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Members & staff of UKIP past & present. Committed to reforming the party by exposing the corruption and dishonesty that lies at its heart, in the hope of making it fit for purpose. Only by removing Nigel Farage and his sycophants on the NEC can we save UKIP from electoral oblivion. SEE: http://juniusonukip.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/a-statement-re-junius.html

Thursday 15 December 2011

UKIP: Nigel Farage and Lega Nord

Matteo Salvini is the Lega Nord MEP who notoriously called for racial segregation on Milanese public transport. Like most separatists he is an avowed Europhile - his party is calling for regional autonomy, and the EU is quite keen on that sort of thing as it likes the idea of weakening existing states. Lega Nord have one slight problem, the region thay seek autonomy for, Padania, exists mainly in their own minds. Historically, it was a little used alternative name for the Po Valley until Lega Nord adopted the name for a general swathe of Northern Italy.
These dubious people, many of whom have convictions for racially motivated offences, including violence and child abuse, sit in the EFD group alongside UKIP. Indeed, their leader is a co-president alongside Nigel Farage.
Salvini is now calling in the European Parliament for harmonised customs legislation, and even for the formation of an EU Customs Agency.
How does sitting alongside EU federalists and convicted far-right criminals get Britain out of the EU, Nigel?
Are you so obsessed with the glory of being a group president and the money that filters your way from group budgets that you would sell out your party, your principles, and even your country by sitting with filth, the like of which our grandfathers fought a war against?
Farage the eurosceptic? Bullshit. Farage the professional euro-politician lining his pockets and clinging to the ambition of a lifetime career at taxpayer's expense.
Being a euro-fat cat is a far more secure career option than trading futures in African timber, it seems

1 comment:

DFELLE said...

Shut up and stop writing bullshit, The Padania does not exist as Italy Germany Austria or France ecc,, They were imposed with WARS, just England is an Island but the UK including a part of Ireland does not exist as the Padania. We people were IMPOSED to live in one or another country by the governements we don't have choice! I WANT TO LIVE IN A FRE PADANIA THE RICHEST PRODUCTION REGION IN EUROPE, this is why the italian gov will not let us stay independent 'cause they suck our money our life and freedom... so please SHUT UP. VIVA MARONI ZAIA TOSI