January Review: Rwanda Wranglings, Post Office Scandal and Rishi’s Touching
Message to Farage
The political year kicked off with the Post Office scandal reignited by
*ITV*’s explosive series, putting LibDem leader Ed Davey under the
spotlight for ...
5 hours ago
I note with amusement that someone is so worried about Junius on UKIP they have set up a spoof site trying to frame John West as the author of the site.
I guess EUkip are finding Junius damaging and now that they have been so regularly eposed and their lies, corruption, racism, anti Judaism and the pursuit of self interest by a self seeking claque in betrayal of any principles or morality and especially in betrayal of the founding principles and the members of UKIP.
The panic would seem to have reached the stage where they will do almost anything - no gutter too deep - to epouse Junius and those who contribute to it within the EU.
There is alternatively the possibility that having tried to set up one decent man who showed them for the sordid low lifes that EUkip truelly is when their chosen Mark died they now seek to hound another.
The only other possibility is that one of the posters to Junius feels that his income is threatened by exposure and they are trying to side step that risk by framing John West.
My money is that Mark Croucher having made a fool of himself in his attempt to frame a terminally ill man whilst leaking material to strenthen the image having come unstuck finds that his position dealing filth for Farage is not as secure as he felt and willing to demean himself in any vile way seeks again to try to find favour dealing filth.
It is astonishing that EUkip have not yet worked out that who Junius may be is utterly irrelevant - the best way to solve the problem is to act ethically themselves.
There is little or no gain in seeking out the messengers one after another as there is no shortage of message.
The first week of the new year will display that all too clearly.
Greg L-W.
http://CaterpillarsAndButterflies.blogspot .com
They are clearly getting worried. That's good!
And as for Peter Cole claiming to have supplied material to the Junius Team ...........
The only ‘information’ supplied to us by Cole was a badly written, rambling rant sent to the comments section of this blog by someone claiming to be Peter Cole.
It concerned Peter Reeve and GLW.
We rejected it as it was just a rehash of material already widely available on the net.
After we rejected it he started to send abusive emails to this blog attacking GLW and the Junius Team. They usually ended with the words ‘F**k off and die soon’. He is now banned from commenting on this blog due to his behaviour.
And for the record John West is not a member of the Junius Team.
in deed Peter Cole has proved consistently dishonest and corrupt.
Few will have realised just how dishonest he was in his behaviour in his support of Tom Wise & the obvious and undeniable criminality and unless very stupid he MUST have realised what was going on.
He then set out to betray EUkip whilst still drawing a EUkip salary.
He then could not even have the integrity to see it was morally reprehensible and damaging helping set up UKFirtParty in a EUkip office during EUkip time and I understand taking large donations from Tom Wise's wife for UKFP.
He then set out to seize control of UKFP for his own personal gain and was using Tom Wise's facilities to print his leaflets I understand.
I am also aware of the lies he was spreading at the time about John West and myself - he is far from literate and found it apposite to use the gutter language and morality of his life to the political fray.
An utterly dishonourable old man not to be trusted - who even now we understand is leaking material to damage those he wishes to blame for his personal failure.
By the way I actually read one of John West's books which Peter Cole denied he had written it was quite a good bit of historical research on the Civil War and his knowledge of Roman artefacts is quite extensive for someone Cole claims has no interests or hobbies just because he has outgrown train sets!
Peter Cole is a contemptible old man and a liar.
Greg L-W.
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