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Members & staff of UKIP past & present. Committed to reforming the party by exposing the corruption and dishonesty that lies at its heart, in the hope of making it fit for purpose. Only by removing Nigel Farage and his sycophants on the NEC can we save UKIP from electoral oblivion. SEE: http://juniusonukip.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/a-statement-re-junius.html

Wednesday 31 December 2008

UKIP's Clowns of the Year

The Junius award for UKIP’s Clown of the Year must go to Nigel Farage. His arrogance, incompetence, stupidity, treachery and dishonesty have ensured that support for UKIP has plummeted since his election as leader. His total inability to accept criticism and his uncanny ability to alienate previously hardworking and dedicated UKIP activists has now ensured that many branches are refusing to support his attempt to re-join the EU Gravy Train in June 2009.

But Nigel could not have done this without the support of his dedicated group of sycophants and nodding donkeys.

Nigel must share his ‘Clown of the Year’ award with Mussolini lookalike Paul ‘anything you say, Nigel’ Nuttall. Paul Nuttall is a man without honour or decency. He colluded with Farage to remove Greg Beaman as lead MEP candidate in the NW and then went on to endorse the unlawful expulsion of Dr Eric Edmond and Dr David Abbott from the NEC. He continues to curry favour with Farage at every opportunity. His political opportunism is sickening.

Others members of the Farage sycophants club include: David Bannerman, Michael Zuckerman, Christopher Gill, Derek Clark, Rachel Oxley, Douglas Denny, Jonathan Arnott, Stuart Agnew, Jeffrey Titford, Peter Reeve, Michael McGough, David Challice, Godfrey Bloom, George Curtis, Andrew Smith, Gawain Towler, Jill Seymour, Bob Feal-Martinez, Stuart Gulleford, Mark Croucher, Lisa Duffy, Annabelle Fuller, John Whittaker, Clive Page, Malcolm Wood, Marta Andreasen and Alan Bown.

Their unwavering support for Farage’s dishonesty and corruption will ensure UKIP’s electoral meltdown in 2009.

Peter Cole, Chairman of UKIP Fenland, speaks out

On the 8th December UKIP’s very own ‘Bloggers 4 UKIP’ site featured the following story:

“AT least one corner of Doddington is sparkling with Christmas lights thanks to the Fenland branch of UKIP.When members found out the village would not be having lights this year it decided to do something about it. The branch paid for the purchase and installation of lights all over the Three Tuns public house and gardens. On Friday there were celebrations for the big switch-on.

Len Baynes of UKIP explained that for a number of years the pub has been the unofficial headquarters for UKIP in the Fens.

He said: "We felt that all the support we get from Brian and Jenny Adams and the clientele at the pub deserves some recognition. A fully qualified electrician has been on hand to oversee the installation and it was great to see so many people at the switch-on”.

End of article.

Conveniently 'Bloggers 4 UKIP' failed to mention the fact that UKIP Fenland had received absolutely no help, encouragement or support from the Party or the Regional Organiser. Indeed, they are totally ignored by Farage and his clique.

Peter Cole, Chairman of UKIP Fenland, has said on the British Democracy Forum (30/12/8) that “Fenland Branch gets NO help from either HQ or the regional committee or from Peter Reeve the regional organiser; they are too busy promoting themselves”.

End of quote.

Farage’s total contempt for the membership will prove his undoing. Many branches are already refusing to campaign in the Euros because they now realise that the leadership is only interested in them when they want their money or their activists to campaign to get Farage and his friends elected to the EU Gravy Train.

UKIP faces electoral disaster in 2009 unless Farage’s and his cabal are removed. Their inept leadership, incompetence and dishonesty have all but destroyed UKIP.

UKIP’s future leaders must always put patriotism before self-interest and greed. We need decent and men and women who believe in democracy and freedom of speech. Unless this is done UKIP will implode.

Tuesday 30 December 2008

Advice for Farage & Nuttall

He that gives good advice, builds with one hand; he that gives good counsel and example, builds with both; but he that gives good admonition and bad example, builds with one hand and pulls down with the other.

Francis Bacon

Monday 29 December 2008

Yet another photo from Nigel Farage's secret UKIP photo album

Dear Junius

Please find enclosed another photo from my private album. I hope you can use it in your blog. It was taken at the Ind Dem Xmas party in Brussels. I’m the one on the bottom. I never realised Marta was so heavy!

