should be more out in the open in future."

Mr Wheeler, who made his fortune as the founder of the IG Index spread-betting firm, launched his own party – Trust – and unsuccessfully ran for Parliament in Bexhill and Battle at the last general election.

He told KoS he would have discussions with the party’s supporters between now and March 1, when he officially joins Ukip, about what will happen to the organisation.

In the meantime Mr Wheeler is looking forward to teaming up with Ukip leader and fellow Kent resident Nigel Farage, who was born in Bromley but now lives in Westerham, near Sevenoaks.

"I get on extremely well with Nigel, as I do with executive chairman Steve Crowther, who will effectively run the party while Nigel is in Europe," he said.

"I’ve been very impressed with what I’ve seen so far."

To see the original: LINK

Saturday 15 January 2011

UKIP try to spin Nuttall’s defeat as a victory!

From UKIP’s official website:

UKIP MEP Paul Nuttall earned a deposit-saving 6% in the Oldham East & Saddleworth by-election. The result was announced early this morning.

With a Tory fall of 14%, – leaving them with just under 14% – UKIP's popular Euro MP won an increase of 2% on the previous vote.

The seat was held by Labour, returning a new MP in Debbie Abrahams, while the BNP were left crushed with a drop of 1.5% in their vote, finishing with 4.5%

End of statement

So let’s compare Nuttall’s ‘victory' with the previous UKIP vote in Oldham:

2010 result

Phil Woolas Labour 14,186 31.9 -10.7
Elwyn Watkins Liberal Democrat 14,083 31.6 -0.5
Kashif Ali Conservative 11,773 26.4 +8.7
Alwyn Stott British National Party 2,546 5.7 +0.6
David Bentley UK Independence Party 1,720 3.9 +1.8
Gulzar Nazir Christian Party 212 0.5 +0.5

2011 result

Labour: 14,718 (42.1%)
Lib Dems: 11,160 (31.9%)
Conservatives: 4,481 (12.8%)
UKIP: 2,029 (5.8%)
BNP: 1,560 (4.5%)
Green Party: 530 (1.5%)
Monster Raving Loony Party: 145 (0.4%)
English Democrats: 144 (0.4%)
Pirate Party: 96 (0.2%)
Bus Pass Elvis Party: 67 (0.1%)

So UKIP got a whopping 309 more votes than they did in 2010! A 2% increase. Fantastic news!

And this was after Farage, Pearson and Stuart Wheeler making high profile visits to the area.

And this was after years of Tory and Labour misrule with record levels of crime, mass unemployment, millions in debt, a corrupt and discredited old party system and apathy and discontent everywhere. Labour and the other two pro-EU parties smash the small parties yet again.

And this was also after a major TV programme on how the EU has destroyed British fishing AND a 24 page spread in a national newspaper calling on Britain to leave the EU!

Let us not forget that Nuttall told the BBC he would ‘definitely’ get at least 10% of the vote! How embarrassing for him!

But can you blame the voters of Oldham for rejecting yet another style over substance politician? Would you want a man who dresses like a dodgy spiv and delivers speeches in the style of Mussolini representing you in Westminster?

And what idiot in UKIP thought that allowing a scouser to fight a seat in Manchester would be a great idea? Haven’t they heard of the hostility that many people from Manchester feel for the people of Liverpool? That crass decision probably halved the possible UKIP vote in a stroke, if not more.

And when will UKIP learn that simply parachuting a 'celebrity' or an MEP into a constituency doesn't impress voters? What about some effort building up local constituencies before EVEN considering fighting a seat?

And we really love that bit in the UKIP statement about the BNP being ‘crushed’ with 4.5% of the vote while UKIP are ‘popular’ with 6%!

That spin would make even Joseph Goebbels proud!

The odious Nuttall can now scuttle back to Brussels where he can continue to enjoy the good life at the British taxpayers’ expense.

Also see: LINK

Wednesday 12 January 2011

UKIP: More fascist friends and EFD colleagues of Paul Nuttall

Nuttall, in a recent speech (LINK) to the party faithful, said that it was essential for them to beat the BNP.

