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Members & staff of UKIP past & present. Committed to reforming the party by exposing the corruption and dishonesty that lies at its heart, in the hope of making it fit for purpose. Only by removing Nigel Farage and his sycophants on the NEC can we save UKIP from electoral oblivion. SEE: http://juniusonukip.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/a-statement-re-junius.html

Tuesday 13 December 2011

UKIP: Another leadership cock-up

UKIP election poster

The words brewery, couldn't, organise and p*ss up spring to mind.

Dear UKIP Member

London Assembly List ballot

It has been brought to our attention that there are some flaws in the balloting process currently underway to gauge Members' preferences regarding the London Assembly candidate list.

The NEC has decided that we need to take remedial action, so:

•  We will be immediately re-running the ballot of London Members, with added security on the ballot papers. This will happen as soon as the new ballot papers can be printed (next week).

•  We will be re-editing the candidates' 150-word declarations, to ensure that no significant content or meaning is lost.

•  We will be adding a reply-paid envelope to improve turnout, and will ensure that members have sufficient time to vote; though it would be appreciated if members would return their ballot papers quickly, to account for the delays in Christmas post.

In every other respect, the process will be as previously described. The results of the members' ballot will be provided to the NEC who will approve and publish the final list.

I apologise for the shortcomings of the first ballot. In our haste to get the London List resolved, and with the sudden arrival of the Feltham & Heston by-election, we have not performed as well as we should.


Steve Crowther

Executive Party Chairman

1 comment:

Greg_L-W. said...


quite clearly UKIP are so staggeringly unprofessional as to be undeniably unfit for purpose - they make even The LibLabCon look competent!

Could it be that UKIP are completely indifferent to the electoral process both within their pretence of a political party and in domestic politics only being concerned with keeping the tiny clique in leadership funded by the profligate EU with its unaccountable hand outs and bribes.

It does look that way with much effort made to keep the clique in their seats and a squabbling, untrustworthy and utterly unprofessional claque of parasites gathered around for the not inconsequential crumbs!

This would at least explain why out of some 19,500 electable positions in governance in these United Kingdoms UKIP has never topped 30 positions by being elected in 20 years and over 1/3rd of those are without any relevance as they are performing (literally!) for the bribes handed out by The EU.

Clearly with such unprofessionalism and consistent utter incompetence UKIP are unfit for purpose representing ANYONE let alone the majority in the UK who wish to leave The EU.

Little wonder UKIP rarely get more tyhan 3 or 4% in real elections.
