No sign of John Bufton at the launch of UKIP Team Wales!
It's not just GLW or the Junius Team who are unimpressed with UKIP Wales.
From WalesOnline:
UKIP thinking’s out of tune
THE UK Independence Party, while opposed, chose not to get directly involved in the No campaign in last month’s referendum on the National Assembly’s powers.
At the launch of its election campaign, you could see why True Wales, the No camp, might have breathed a sigh of relief.
Not just because of some of its ideas, but because, demographically, Ukip make True Wales look like a bunch of hip young gunslingers.
At Cardiff Bay Yacht Club, the overwhelmingly male, exclusively white audience was predominantly elderly, and clad in blazers complete with the pound logo – the currency Ukip remains convinced every mainstream party wants to abolish.
Leader Nigel Farage, right, stands out – an accomplished speaker and raconteur with a good way with people. But the manifesto – oh, the manifesto! Weeks after the Assembly’s primary lawmaking powers were overwhelmingly endorsed, Ukip wants to “renew” it, by keeping the building but sacking all AMs. Their role would be taken by Welsh MPs coming to Cardiff Bay one week in every four to vote on devolved issues.
Other vows Ukip makes in this devolved election – contained in its manifesto We, The People – are to repeal the Human Rights Act, end mass immigration and send young offenders to boot camps. All promises it couldn’t keep if, by some quirk, it took all 60 seats on May 5.
Oh, and it’s vowing to replace income tax and VAT if it wins. No income tax, no VAT? That’s the theme tune from Only Fools And Horses.
And you might be forgiven for thinking there’s something a bit Delboy about this campaign.
To see the original: LINK
We also note the non-attendance of John Bufton at the recent UKIP Team Wales launch. Il-health was given as the reason. For more on the disaster that is UKIP Wales: LINK & LINK
Douglas Denny. Time to come clean?
Readers of this blog will be aware that Douglas Denny no longer worships at the feet of Farage. He even went as far as to publicly criticise Nigel on the British Democracy Forum.
Here is one example:
NF stabbed the party in the back by abrogating his responsibility to the party as Leader - by not taking the party into the general election.
And yes, he has damaged himself by doing that. He lost my support once he resigned. And many others in the party think the same.
He has also put himself into the position of possibly being humiliated if he looses this leadership election. Why should anyone in UKIP want to vote for a Leader who has already declared they did not want the job when they had it and at a crucial moment in the history of the party, and now wants to come back? There are other perfectly good candidates available.
It is most likely he will be voted in again, however, simply because most of the 16,000 members know him better than the others; but that is not necessarily going to be the best outcome for UKIP - having a Leader who might suddenly ditch the party again on a whim of self-indulgence."
So can we now expect Denny to do the decent thing and tell us EVERYTHING THAT HE KNOWS about what happened to the large amounts of money that vanished from UKIP’s South East accounts?
Denny was the regional treasurer at the time and knows where all the bodies are buried. Douglas, we have seen the email. So do the decent thing and report Farage’s dishonesty to the nearest police station!
More UKIP incompetence
No Feb issue of Independence. No mention of holding fresh NEC elections. And let us not forget the summoning of Mike Nattrass to the NEC on the 4th and then realising that it conflicted with Farage and Bannerman's attendance in Strasbourg! After all, Nigel could hardly take the chance that the NEC would be swayed by Mike in their absence!
Now what was Nigel saying about making the party more professional?
Starmer’s Car Crash Press Conference on Southport ‘Coverup’
Starmer has just finished his speech and subsequent Q&A on Southport. The
PM announced a review of the Prevent system to be led by David Anderson KC,
1 hour ago
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