Here is a very amusing comment on Nuttall's video masterpiece. Taken from the British Democracy Forum:

Again, the only aim of the election is to beat the BNP, I thought they were a finished party with no members and huge internal rows. Not much of an aim is it. UKIP know it too, so you have to ask yourselves what are they trying to achieve which such rhetoric? As we saw in the EU elections when Paul campaigned solely using the B-N-P as his only campaign with no mention of policies, it didn't work as Nick Griffin became an MEP.

Nigel's been very quiet on the whole grooming issue, well it's nothing to do with the EU I suppose so just like all the other issues closer to home than the EU that the establishment ignore, we can ignore it too. Quite clearly UKIP just don't have the nerve to tackle the real issues affecting Oldhamers, in that sense Paul would make a perfect MP, as useless as the rest of them in there. As Lord Pearson has said that UKIP will disband when the Conservatives take us out of the EU, I'm sure Paul would be very welcome in the coalition.

I see there are problems with the lighting in your 'top of the range' office. Did Mr. Wheeler come specially to Oldham to put a few quid in the meter, didn't realise things were that bad.

Paul's hand gestures made me want to turn the volume down for some reason, then I realised on doing so how much that video needs a Nuremberg Rally soundtrack.

As Godfrey once said Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer. Doesn't quite sound the same in scouse though.

To see the original: LINK

But the odious Nuttall's hatred of that BNP certainly can't be anything to do with their political views because UKIP's very own Benito is happy to sit with extremists in Farage's EFD group!

Here is another example:

Popular Orthodox Rally (LAOS)

Controversial Greek politician and leader of LAOS, Georgios Karatzaferis, was a member and vice-president of the Ind Dem group, forerunner of the EFD, in the European Parliament (2004-2007). He appears to retain not only party, but also personal links to his former colleagues. In May 2010, a delegation of EFD members and staff visited Athens, where they met with Karatzaferis and others. (24)

In 2000, Karatzaferis claimed that the Protocols of Zion were being put into effect and that "the Pope and the Jews are conspiring against Greece". (25)

Also in 2000, "The New World Order means that we are a puppet at the hands of the Jews... The Global government has taken place in Europe. The common currency too! They are dancing it to their tune. Do you know what kind of money the Jews are profiteering with these ups and downs? We are being led to the fulfillment of targets set 200 years ago." (ibid)

In 2001, the rhetoric became more menacing: "The Jews have no right to provoke, because they have filled the world with crimes". "The Jews have no legitimacy to speak in Greece and provoke the political world. Their impudence is crass". He also challenged the Israeli ambassador to come and debate "the Holocaust, the Auschwitz and Dachau myth". Karatzaferis finished by asking "Mister Jew ambassador" to "be a bit careful" and warning "the Jews" that if Greek Jews continue their "insolent behaviour" (as in their response to Karatzaferis's earlier claims that "the Jews" were responsible for 9/11) they were "not going to have a pleasant time." (26) The US State Department, in its Annual Report on Religious Freedoms in 2005, singled out LAOS, and its leader (and then MEP) Giorgos Karatzaferis, for promoting “radical nationalism, anti-Semitism, racism, and xenophobia”.

LAOS has two representatives in the EFD group, Niki Tzaveli (vice-chair of the group), and Nikolaos Salavrakos, a former legal adviser to LAOS. In fact, for the purposes of representation in the European Parliament, the party is styled Laikos Orthodoxos Synagermos - G. Karatzaferis.

Adonis Georgiadis, a LAOS Member of the Greek Parliament, has attracted criticism for his literary activities. A writer and publisher, he has been accused of promoting a book, Jews: the whole truth, by Konstantinos Plevris, himself a former LAOS member, which describes Jews as "subhuman" (p.582). Plevris is critical of the Nazi regime for "not ridding Europe of Jewish Zionism", and states that Jews should be "rounded-up and executed within 24 hours" (p.742). Plevris, who describes himself in his book as a "Nazi" (p.600) also claims that former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan is a "descendant of cannibals".


