The Elections
Much has been made of the fact that UKIP is fielding 1225 candidates. However, it should be remembered that there are roughly 95,000 political positions in the UK. And how many elected officials does UKIP currently have? Less than 30! We don't include councillors who have crossed the floor in this total as they were not elected under the UKIP banner.
In many areas there are no UKIP candidates standing because the party was unable to even find paper candidates. The East Midlands is just one example of this.
And this abject failure can only be laid at the feet of Nigel Farage, whose inept and dictatorial leadership over the last few years has resulted in countless talented people leaving the party in droves. And many of those that do decide to stay now distance themselves from the central party due to the increasing anger felt over the treatment of Nikki Sinclaire at the hands of Farage's cabal. Many also feel extreme unease over the fact that the majority of UKIP's MEPs are willing to sit with fascists and racists in Farage's EFD. And who can blame them?
It is a tragedy that UKIP lacks a leader with vision, probity and the willingness to promote those with true ability. Think of what could have been achieved under such a man or woman!
UKIP Wales
More muddled thinking from UKIP Wales. UKIP is not putting up any candidates in any of 40 constituencies in Wales but is appealing for people's second votes to elect a regional AM. That is despite being committed to abolishing all AMs at Cardiff Bay. Laughable. No wonder UKIP Wales is considered irrelevant!
UKIP described as 'silly and nasty' by Leicestershire newspaper.
Nigel's latest useful idiot - Leicester South hopeful Abhijit Pandya - has been the subject of a rather interesting article in This is Leicestershire. He was so outraged that he went to the office of the paper in question to complain. Unfortunately, no one bothered to tell him that the paper is closed on a Sunday! And this is the man who was appointed by Farage as UKIP's Head of Research!
Mr Pandya also wrote to this blog claiming that we are controlled by the Labour Party.
Founder: Abhijit P.G. Pandya said...
I can't believe the Labour Party has created a blog pretending to be UKIP ex-members to attack UKIP!
Abhijit P.G. Pandya
How we laughed at that! But at least it makes a change from being accused of being controlled by Nikki Sinclaire, The BNP, Cameron's Press Office, OLAF, the office of the EU president, Tom Wise, John West, Cary Cartwright, Paul Wiffen, Roger Knapman and a host of others. We were even accused of being Piers Merchant. His death soon put pay to the rumour. Unless, of course, Piers is still writing from beyond the grave!
But we thank Mr Pandya for writing to us. So would he like to comment on this?
I am the UKIP Leicester West branch manager. These two candidates do not represent the local UKIP candidates for the council elections. A paper candidate for the mayoral election is a joke, and Abhijit needs to be sacked from his post of 'head of policy' for his comments on his blog.
There is so much more at stake at a national level regarding the undemocratic EU, to have UKIPs name dragged through the mud in Leicester.
The people of Leicester deserve better than what they were offered here. To that end, I offer a personal apology to the people of Leicester, on behalf of the UKIP Leicester branch. Stuart Young, Leicester. See: LINK
It was originally published as a comment on the online version of The Leicester Mercury.
And here is the latest article by This is Leicestershire:
UKIP shows itself as silly and nasty
It is not our normal practice, as a politically neutral newspaper, to criticise an individual party during an election campaign, but we will make an exception with UKIP. In the course of two days, readers will have learned of the disturbing views of UKIP's parliamentary candidate for Leicester South regarding Muslims, and the admission of the party's leader that it is running a "paper candidate" in the election for mayor of Leicester.
Leicester South hopeful Abhijit Pandya has said the anti-Islamic diatribe published on his blog was an attempt to highlight issues regarding integration and employment "which we should not shy away from discussing."
Really? To us it seemed like a wildly inflammatory rant which boiled down to a crass and nasty characterisation of Muslims as lazy, intolerant spongers who are a threat to the British way of life. It was not part of a reasoned debate about multiculturalism, but a series of sweeping, unsubstantiated generalisations which demonise the Muslim community.
The matter of UKIP's "paper candidate" for the mayoral election is obviously a lot less serious. However, we do think that parties should do voters the courtesy of engaging in the electoral process properly rather than just seeking to get their name on the ballot paper. It seems particularly daft to run a candidate in an election, which has a predominately local focus rather than national one, if you have nothing whatsoever to say about local issues.
Voters will make up their own minds on May 5. However, it is difficult to see how anybody can take seriously a party which has managed the distinction of showing itself to be both unpleasant and silly in the course of a single week.
To read the original: LINK
Nuff said!
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