Happy New Year!

Love Nigel XXX

Nigel, your wish is my command!

Nigel Farage & Declan Ganley: The 'beast' of friends

You should all take Nigel Farage's hostile reaction to Declan Ganley ( pictured above) with a large pinch of salt. He is simply acting like anyone who has been soundly rejected. You need to remember that a few weeks ago he couldn’t praise Declan enough.

Nigel was rather eager to win the support of Mr Ganley as he knew that any party launched by him was bound to take votes away from UKIP and thus lessen Nigel‘s chances of getting re-elected to the EU Gravy Train.

During the summer Nigel was keen to woo Declan and so met him to discuss terms and conditions. Unfortunately, Nigel’s dictatorial tendencies soon kicked in and he demanded that he personally been given total control of any UK campaign financed by Mr Ganley. It was hardly surprising that Declan said no. The talks quickly broke down.

Thanks to Nigel’s ‘fuehrer complex' UKIP lost the best chance to win a major financial backer and thus prevent certain electoral defeat.

Thanks Nigel. With a clown like you 'leading' UKIP who needs an opposition!

Sunday 28 December 2008

More tales from UKIP's NEC: The nodding donkeys finally show some backbone

December’s NEC meeting proved rather eventful in more ways than one. Nigel Farage actually proposed to the NEC that UKIP distance itself from the withdrawalist argument. As you can imagine events then became rather heated. Gerard Batten was particularly incensed with this suggestion and said that “if we’re not a withdrawalist party then we’re nothing”.

In a desperate attempt to save Nigel from humiliation Derek Clark tried to pour oil on troubled waters by suggesting that the public were bored by the use of the word ‘withdrawalist’. After failing to convince anyone he went rather quiet.

It was then proposed by that a vote be taken to confirm UKIP’s commitment to leave the EU. Even Farage could see he had gone too far and did not vote against the motion. He was left feeling rather foolish and red faced. It now seems that the some of the nodding donkeys on the NEC are slowly waking up to the fact that Nigel is not all that he seems.

If anyone doubts my word on these events please ask the NEC why they suddenly felt the need to pass a formal vote confirming UKIP’s commitment to leaving the EU.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Nigel Farage is now an EU reformist. His only concern is re-election to the Gravy Train. Dump him now before it’s too late!

Wednesday 24 December 2008

A Christmas message from Junius

A big thank you to all those dedicated UKIP members and officials who over the last few months have supplied me with evidence of the dishonesty and corruption that threatens to destroy UKIP unless Farage and his cabal are removed.

Thanks also to Greg Lance-Watkins for his excellent blog on corruption in Nigel Farage's EUKIP.

Rest assured we WILL clean-up UKIP. Farage, Nuttall and the nodding donkeys on the NEC will fall. In 2009 they will face the final reckoning!

Have a very Happy Christmas and a very prosperous New Year!


Nigel Farage shows his contempt for UKIP members

Len Baynes, pictured first on the left, is the founder member of two UKIP branches and is currently the Treasurer of UKIP Fenland in Cambridgeshire. He recently sent an email to Nigel Farage and the NEC. The email concerned the recent Luton mock EU referendum. It was returned by Farage UNREAD.

Clearly, Mr Farage has no interest in anything that the membership has to say.

From: "FARAGE Nigel" nigel.farage@europarl.europa.eu To: "Len Baynes" lenbay@tiscali.co.uk Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 3:17 AM

Subject: Not read: Luton mock referendum

To: ukipbootle@yahoo.co.uk; shawforddavid@hotmail.com;alanbown@btinternet.com; del1young@yahoo.co.uk;jill_seymour@btopenworld.com; susan@keymerhaslam.co.uk;eric.edmond@tiscali.co.uk; cgill36@hotmail.co.uk; dcbdcbuk@yahoo.co.uk;douglas.denny@btopenworld.com; lisa.duffy2@tesco.net;mazuckerman@bensonmazure.co.uk; FARAGE Nigel; derekclark@hotmail.co.uk;rjoxley@lineone.net

Subject: Luton mock referendum
Sent: Mon, 20 Oct 2008 21:33:21 +0100
was deleted without being read on Mon, 22 Dec 2008 04:17:33 +0100

For more information see Greg Lance-Watkin's blog http://www.caterpillarsandbutterflies.blogspot.com/

Tuesday 23 December 2008

How the EU affects Brown's fiscal stimulus

Another excellent article by Dr Eric Edmond and taken from his blog http://ukiptruth.blogspot.com/

The most effective way Gordon could have cut our tax burden would have been to reduce VAT to zero on domestic gas and electricity. This would have cost the same as his 2.5% overall reduction but would have benefited the old and those on low incomes the most. He did not do this because it was against EU rules to cut VAT below 15%. Why is this? Well a chunk of all our VAT payments goes directly to the EU and the boys in Brussels don't want to see their income drop.