Tuesday 11 January 2011

UKIP: Paul Nuttall is NOT a fit person to represent the people Of Oldham

Paul Nuttall: Friend and colleague of fascists in the EFD

A few Nuttall facts:

UKIP’s wannabe Mussolini has upset many members due to his arrogance, willingness to lie and, above all, his bullying nature. Several UKIP branch chairman in the NW have resigned because of this. See: LINK

He has one of the worst attendance records of any UKIP MEP. See: LINK

He claims to hate the EU but is more than happy to use his MEP salary to fund a lavish lifestyle at the taxpayers expense. See: LINK

He has declined to provide a FULL audit of his MEP accounts.

He forced PPCs with criminal convictions onto branches. See: LINK

He listed phantom branches on UKIP’s official website to give the impression that UKIP NW is a thriving region. See: LINK

Nuttall and McManus sought to remove Gregg Beaman as UKIP’s lead MEP candidate by fabricating lies about him. See: LINK

He supported Farage’s attempts to give him dictatorial powers to remove so-called dissidents from the party. See: LINK

He supports the suppression of free speech in UKIP. He tried to close down the UKIP Members Forum because UKIPPERS were raising concerns about corruption in the party. See: LINK

He supported the removal of democratically elected members - Dr Eric Edmond and Dr David Abbott - from UKIP’s NEC. Their only crime was to raise concerns about corruption in UKIP. See: LINK

He kicked Del Young out of UKIP after claiming that Mr Young was a member of UK First. He wasn't. See: LINK

He was first appointed UKIP national chairman in total disregard of the membership who were not even consulted about his appointment.

He colluded in the rigging of UKIP's MEP selection process. Piers Merchant - UKIP's Returning Officer - gave him a copy of his report on the MEP selection process. In this report it was clearly stated that the process had been corrupted. Nuttall ignored it.

He wilfully ignored the Data Protection Act by refusing to comply with John West's data request. He was finally forced to comply with the Act after the ICO found in Mr West's favour. See: LINK

In Brussels and Strasbourg he is happy to sit with EFD fascists and racists and yet he has the nerve to attack the BNP! See: LINK

Here are some examples:

True Finns.

Timo Soini MEP is the leader of the Finnish Perussuomalaiset (True Finns) Party, and sits in the EFD group. Soini wants to restrict entry to Finland for foreigners, and has called for legislation to force those already in the country to integrate.

Describing itself as "populist", the True Finns has its roots in agrarian politics, and is anti-capitalist. Its mix of "back to the soil" agrarianism, populism, and militaristic nationalism has led some observers to categorise the party as National Socialist.

In April 2009, all the leaders of Finland's political parties signed a declaration which condemned racism. Only Soini refused to sign. The party also believes homosexuality to be an "aberration". Finnish celebrity Teuvo Loman complained to police about a Facebook site, called "Lets beat Teuvo Straight", set up by a True Finnsmcandidate for Urjala municipal council elections. The site allegedly promoted violence against Loman.

In December 2006, True Finn councillor Jussi Halla-aho caused a controversy when he published the following comments as part of a discussion about immigrants and rape: “The number of rapes will increase in any case. Therefore, as more and more women will undoubtedly get raped, I sincerely hope that at least the right women, the green-leftist reformers and their voters, will find themselves in the clutches of the rapists, who randomly select their victims. Rather them than anyone else. With people like that nothing else works, except when their own multiculturalist views turn against them.” Halla-aho, who describes asylum seekers as "parasites", has been charged with hate crimes.

Dutch Reformed Political Party

Bastiaan Belder MEP represents the Reformed Party in the EFD group. The party is Calvinist, and traditionally opposed female suffrage, only allowing women to join the party as recently as 2006.

The party was founded by Gerrit Hendrik Kersten in 1918. During the Second World War, Kersten cooperated with the Nazis, denouncing resistance against them claiming that they had been sent by God. He also refused to sign a 1941 protest of the convent of Dutch churches against the persecution of Jews during the war. After the war, he was banned from the Dutch parliament.

