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Members & staff of UKIP past & present. Committed to reforming the party by exposing the corruption and dishonesty that lies at its heart, in the hope of making it fit for purpose. Only by removing Nigel Farage and his sycophants on the NEC can we save UKIP from electoral oblivion. SEE: http://juniusonukip.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/a-statement-re-junius.html

Monday, 5 December 2011

UKIP: Gerard Batten reported to Metropolitan Police

Gerard Batten is far from having a happy time at the moment! Our readers will recall that a former member of his staff has taken the MEP to an industrial tribunal following allegations of racism. LINK

It has since emerged that Batten is now the subject of a police investigation - 6567497/11 - after serious allegations were made to officers about the London MEP. Batten is accused of making racist and anti-Islamic comments in the presence of staff members.

Gerard Batten is also the subject of an OLAF investigation - OF/2011/10/17. This involves allegations that he misused EU allowances. LINK

Could it get any worse than this? It appears so! Gerard has also been reported to the Electoral Commission after concerns were raised about his recent election expenses!

We understand that certain details regarding Mick 'Wolfman' McGough are of some interest to some of the  organisations mentioned above. McGough has been signing off Batten's accounts.

Batten intends to stand again as UKIP's London MEP. We would urge all UKIPPERS in the London region to reject him. We need a person of vision and drive in London. We need a person who will put Country before Self. We need a person untainted by allegations of corruption, dishonesty and nepotism. That is why we can't support Gerard Batten in his bid to seek a third term in office. LINK

Also see: LINK


Blogger said...

Why don't you quote the 'racist comment' that is supposed to have been made?

The public are well aware of the most innocuous comments being labelled 'offensive' for any number of reasons.

Why not quote the comment and let your readers judge it for themselves?

Greg_L-W. said...


PP you have only a short time to wait as I gather Batten will apear before the courts on 22-Dec-2011 and no doubt the full transcript will be available.

Consistently overmany uyears I have noted Batten has displayed something of a lack of ethics all too willing to misrepresent people and to act to feather his own nest at the expense of others. Again and again I have noted instances where he has devoted much time and resource to his own obsessions yet I have NEVER noted any honourable efforts to acquit his duty in his representation of the wishes of his electorate to leave The EU.

I have heard numerous anecdotes of his anti Islamic stance and his very clear contempt for those of other views, races and superstitions to his own.

Batten's behaviour seems to be all about getting re-elected and very little to do with leaving The EU he panders to the lowest common denominator for personal gain and does little for our country but seemingly much for himself with his ignorant style and alien obsessed prejudices.

See Batten's CV and ask just who he may represent as it sure isn't Britain as he has no experience, qualification or aparent ability beyond a very pedestrian career over many years!