Equally worrying is that the benefit of his 2.5% reduction will benefit our EU trading partners more than us. We do not make as many motor cars people now want to buy compared with Italy, France, Germany etc. So the benefit of our tax cut will simply leak away to the EU.

Comments in the last week from both Bank of England deputy governors, Bean and Gieve have hit sterling hard. Interest rates may have to go to zero, we did not appreciate the severity of the banking crisis did not play well on the Forex market. The usual platitude about learning lessons also goes down like a lead balloon. Central bank deputy governors should know what the are doing and not still be at banking school.

One universal characteristic of all busts is that they are always preceded by a huge bubble. The seeds of our current banking crisis were sown during the years of easy credit and low interest rates which pushed up house prices to an unsustainable level. Many of us who worked in the Bank of England at the time knew this but those at the top did not want to listen. You don't get reappointed as Governor or on to the MPC by telling HMG the politically inconvenient truths or asking awkward questions. Come to think of it its the same on UKIP NEC!

It is a sad truth that the ECB have handled the banking crisis better than we have. The ECB was modelled on the Bundesbank which was, and is, a genuinely politically independent central bank unlike the BoE. The reason for this lies in the hyper-inflation Germany experienced around 1930 at the end of the Weimar republic and secondly at the end of WWII. Its a case of twice bitten. If you cast your mind back to when the UK was kicked out of the ERM, Lamont asked the German Chancellor to use German reserves to support sterling. He rightly told Lamont this was not in his power but was a decision for the Bundesbank. The BU refused and sterling left the ERM to our great eventual benefit. Sometimes it is better to leave things to the markets as we shall eventually come to realise as our current banking crisis plays out.

How does this affect UKIP. Well, when the penny drops with the British public that the ECB has done quite well and the BoE/HMT behaved like headless chickens there will be a huge build up of pressure for us to join the Euro. The Tories will oppose this and demand a referendum. They may not get one but public opinion will polarise in the UK for and against the EU. We may be faced with another Lisbon Treaty situation but this time UKIP will have to fight and that fight will be in the UK. We will need a strong grass roots organisation in the UK. Current UKIP party policy on 'rooting out' activists is weakening and destroying our capability for this, the real fight. We have to stop this silly policy now before it does irreparable damage to our core cause.

Monday 22 December 2008

UKIP East set to implode

UKIP East is in dire straights at the moment. On average they are losing 17 members a month and events such as the highly publicised Bar Hill campaign meeting only managed to attract about 40 people. To matters worse Peter Reeve has admitted to the Regional Committee that ‘there had been no progress on General Election candidate selection’. He went on to explain that they needed at least £100,000 to fight the Euro election campaign.

At the moment UKIP East has a few thousand in the bank. They can never hope to raise Reeve’s suggested target. Moral in the East is now at rock bottom with donations few and far between. Even Mr Agnew’s loan will not save them as many branches are refusing to campaign in the Euros unless the whole question of the corrupt MEP selection process is investigated. Indeed, several branches are threatening to shutdown if nothing is done.

How much longer can the blinkered leadership continue to ignore the serious problems that threaten to destroy UKIP?

Sunday 21 December 2008

Del Young does not seek re-election to UKIP's NEC

I was extremely saddened to see that Mr Young’s nomination papers were not to be found in the pile recently sent to UKIP HQ. It appears that he will not be seeking re-election to the NEC.

It seems that Mr Young has had enough of Farage and I, for one, can’t blame him for taking this attitude.

After all, he was unlawfully removed as Head of Young Independence because he was seen by Farage as being too independent. He has been openly mocked by other NEC members after failing to get support for a proposed motion. He has witnessed Farage and Nuttall conduct kangaroo courts in order to remove democratically NEC elected members. He has protested in vain at Nuttall’s unlawful and unconstitutional ‘election’ to the NEC - an ‘election’ announced by Farage at the Bournemouth Conference and done without the NEC’s approval. He has seen the Party Secretary accuse Dr Eric Edmond and John West of being mentally ill. Finally, he has had to tolerate Farage’s bullying and childish antics at every NEC meeting since his election in 2006.