And let us not forget the odious Nuttall supports kangaroo courts and witch-hunts conducted against all those members who dare to question Farage’s leadership. He fully approved the decision to ban Nikki Sinclaire from standing as a UKIP PPC in the General Election. And her crime? She didn't want to sit with fascists in the EFD Group. See: LINK

Monday 10 January 2011

Paul Nuttall's fascist friends & Gary Cartwright on UKIP

In his 'Saddleworth News' interview, Nuttall makes no mention of UKIP's non-racist position. And for very good reason. He dare not do so, because, however much he might try to hide the fact, both he, and the other UKIP MEP's (with two notable exceptions Nattrass & Sinclaire) wilfully ally themselves with some of the most rabid anti-Semites, holocaust deniers, and racists, to be found within continental Europe!

So why is Nuttall in alliance with such people? Is it because the EU Parliament provides additional funding, for groups over a given size? Perhaps?? But the official record of, Nuttall's, albeit limited activities within the EU Parliament, would suggest that the reasons are rather more deep seated than that!

He supports their views. Why else would he happily sit with such scum? The man is truly contemptible. He has no scruples, integrity or decency. He will do anything to get the top of the greasy pole and stay there. He would readily stab his own colleagues in the back for personal gain. He truly belongs in the gutter with the rest of the Farage filth.

The people of Oldham should NEVER forget that the odious Nuttall is more than happy to sit with fascists such as..

Morten Messerschmidt & the Danish People's Party

Morten Messerschmidt (b. Nov 13, 1980, Frederikssund, Denmark), is a Danish MEP. He is a member of the Danish People's Party, and sits in the EFD group in the European Parliament.

Prior to his election to the European Parliament in 2009, he was a member of the Danish Parliament, but was enmired in controversy following a scandal in which was seen "Heiling Hitler" in a tourist bar in Tivoli, Copenhagen. He has denied the act, although admits to having sung Nazi marching songs in the bar. Several witnesses testified in court that Messerschmidt publically gave the Nazi salute. (13)

This was not Messerschmidt's first transgression. In 2002, Messerschmidt received a 14 day conditional jail sentence for violation of Danish Penal Code 266b (the "racism clause"). This related to an advert he and three fellow directors of the Danish People's Party Youth had placed in a magazine, stating that rape and violence were the result of a multi-ethnic society (14). The court said that the campaign was so brutal that the four should be punished for propaganda activities, reported DR, the Danish broadcasting corporation.

Messerschmidt has called for a racially-based pan-EU immigration policy. In an interview in 2006, he said: "Talking of what can be done in the European countries, I think we need three sets of rules of immigration. One for Europeans, who will be regulated by EU-law. One for people from the rest of the Western World, including parts of East Asia, South America, etc. And then a third set of rules for the third world, who in general do not really offer anything we can benefit from, speaking of education, labour craft and knowledge."

The leader of the Danish People's Party is Pia Kjærsgaard.

She had been a leading figure of the Danish Progress Party since the mid-1980s. In fact, she was called in as a temporary replacement for Mogens Glistrup when he was imprisoned for tax fraud in 1984.

By the time of Glistrup's release, in 1987, Kjærsgaard had created a strong platform within the party, and was reluctant to give up her strong position. Although Glistrup's position was weakened and he was actually expelled from the party in1990 Kjærsgaard had to fight against his legacy as well as against strong factions identifying with the more anarchist protest-oriented profile of the Progress Party's earlier days. In the mid-1990s, a group led by Kjærsgaard left the party and founded the Danish People's party. In their first electoral outing, in 1998, they achieved 7.2% of the vote. (15).

In 1998, she was reported as stating that "I do not want Denmark to become a multiethnic society," and "I think we already have too many foreigners in Denmark. They are different people...they don't belong here". (16).

During a debate on immigration in 1999, Prime Minister Poul Rasmussen compared the Danish People's Party's xenophobic policies to those of Nazi Germany (17).

Kjærsgaard replied that "at least his childhood home had been clean". This was construed by some observers as a reference to the fact that Rasmussen had recently admitted that his own father had been a member of the Nazi party.

In 2001, in her party's weekly newsletter, Kjærsgaard referred to Muslims as people who "...lie, cheat and deceive." She was reported to the police by the Danish Centre for Racial Discrimination, for her remarks, although no prosecution ensued (18).

In 2002, she was fined 3,000 Krone for threatening a woman with pepper spray (19).

