Godfrey Bloom seems unable to tell the truth from lies these days.
His latest declaration of expenses - which is supposed to demonstrate transparency and honest - is not quite as honest as one might expect from a taxpayer funded figure.
We all know about how he subsidised his company's wage bill by putting staff on EU contracts -LINK - but what is this about not employing family members?
Victoria Skowronek, who still works for Godders, is the old boy's niece!
Godfrey Bloom MEP Yorkshire & North Lincolnshire
January -June 2010
1. Parliamentary Assistance Allowance
This allowance is for payment to Employees, Self Employed Service Providers and Accredited Assistants who support the work of the MEP. Any part of this allowance not used remains in the EU budget.
Contracts for all are lodged for approval with the Parliament and held by them. The Parliament makes the payment for employees to the Paying Agent, who deduct income tax and national insurance before making the net payment to the employee. Self employed service providers have to provide invoices for approval firstly by the Paying Agent and then the Parliament, who makes the payment directly to them. Any staff based in Brussels are known as accredited assistants and are paid direct by the Parliament. At no time in any of these cases does any money go into the MEPs bank account.
Positition. Full or Part Time.Where Based
MEP's Personal Assistant, Full Time, UK
MEP's Secretary, Full Time, UK
MEP's Website Designer, Part Time, UK
MEP's Constituency Organiser, Part Time, UK
MEP's Climate and Environment Researcher, Part Time, UK
MEP's Religious and Confidential Researcher, Part Time, UK
MEP's Press Officer, Part Time, UK
MEP's Specialist Communications Officer, Part Time, UK
MEP's Media Coverage Officer, Part Time, UK
MEP's Junior Researcher, Part Time, UK
Family Members paid - None
Name of Paying Agent
White & Hoggard Chartered Accountants
2. General Expenditure Allowance
This allowance covers the cost of carrying out the duties of an MEP not covered by other allowances, including running an office and associated expenditure. All costs incurred meet the published Parliamentary rules.
Office management and running costs 4,054
Office equipment 739
Communication costs 966
Stationery , periodicals, subscriptions 2,705
Travel and related costs 3,500
Representation, meetings and briefings 4,603
3. Travel to and from Parliament (Brussels and Strasbourg)
Number of return journeys 16
4. Daily Subsistence Allowance
A fixed allowance is paid for days attended at the parliament to cover the cost of hotels, meals and any other incidental costs
Number of days 46
His latest declaration of expenses - which is supposed to demonstrate transparency and honest - is not quite as honest as one might expect from a taxpayer funded figure.
We all know about how he subsidised his company's wage bill by putting staff on EU contracts -LINK - but what is this about not employing family members?
Victoria Skowronek, who still works for Godders, is the old boy's niece!
Godfrey Bloom MEP Yorkshire & North Lincolnshire
January -June 2010
1. Parliamentary Assistance Allowance
This allowance is for payment to Employees, Self Employed Service Providers and Accredited Assistants who support the work of the MEP. Any part of this allowance not used remains in the EU budget.
Contracts for all are lodged for approval with the Parliament and held by them. The Parliament makes the payment for employees to the Paying Agent, who deduct income tax and national insurance before making the net payment to the employee. Self employed service providers have to provide invoices for approval firstly by the Paying Agent and then the Parliament, who makes the payment directly to them. Any staff based in Brussels are known as accredited assistants and are paid direct by the Parliament. At no time in any of these cases does any money go into the MEPs bank account.
Positition. Full or Part Time.Where Based
MEP's Personal Assistant, Full Time, UK
MEP's Secretary, Full Time, UK
MEP's Website Designer, Part Time, UK
MEP's Constituency Organiser, Part Time, UK
MEP's Climate and Environment Researcher, Part Time, UK
MEP's Religious and Confidential Researcher, Part Time, UK
MEP's Press Officer, Part Time, UK
MEP's Specialist Communications Officer, Part Time, UK
MEP's Media Coverage Officer, Part Time, UK
MEP's Junior Researcher, Part Time, UK
Family Members paid - None
Name of Paying Agent
White & Hoggard Chartered Accountants
2. General Expenditure Allowance
This allowance covers the cost of carrying out the duties of an MEP not covered by other allowances, including running an office and associated expenditure. All costs incurred meet the published Parliamentary rules.
Office management and running costs 4,054
Office equipment 739
Communication costs 966
Stationery , periodicals, subscriptions 2,705
Travel and related costs 3,500
Representation, meetings and briefings 4,603
3. Travel to and from Parliament (Brussels and Strasbourg)
Number of return journeys 16
4. Daily Subsistence Allowance
A fixed allowance is paid for days attended at the parliament to cover the cost of hotels, meals and any other incidental costs
Number of days 46
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