Can we really blame him for wanting to walk away?

Mr Young, you a man of principle and integrity. You believe in democracy and freedom of speech. Clearly, you have no place in Nigel Farage’s UKIP.

Saturday 20 December 2008

Former UKIP Branch Chairman launches EU petition

Taken from the British Democracy Forum:

"Due to the total inactivity of the present leadership of ukip in this country, where it matters most I intend to start a petition, I want letters sent to me stating the fact that the British people demand a referendum on whether Britain should STAY IN or GET OUT of the E.U.

If you are already of a mind to get out then please mark your envelopes:

E.U. G.O.N. (get out now.)

I will then hopefully fill my approx 250 cubic foot box trailer with sacks of mail which I will personally deliver to NO 10. Anybody wishing to join a convoy are more than welcome.

I intend to do this on Sunday the 1st of February 2009 and hopefully I will meet many like minded people on my way down the M11. For those of you in the N.E. Cambs and near areas I shall be leaving the Three Tuns Pub in Doddington Nr. March, Cambs at 10am on the day.

Letters should be sent to me at:

Len Baynes, 1 Fairview Avenue, Chatteris, PE16 6QW. tele. 01354 - 693 144 Mob. 07879 - 285 725

I am obviously looking for support, but more importantly please pass the message on , we have been far to long out of the limelight in this country and I feel the leadership are completely ignoring action in this country and with or without their sanction I intend to go on with this."

Len Baynes

Friday 19 December 2008

UKIP: The next six months by Dr Eric Edmond

Taken from Dr Edmond’s excellent blog UKIP Truth: http://ukiptruth.blogspot.com/

As I noted last time Animal Farm details UKIP's progress. Click on the link below for an excellent summary of the book. I will not insult your intelligence by identifying the UKIP characters and plots involved in the book.

In the New Year we shall have the new party constitution to approve. The guiding principle will be Nigel is always right. Approval is certain. The voting system will ensure the right result. Mass expulsions from the party of the less equal members will then ensue. Those expelled will be accused of supporting the BNP along the lines currently pedalled by the anonymous cowardly Common Man. David Abbott and I however stand ready to sue anyone who puts their real name to his, or is it her, pack of lies.

Candidates for the next round of NEC elections will be carefully vetted. Disciplinary charges will be brought against candidates likely to ask questions on the NEC so debarring them from standing.

All previous UKIP failures will be blamed on those expelled. I remember NF at the NEC blaming the UKIP disaster in the Henley by-election on the failure of South West activists to work in Henley! David, Del and I burst out laughing at this ridiculous remark saying "..but Nigel, Henley is in the South East region not the South West. The South East is your region where were your activists?". Ms Duffy took great exception to our daring to laugh at the great leader but when he makes such ludicrous remarks it is difficult to keep a straight face.

Activists will be demoralised by these expulsions and NEC manipulation. The media will be concentrating on Ganley and he will get huge coverage. UKIP will be squeezed between Ganley in the South and the BNP in the North. Ganley is the bigger threat. It is going to be very difficult so why make it harder by purging some of our best people and wasting time and goodwill on pointless constitutional changes? Blaming BNP infiltrators is untrue, stupid, and reeks of Animal Farm.

I dread what will happen to UKIP in June. Failure however will still be blamed on those expelled and any success will be because of NF. Believe it if you like.

Thursday 18 December 2008

Why Paul Nuttall is playing for time

The recent Newmarket meetings organised by concerned Eastern Region UKIP activists have caused a few headaches for Farage and Paul Nuttall, his little sidekick (pictured left). After all, how can you ignore the chairmen of 20 constituencies without being accused of arrogance and indifference to the concerns of the membership? Nuttall has been trying to give the Newmarket attendees the impression that he will meet them in the New Year to discuss their concerns about the MEP selection process. However, he is simply playing for time. He has absolutely no intention of dealing with their complaints. He is too much in the pocket of Farage to even consider going against the wishes of his lord and master. He is NEVER going to put the interests of the Newmarket attendees before his desire to jump on the EU Gravy Train.