In 2003, she lost a libel action in the Supreme Court against Karen Sunds, who had described the Danish People's Party as being racist. The court held that Sunds' description had been accurate (20).

In 2006, a Danish newspaper revealed that undercover journalists posing as members of the neo-Nazi Dansk Front had been given the okay to join the Danish People's Party, so long as they kept their far-right views private, by half of a party district committee (21).

In December 2009, Kjærsgaard called for councils to force toddlers from "vulnerable families" into crèches on pain of losing benefits, before they grow up into "gang members". She was referring mostly to immigrant families, she subsequently explained (22).

14. Guardian, Feb 26, 2010
15. Western European Politics, May 1, 2004
16. Sydney Morning Herald, March 7, 1998
17. Sunday Times, Dec 12, 1999
18. Copenhagen post, Jan 19, 2001
19. Copenhagen Post, March 3, 2003
20. Copenhagen Post, June 20, 2003
21., June 30, 2009
22. The Economist (US edition), Jan 30, 2010

Gary Cartwright on UKIP

UKIP Policy - You Couldn't Make It Up!

The UKIP policy making process was always a bit different. Although I was one of those who called for a widening of the policy base from the moment I joined the party, I eventually came to agree with Roger Knapman who argued for a narrower and more focussed set of policies concentrating on withdrawal. Britain does need a new party, but UKIP clearly ain't it!

I was very surprised, however, to read that UKIP is now coming out in favour of farming subsidies, a la the Common Agricultural Policy. Opposition to the CAP is one thing that traditionally unites all eurosceptics - and quite a lot of europhiles as well. Maybe UKIP has become so obsessively contrarian that it has even turned against conventional euroscepticism now, who knows?

I recall a transport policy paper which called for the electrification of a line that had, in fact, been closed for many years. There was also a local government paper that was quite probably the most politically illiterate thing I have ever seen.

The biggest question that observers will be asking, however, is not whether UKIP has done an about-turn on farming subsidies, but whether the party is, as it appears to be, out of control.

To see the original: LINK

Sunday 9 January 2011

UKIP: The hypocrisy of the odious Paul Nuttall

The odious Paul Nuttall – friend and colleague of fascists and UKIP’s wannabe Mussolini – has once again been exposed as the second biggest hypocrite in UKIP.

Nuttall, in a recent speech in the EU Parliament, mocked EU bureaucrats by suggesting that a green fund – funded in part by the British taxpayer - would be used by corrupt third world dictators to buy expensive cars.

But has UKIP's very own Benito forgotten how he was more than happy to use his EU wages – funded by the British taxpayer – to buy an expensive gas guzzling Land Rover Discovery?

Don’t condemn others for something that you are more than happy to do yourself! Your lavish MEP lifestyle is funded by the British taxpayer. And why would you want to give that up by leaving the EU Gravy Train? Turkeys NEVER vote for Christmas!

Here is our original coverage of the story:

The odious Paul Benito Nuttall is certainly making good use of British taxpayers money!

From The Liverpool Daily Post:

Picture the scene. I'm driving Islington yesterday and notice in front of me a big Land Rover Discovery.

It's all black with tinted windows. Then I notice the number plate EU06 0UT.

At the next set of lights I pull up and there is none other than UKIP MEP Paul Nuttall in the driving seat.

So while Liberal Democrat Colin Eldridge wears his parliamentary ambition on his sleeves, Mr Nuttall displays his politics on his plate.

Depressed said:

What a great use of his MEP salary. How reassuring to know he is our voice in Europe - not. A compelling argument if ever there was one against a PR voting system.


To see the original: LINK

And how is Aurelie 'Morlock' Laloux. Are you still bonking her behind your partner’s back?

Thursday 6 January 2011

UKIP: The odious Paul Nuttall

Out of all 735 MEPs in the EU Parliament, the odius Paul Nuttall's attendance record ranks at only 725th

Paul Nuttall last submitted a written question to the EU Commission on 28 September 2010

[Note: Nuttall has only submitted 7 such questions since becoming an MEP - lazy or what?]

The odious Paul Nuttall has made 22 x 1minute speeches since becoming an MEP, though the topics chosen have not always been down to any original thinking on the part of Nuttall. If memory serves correctly he has even spoken on topics previously highlighted by other MEP's as if they were his own discovery - lazy or what?!

