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Members & staff of UKIP past & present. Committed to reforming the party by exposing the corruption and dishonesty that lies at its heart, in the hope of making it fit for purpose. Only by removing Nigel Farage and his sycophants on the NEC can we save UKIP from electoral oblivion. SEE: http://juniusonukip.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/a-statement-re-junius.html

Wednesday 19 May 2010

UKIP: More on Nigel's EFD Group

UKIP's political group in the European Parliament, the neo-fascist EFD, has had a busy week.

Three of the group's MEPs, Fiorello Provera, Lorenzo Fontana, and Juozas Imbrasas are very concerned about human rights abuses in Burma, and have taken the time to table a motion in the European Parliament calling on the EU special envoy to Burma, Piero Fassino, "to come up with concrete proposals in order to give the European Union a more pro-active role in the solution of the crisis in Burma/Myanmar".

This seems somewhat at odds with the UKIP principle of national sovereignty, but then Nigel Farage abandoned UKIP's principles a long time ago.

Fontana and Provera have also teamed up with another EFD MEP, Mara Bizotto, to speak out on other issues concerning Pakistan. In another parliamentary proposal they have called for both the Commission and the Council to take leading roles in the fight against terrorism.

This is somewhat amusing, as their party, Lega Nord, does not have a particularly good track record on Human rights. They have called for racial segregation on public transport, "ethnic cleansing" of homosexuals, and the sinking of boats carrying refugees, whom they refer to as "Bingo Bongoes".

The most disgusting Lega Nord MEP, Mario Borghezio, a convicted violent racist, has also found time to team up with UKIP's Gerard Batten to promote a book on conspiracy theories by the anti-Semitic author Daniel Estulin. Batten will help to launch Estulin's latest piece of drivel in the European Parliament on June 1st.

Racism, homophobia, violent assault, and holocaust denial. It seems that there are no depths to which the foul EFD will not go.

As for Batten and the other UKIP MEPs, who we are told make more money by being members of this group, can they please explain exactly how this might help to get Britain out of the EU?


UKIP said...

emperor Farage and prostitute fuller . Funny photo


Greg_L-W. said...


for more facts and data about Farage's Pan EU Political EFD grouping with its racist views, anti Judaism, pro EU membership, holocaust denial and sexual intolerance favouring apartheid/segregation on transport and bombing 'the bingo bongoes' in their boats SEE:

You will note their PR and media management promoting these views is the dishonourable and proven dishonest Mark Croucher!