By January the voting forms for the proposed changes to the constitution will have been posted to members. Farage and Nuttall are confident that they will win the vote as they will be OVERSEEING the election. By the time the Newmarket attendees have a date set for their meeting most of them will have been thrown out. The screws are already being tightened. Marion Mason, a former staunch supporter of the Newmarket Declaration and an MEP candidate, now wants nothing to do with them after being ‘advised’ by the leadership to ‘either support us or be thrown out’. Needless to say she backed down.

There is only one way to deal with Farage and his cabal. They must be removed. Fortunately, the wheels are already in motion. The introduction of a fascist style disciplinary system will be opposed. The counter-revolution has already begun!

Gawain Towler: UKIP MEP?

I know that Gawain is determined to become an MEP but I had no idea he had successfully unseated Trevor and pushed aside the Earl of Dartmouth.

Here is his letter to The Scotsman:

27 November 2008

Alex Orr (Debate & Opinion, 26 November) claims the Czech Republic is ready to take over the presidency of the European Union. I would agree with him, but how does he square this with the attitude of Andrew Duff, Lib Dem MEP and board member of the International European Movement, who told Czech parliamentarians a couple of weeks ago "he did not think that the Czech Republic could take over the presidency, if they had not ratified the treaty".

It appears the Czechs are acceptable only if they do what they are told.

European Parliament Rue Wiertz, Brussels

Mr Towler now claims that this is all a mistake and blames The Scotsman for adding the MEP tag. So why has he not contacted the paper and asked them to remove the tag from their website?

Wednesday 17 December 2008

Another photo from Nigel's album

Dear Junius,

Here is another photo from my album. It was taken when I joined the Scouts. Unfortunately, my idea for a new uniform was rejected by my fellow scouts. I finally left in disgust after they refused to make me Scout Master for life. The fools!

Nigel +++

Dr Eric Edmond on Derek Clark UKIP MEP & Paul Nuttall, UKIP Chairman

Another excellent article by Dr Eric Edmond ( pictured left) and taken from his blog: http://ukiptruth.blogspot.com/

It seems unfair not to mention our MEP's appearances at the NEC. The permanent member is Derek Clark who was elected along with, or because, of Kilroy in the East Midlands in 2004. Mr Clark is even now rewriting the UKIP constitution to make it easier for the ruling cabal, via unelected Chairman Nuttall, to expel those UKIP members who fall out of favour with the great leader. The infamous hit list will of course come first. This masterpiece of constitutional drafting will be put to the members for approval in the January edition of Independence News. It will be supported by some one sided articles pointing out how this will enable the party to function more 'efficiently' by making it easier for the ruling cabal to get rid of any party members who disagree with NF. Who needs democracy? It is demonstrably inefficient. Political elitism as practised in the EU is a clearly superior system.

The whole business will be eerily similar to Wilson's 1975 referendum on staying in the Common Market. A one sided series of presentations with a few BNP scare stories included for added spice. Voting slips will be included with the News and a rapid response requested. There will be no debate. I can confidently predict the ensuing ballot will not be handled by the Electoral Reform Society or any other independent agency. Mr Clark opposes using the ERS. The ballot will be done in-house. It is the EUKIP way.

I first crossed swords with Mr Clark at the NEC this summer. The House of Lords committee considering the Lisbon Treaty had earlier requested submissions from interested parties on the Treaty. Our excellent branch chairman Ken Perry noticed this and requested all the Yeovil branch committee make our case to the Lords. This we all did and about two months later a large red backed book came through our letter boxes giving the minutes of the committee plus a list of all these who had submitted evidence and views. All the Yeovil committee were named in it. Many other MEP's had submitted evidence and were named including a number from outside the UK. Not one UKIP MEP however had submitted anything.

I produced this report at an NEC meeting and asked Mr Clark to explain why neither he nor any of his colleagues had submitted their views to this important committee. Mr Clark stated he had not known about it, that we should have told him and anyway he had been very busy with his EU committee work at the time. I made three points to Mr Clark:

The only organisation that could get us out of the EU is the UK Parliament of which the Lords is part. The EU committees he regarded as so important could not, and would never, take us out of the EU.

He has a large research budget and has a number of full time, paid, research assistants. MEP's from other parties including non-UK parties knew about this committee. Why did he not know?

Finally, he had been elected as a UKIP MEP to get us out of the EU not to sit on their committees and thus lend democratic legitimacy to the EU.Mr Clark fulminated, huffed and puffed and blamed me as is the EUKIP way.

