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Thursday 20 October 2011

Godfrey Bloom spits in the face of the UKIP membership

The UKIP membership may have rejected the concept of Pan-European political parties, but that has not stopped good old Godders. The European Alliance for Freedom seems to have a new address in the Godmeister's constituency, in Selby indeed! http://www.eurallfree.org/?q=node/65

But even more interesting is this missive from the Neo-Nazi Vlaams Belaang, in which they discuss their own membership of the EAF, even naming Godders as President of this Pan-European party.

Taken from The Flemish Republic, newsletter of the Vlaams Belang:

Philip Claeys, member of the European Parliament for the Vlaams Belang, joined the recently established European Alliance for Freedom (EAF), a pan-European alliance of Members of the European Parliament, together with national and regional parliamentarians and parties, united under a political platform calling for national freedom and democracy in opposition to centralised, supranational control. Th EAF is one of eleven ‘European Political Parties at a European Level’ and is partially funded by the European Parliament.

The EAF advocates the right of individuals and peoples to freedom and selfdetermination. Its main objective is to safeguard and strengthen fundamental democratic principles and accountable representation towards effective individual and national freedom.

It therefore commits itself to the following objectives:

• to campaign for a non-centralised, transparent, flexible and democratically controlled EU towards the rejection of any development leading to a European superstate, given that there is no such thing as a ‘single European people’;

• to pursue true subsidiarity and selfrule ensuring that democracy is preserved on the basis of sovereign parliaments in Member States, over which the citizens exercise democratic control;

• to sustain diversity and accountable cooperation at a European level among free peoples able to regulate themselves in accordance with mutually agreed common standards;

• to uphold freedom of political expression and association across Europe and especially within the structures of the EU;

• to promote a political environment in which movements, political parties and other political organisations are given equal opportunities to voice their concerns and advance their political positions;

• to ensure that the peoples and nations of Europe are allowed to pursue their right to strengthen their own historical, traditional, religious and cultural values to defend civil liberties and ensure that no characteristics of a totalitarian nature emerge in the continuing political development of the European Union, while identifying already existing anti-democratic legislation with an aim to revoke it.

Other members of the European Alliance for Freedom include its president Godfrey Bloom (UK IndependenceParty), Franz Obermayr and Andreas Mölzer (Austrian FPÖ), Kent Ekeroth (Sweden Democrats), Thorsten Gross (Bürger in Wut, Germany), Rolandas Paksas and Juozas Imbrasas (Lithuanian Order and Justice party).


Sponplague said...

To be fair, Godfrey asked his region before joining - they said yes - and has been clear that he will take a decision on the benefits of membership, or otherwise, next year. The trial started before the party's EPP debate, and as he has the backing of his region, I think it reasonable to let it reach its outcome next year, and await his conclusions with interest.

Sponplague said...

To be fair, Godfrey asked his region before joining - they said yes - and has been clear that he will take a decision on the benefits of membership, or otherwise, next year. The trial started before the party's EPP debate, and as he has the backing of his region, I think it reasonable to let it reach its outcome next year, and await his conclusions with interest.

Alan Harvey said...

So Godfrey Bloom has "gone native" and teamed up with a bunch of pro-EU fascists. Not really surprising I suppose from someone who has been prepared to speak for the Robertson/Wilkinson bunch of BNP fellow-travellers.

Anthony Johnson (London) said...

Alan Harvey mentions "BNP fellow-travellers" but fails to add that Alan Harvey has been linked with the BNP's Jeffrey Marshall (BNP London).

Alan Harvey said...

I have met Jeffrey Marshall, but I am not "linked" to him in any way.

Alan Harvey said...

I have met a gentleman named Jeffrey Marshall, but I am not "linked" with him in any way.