Just how many members of UKIP are aware that Godfrey Bloom is already a member of a pan-European party? Indeed, he is a board member! That he did not even see fit to consult the membership of UKIP is not surprising. He holds the membership in contempt.
It is interesting to note that one of Bloom's fellow board members is a certain Franz Obermayr of the Austrian FPO.
As Barbara Booker has pointed out:
Mr Obermayr was photographed last year standing alongside French National Front leaders Jean-Marie Le Pen and Bruno Gollnisch when, with Philip Claeys, Adam Walker of the BNP and others, they visited a Japanese shrine that honours convicted war criminals. European right-wingers visit Yasukuni shrine - Taipei Times
Mr Claeys is also on the board. So Bloom is more than happy to sit with the far-right. So much for UKIP's leadership claiming to be non-racist!
Now what does UKIP say?
"The UK Independence Party takes this opportunity to affirm that it is opposed to discrimination on all grounds as prescribed by law and otherwise. The Party acknowledges the principles of non-discrimination, non-racism and non-sectarianism in its Constitution, and holds those principles dear as a libertarian party".
And here is the proof that Bloom has betrayed UKIP:
European Alliance for Freedom
About EAF
The European Alliance for Freedom (EAF) is a pan-European alliance of Members of the European Parliament, together with national and regional parliamentarians and parties, united under a political platform calling for national freedom and democracy in opposition to centralised, supranational control.
The EAF is one of eleven 'European Political Parties at a European Level' and is partially funded by the European Parliament.
Concerned with issues of freedom and democracy in the EU, the EAF does not operate within the Left-Right political paradigm and its members come from across a wide political spectrum. At the national level, therefore, EAF members do not necessarily subscribe to the politics and beliefs of other members of the Alliance. Members come from Austria, Flanders (Belgium), Germany, Lithuania, Sweden and the UK.
The mission of the EAF is to inform the EU publics of the importance of national and regional parliamentary democracy in order to safeguard genuine international cooperation among free European nation states, and to make the peoples of Europe aware of the dangers of supranational power to the freedom of nations and their constitutional democracies.
Board Members: Godfrey Bloom MEP - UK, Philip Claeys MEP - Flanders (Belgium), Kent Ekeroth MP - Sweden,
Franz Obermayr MEP - Austria, Torsten Groß - Germany
Secretary General: Sharon Ellul-Bonici
Registered Office: 27, Grognet Street, Mosta MST3613, MALTA
Brussels Offices: Rue Pascal 16, 1040 Brussels, BELGIUM;
Tel. +32 497 890603 email: europeanallianceforfreedom@gmail.com
To read the original: LINK
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*As Trump calls it,* *“Liberation Day”…*[…] Read the rest
4 hours ago
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