(I should say that Lord Pearson did submit evidence as did Torquil Dick Erikson who lives in Rome but obviously they had not informed Mr Clark either.)

Mr Clark further excelled himself at the infamous Nov 3rd meeting. He became very angry shouting that the East Midlands was 'his seat'. At the same meeting, Mr Bloom also became over-excited and hysterical.

Mr Clark it was who supported the EU core idea of subsidiarity at the infamous Rumania meeting of the IndDem group. People like Mr Clark and Mr Nuttall are extremely useful to NF. The great leader gets his way. Nothing links directly to him. It can be denied if anything backfires. It is therefore distressing to hear rumours that neither Mr Clark or Mr Nuttall may win MEP seats in 2009. This sadly may have to be accepted as a price worth paying.

Mr Clark is a reminder of how UKIP MEP's exposed to EU temptations and flattery can go native and forget why they were elected in the first place. He is not the only one. He seems to exhibit many symptoms of the EU contagion. There is unfortunately no known cure for this condition. The only known way to avoid contracting it is not to take the EU's Euro in the first place. As St Paul, a citizen of Rome said, the love of money is the root of all evil.

Animal Farm, George Orwell's satire on communism, gives an excellent account of pigs going native. It details how EUKIP has developed and predicts where EUKIP is going. It is well worth a read. The main players in EUKIP are readily identifiable. Ask yourself, does the overnight re-writing of the Farm rules on the Barn Wall ring a bell?

Tuesday 16 December 2008

Congratulations to Graham Booth

May I be the first to congratulate our former UKIP South West MEP on the purchase of his Aston Martin.

I always suspected Graham saw himself as UKIP’s answer to George Lazenby. Can we now expect Graham to save the world from the evil Ernst Stavro Farage?

Nigel Farage’s official 2009 election portrait

At a packed meeting held in Nigel’s bathroom, Paul Nuttall unveiled Nigel’s Euro election portrait. Paul said that Nigel had spent over 20 minutes posing for the portrait entitled ‘You can’t win them all or Why Declan is a *******’. He went on to explain that an exclusive limited edition print will shortly be made available to members via the UKIP internet shop as Nigel needs the money.

Paul refused to say who was behind the masterpiece but outside a drunken Godfrey Bloom was heard to shout “where's that ****** bottle of whiskey? That's the thanks I get for using up my prized collection of EU crayons and chalks!”

Monday 15 December 2008

UKIP: Sinking faster than the Titanic

Thanks to Farage’s inept leadership UKIP continues its rapid decline in popularity.

UKIP’s revamped website has failed to boost UKIP’s flagging fortunes. According to Alexa Web Traffic Ranking, UKIP is now one of the least visited political websites in Britain. UKIP is currently in 863, 813th place. In just four weeks it has dropped 281,796 places!

Still think Farage is UKIP’s only hope?

Sunday 14 December 2008

Even more goodies from the UKIP Shop!

UKIP's internationally famous internet shop is now pleased to announce a whole new range of goodies for Christmas. Lucky members are now able to buy Nigel Farage ‘Romper Stomper’ suits, Annabelle Fuller fright masks (pictured above), a Mark Croucher soap phone on a string, Jonathan ‘Nice but Dim’ Arnott glove puppets, Clive Page’s Guide to the Benefits System, Mike McGough’s ‘Bluffers Guide to Becoming an MEP candidate’, replicas of David Bannerman’s now infamous desk complete with ‘Sir Henry Woz Ere’ scratched onto the leg, Andrew Smith ‘On How to Bankrupt UKIP, Godfrey Bloom's ‘Guide to Sexual Equality’, Gawain Towler plastic stick on ears ( made in India) and Paul Nuttall ‘Help, I’m a Chairman, call the Police!’ t-shirts.

Rumours that David Bannerman is planning to release cover versions of ABBA’s ‘Gimme, Gimme, Gimme’ and ‘Dancing Queen’ are entirely without foundation.

Is UKIP funding its own opposition?

Taken from Tom Wise's website:

"UKIP members will have been bitterly disappointed to learn that Libertas will be fielding candidates in the UK in next year's Euro elections. With the party struggling electorally, and being regularly beaten by the far-right BNP, morale in the branches is at its lowest point. A high profile, well funded, alternative slate of candidates is the last thing that UKIP needs.