Nuttall has only put his name to one 'Motion for a Resolution' whilst being an MEP:

And the topic that aroused Nuttall sufficiently to put his name to it? An issue pertaining to NW England perhaps?

No, on September 2010, in company with:

Niki Tzavela (Greek far right - LAOS)
Jaroslav Paška (Slavakian - ultra nationalist Slovak National Party)
Fiorello Provera (Italian far right - Lega Nord)
Nikolaos Salavrakos (Greek far right - LAOS)
Mario Borghezio (Italian far right - Lega Nord)
Oreste Rossi (Italian far right - Lega Nord)
Mara Bizzotto (Italian far right - Lega Nord)

Paul Nuttall put his name to a motion to 'wind up the debate on statements by the Council and Commission pursuant to Rule 110(2) of the Rules of Procedure on the situation of the Roma people in Europe - on behalf of the EFD Group'

Make no mistake about it, this was a motion created by extremist European politicians with a proven track record on harassing ethnic minorities such as the 'Roma'. Yet Paul Nuttall gave his support to this motion!

And this man dares to pretend that he is a fit person to represent Oldham as its MP! He even has the gall to support the claim by his Party Leader, Nigel Farage, that he's a representative of a liberal, non racist political party that is a preferable alternative to the BNP! It's not! At least, not whilst the likes of Paul Nuttall continue to hold senior positions within that Party!

As ever, actions speak louder than words!


Monday 3 January 2011

UKIP: More on Hermann Kelly

You may recall that Hermann Kelly is the Irish republican sympathiser who works as the EFD's Press Officer. See: LINK & LINK & LINK

He has a reputation for violence. He once even attacked a women during a TV debate. Such are the scum that Farage surrounds himself with.

UKIPPERS should demand that Farage and UKIP sever all links with Kelly immediately. Or is Farage content to employ republican sympathisers who are happy to attack women?

From the Derry Journal:

Derry author in live TV dust-up

A TV debate involving a Derry-born journalist and the author of a controversial book on clerical abuse ended in chaos this week with both sides jostling and trading angry insults.

Kathy O'Beirne, the author of a book purporting to be an account of a clerical abuse survivor, appeared on live television with Hermann Kelly, who claims the book is a fraud.

'Kathy's Story' claims to be an horrific account of an Irishwoman rape and beaten at the hands of the clergy in an infamous Magdalene home.

Her family have always insisted the story is a lie, as have the religious orders involved -- but sales of the book have flourished, reaching almost 350,000 sales globally.

Now the "misery memoir" hit is being itself challenged in a new book by Mr Kelly, who claims 'Kathy's Story' is nothing more than a literary fraud.

Kelly says his book demolishes the central claims of O'Beirne's account. He also covers what he calls a "culture of false allegations" made against the Irish clergy.

Both authors came face to face this week on TV3's 'Ireland AM' to debate the controversy but it soon descended into a bickering match with each accusing the other of deception.

Ms O'Beirne's book has been the subject of fierce debate about the veracity of its central claim that she was abused -- or that she was ever resident in a so-called Magdalene laundry.

Earlier this week, members of Ms O'Beirne's family delivered a letter to Taoiseach Bertie Ahern's office demanding new laws to deter people making "false" allegations of abuse.

Ms O'Beirne was joined on the show by ghost-writer Michael Sheridan, who accused Mr Kelly of writing a book which he said was "lies, hearsay , and innuendo."

Mr Kelly repeated his belief that O'Beirne's book was largely fictitious and said: "I have documentary evidence ... and I have top-grade witnesses".

The show ended in acrimony as Ms O'Beirne and Mr Kelly both stood up to retrieve notes from a table in front of them.

'Ireland AM' presenter Sinead Desmond told Ms O'Beirne to sit down as Mr Kelly tried to stop the author taking a number of documents from the table.

As co-presenter Mark Cagney shouted "stop now, wooah, wooah," Mrs O'Beirne jostled with Mr Kelly and shouted: "Don't you dare hit me, how dare you, he's taking my stuff, Mick".

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