Members & staff of UKIP past & present. Committed to reforming the party by exposing the corruption and dishonesty that lies at its heart, in the hope of making it fit for purpose.
Only by removing Nigel Farage and his sycophants on the NEC can we save UKIP from electoral oblivion.
what a wonderfull range of tea towels UKIP is building up.
For the efforts of its MEPs, perhaps bed sheets printed with his speeches and pillow cases with his picture for Farage (his Christmas present to himself!)
Then perhaps boot licking kits for MEPs with a full face mirror in which to impress themselves.
The parasiters and staff could have a special range of toiler paper printed in their own image.
For the Skeptyk team a Denny sized lavatory brush for scouring McTrough before cleaning their teath.
Perhaps for the liar and cheat Marta Andreasen a book for tourists in Britain.
Perhaps the foolish Lord A leaping from side to side might like a metranome to time his progress.
Some truth serum and a room for two for David Bannerman and Christopher Monkton they could be forced to tell eachother who they are umntil they were convinced in a seedy motel in Torquay!
For Booth just one more weekend where he used to stay when he got away from his wife!!!
>>>>>>THIS IS MY USUAL FULL FORMAT FOR THIS SITE as of 23-Sep-2016<<<<<<
~~~~~~~~~~#########~~~~~~~~~~ TITLE: ~~~~~~~~~~#########~~~~~~~~~~ Posted
by: Greg...
EU Referendum blog: end of an era
From today, 13 January 2022, the Eureferendum blog database will reside on
the *Turbulent Times* domain, largely as an archive. The site will no
longer be ...
Farage does well against AF Neil tonight
Farage showed tonight what a good debater he is. He was only caught out on
not knowing the call for second referendum to revokearticle50 had attracted
Vladimir Bukovsky: Death of a Dissident
*I was saddened to learn of the death of Soviet dissident Vladimir
Bukovsky, but to be frank he had been very ill for a long time, and so it
was to be ex...
Please, no more Maltby
The only people who matter in the Green/Maltby/pornography affair are the
two former police officers.
And the only thing that matters about them is that th...
*This blog has moved to here, where the name has been changed to Turbulent
Times. We are still publishing daily posts, covering a wide range of
topical ...
1 comment:
what a wonderfull range of tea towels UKIP is building up.
For the efforts of its MEPs, perhaps bed sheets printed with his speeches and pillow cases with his picture for Farage (his Christmas present to himself!)
Then perhaps boot licking kits for MEPs with a full face mirror in which to impress themselves.
The parasiters and staff could have a special range of toiler paper printed in their own image.
For the Skeptyk team a Denny sized lavatory brush for scouring McTrough before cleaning their teath.
Perhaps for the liar and cheat Marta Andreasen a book for tourists in Britain.
Perhaps the foolish Lord A leaping from side to side might like a metranome to time his progress.
Some truth serum and a room for two for David Bannerman and Christopher Monkton they could be forced to tell eachother who they are umntil they were convinced in a seedy motel in Torquay!
For Booth just one more weekend where he used to stay when he got away from his wife!!!
Any other ideas for Christmas?
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