From the UKIP website:
For those of you unable to make one of the hustings dates, UKIP has joined up with Yoosk to give you a chance to pose questions to the four Leadership contenders.
Simply go to Yoosk.com here and post your question to either the individual candidates or the Leadership panel as a whole.
Then later this month, Yoosk will link up with Nigel, David, Tim and Winston to video their replies to the top five questions asked of each them and they'll be posted for everyone to see.
Make sure you bookmark Yoosk so you can see what questions are being asked as the leadership campaign continues.
For those of you unable to make one of the hustings dates, UKIP has joined up with Yoosk to give you a chance to pose questions to the four Leadership contenders.
Simply go to Yoosk.com here and post your question to either the individual candidates or the Leadership panel as a whole.
Then later this month, Yoosk will link up with Nigel, David, Tim and Winston to video their replies to the top five questions asked of each them and they'll be posted for everyone to see.
Make sure you bookmark Yoosk so you can see what questions are being asked as the leadership campaign continues.
End of quote.
Don't forget to ask Farage and Bannerman those questions that they would rather not here!

And don't forget to ask them why they are happy to sit in the EFD with people like these......

Morten Messerschmidt & the Danish People's Party
Morten Messerschmidt (b. Nov 13, 1980, Frederikssund, Denmark), is a Danish MEP. He is a member of the Danish People's Party, and sits in the EFD group in the European Parliament.
Prior to his election to the European Parliament in 2009, he was a member of the Danish Parliament, but was enmired in controversy following a scandal in which was seen "Heiling Hitler" in a tourist bar in Tivoli, Copenhagen. He has denied the act, although admits to having sung Nazi marching songs in the bar. Several witnesses testified in court that Messerschmidt publically gave the Nazi salute. (13)
This was not Messerschmidt's first transgression. In 2002, Messerschmidt received a 14 day conditional jail sentence for violation of Danish Penal Code 266b (the "racism clause"). This related to an advert he and three fellow directors of the Danish People's
Party Youth had placed in a magazine, stating that rape and violence were the result of a multi-ethnic society (14). The court said that the campaign was so brutal that the four should be punished for propaganda activities, reported DR, the Danish broadcasting corporation.
Messerschmidt has called for a racially-based pan-EU immigration policy. In an interview in 2006, he said: "Talking of what can be done in the European countries, I think we need three sets of rules of immigration. One for Europeans, who will be regulated by EU-law. One for people from the rest of the Western World, including parts of East Asia, South America, etc. And then a third set of rules for the third world, who in general do not really offer anything we can benefit from, speaking of education, labour craft and knowledge."
The leader of the Danish People's Party is Pia Kjærsgaard.
She had been a leading figure of the Danish Progress Party since the mid-1980s. In fact, she was called in as a temporary replacement for Mogens Glistrup when he was imprisoned for tax fraud in 1984. By the time of Glistrup's release, in 1987, Kjærsgaard had created a strong platform within the party, and was reluctant to give up her strong position. Although Glistrup's position was weakened and he was actually expelled from the party in 1990 Kjærsgaard had to fight against his legacy as well as against strong factions identifying with the more anarchist protest-oriented profile of the Progress Party's earlier days. In the mid-1990s, a group led by Kjærsgaard left the party and founded the Danish People's party. In their first electoral outing, in 1998, they achieved 7.2% of the vote. (15).
In 1998, she was reported as stating that "I do not want Denmark to become a multiethnic society," and "I think we already have too many foreigners in Denmark. They are different people...they don't belong here". (16).
During a debate on immigration in 1999, Prime Minister Poul Rasmussen compared the Danish People's Party's xenophobic policies to those of Nazi Germany (17).
Kjærsgaard replied that "at least his childhood home had been clean".
This was construed by some observers as a reference to the fact that Rasmussen had recently admitted that his own father had been a member of the Nazi party.
In 2001, in her party's weekly newsletter, Kjærsgaard referred to Muslims as people who "...lie, cheat and deceive." She was reported to the police by the Danish Centre for Racial Discrimination, for her remarks, although no prosecution ensued (18).
In 2002, she was fined 3,000 Krone for threatening a woman with pepper spray (19). In 2003, she lost a libel action in the Supreme Court against Karen Sunds, who had described the Danish People's Party as being racist. The court held that Sunds' description had been accurate (20).
In 2006, a Danish newspaper revealed that undercover journalists posing as members of the neo-Nazi Dansk Front had been given the okay to join the Danish People's Party, so long as they kept their far-right views private, by half of a party district committee (21).
In December 2009, Kjærsgaard called for councils to force toddlers from "vulnerable families" into crèches on pain of losing benefits, before they grow up into "gang members". She was referring mostly to immigrant families, she subsequently explained (22).
13. http://www.bt.dk/politik/hyldede-hitler-i-tivoli
14. Guardian, Feb 26, 2010
15. Western European Politics, May 1, 2004
16. Sydney Morning Herald, March 7, 1998
17. Sunday Times, Dec 12, 1999
18. Copenhagen post, Jan 19, 2001
19. Copenhagen Post, March 3, 2003
20. Copenhagen Post, June 20, 2003
21. EUObserver.com, June 30, 2009
22. The Economist (US edition), Jan 30, 2010
1 comment:
why u not put across your views more in the media as the only way to find out what u stand for is on the net and lots of people mainly old don'tuse the net .
also why u not pick up on camron the likes of i want to give money away to other countries not his money to give. i want to see gays married.. i want this i want that sod u lot me me me .. how about it's been lab/cons and lib since year dot they never listen try us...
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