Today Declan Ganley, president of Libertas, and Jens Peter Bonde, president of the pan-European EU Democrats (EUD), issued a joint statement concerning the possibility of a second referendum on the Lisbon Treaty in Ireland.

It is this alliance that should raise serious questions as to exactly what is going on.

With a number of EUD officials being employed as members of the Independence & Democracy group, of which UKIP is the largest delegation, we need to ask if UKIP is, indirectly, funding its own opponents: each IND DEM UKIP MEP contributes directly to Ind Dem funds. During a recent visit to the European Parliament, Mr Ganley was attended to by a number of officials from Ind Dem, and the EUD. Bonde was, of course, until recently the co-President of Ind Dem.

The European Parliament is known to have launched an investigation into this misuse of Parliament staff, and not for the first time: Bonde was previously investigated following revelations that his wife's news agency, EU observer, was employing staff on contracts supplied by Ind Dem. These were taxpayer funded staff that should have been working for MEPs, not for a private company.

During a lunch with Ganley, Nigel Farage made a strong statement about the credibility of the eurosceptic movement, singling out the Anti-Maastricht Alliance, saying that it was time for something new. This was seen by many as a prelude to a shift in position away from withdrawal, possibly in concert with Ganley. Following the Libertas announcement, however, Farage was highly critical of that party, dismissing them as campaigners that are "against the Lisbon Treaty as long as the Irish are". Where does UKIP stand now? The party leader has elevated contrarianism to new heights by seemingly distancing himself from both the old and new eurosceptic movements. If there is a repositioning away from unconditional withdrawal, then he will also distance himself from his own membership".

Saturday 13 December 2008

Peter Cole, UKIP Branch Chairman, writes to the Eastern Region Committee

George Curtis, Chairman of the Eastern Region, has gone on record as stating that “the actions of Peter Cole ( pictured above) suggested he was out to destroy the Party”. Mike McGough, the man who lied in his MEP election address, has also made a similar allegation on the British Democracy Forum. Is there any truth to this?

Here are extracts from Mr Cole's letter to Curtis and the other members of the Committee:

“Below I list just some of the things I have been doing of late, if this proves that I am out to damage the Party then I must be told to my face and I will withdraw my membership.

1. I have designed, printed and delivered in two Dunstable wards UKIP leaflets; I am presently designing a booklet which will also be delivered. Unfortunately having asked Peter Reeve to give me samples of his leaflets and his stating “will do” I still await some 7 months later, hence my own designing.

2. I have recently taken the chair, by request from members I might add, of two UKIP branches, Fenland, and more recently South West Beds, in both cases to keep them alive.

3. I asked for and received application forms to sit on the NEC but the way I am being treated by both the Regional Organiser and the Eastern Counties Committee I have decided not to apply.

4. This year at the Fenland Branch we have organised functions for a) St. Georges Day Dinner; b) UKIP Fenland Branch ‘FUN DAY’; both Reeve and Curtis really upset Len Baynes by telling him that he had to have their permission to accept donations from Tom Wise. C) Trafalgar Day Dinner and the forthcoming; d) Christmas Dinner, a few places left; e) UKIP involvement in having Christmas Lights in the village of Doddington where I have been honoured with the task of switching them on December 5th at 5pm (ALL WELCOME, PLEASE WEAR YOUR ROSETTES). All these events make money for UKIP and encourage new membership.

5. I have for the past two years held a Garden Party and B.B.Q. At my own property, completely at my own expense to raise money for UKIP.

6. I have attended and spent the whole afternoon as ‘Chef’ at a B.B.Q. At a Mid-Beds Branch meeting, this entailed taking tables and chairs and my cooking unit to the site, again all at my own expense.

7. I have stood as a UKIP candidate at the last two local elections and although I was not elected have caused quite a stir in the local ward.

8. I organised, had printed, delivered 8,000 cards asking for a vote if our local council should change to fortnightly bin collection, I received 3,075 replies, 3,069 against the change and only 6 thinking it was a good idea, these cards were then delivered to the local council offices and were handed over in front of two local papers and I was interviewed on two local Radio stations on the subject.

9. I spent a total of 15 nights away from my wife and my home comforts when I was driving the ‘REFERENDUM BATTLE BUS’ around the South Coast and South Wales. During these tours hundreds of signatures were gathered and a number of new UKIP members. Incidentally Peter Reeve refused to organise anything in the Eastern Counties because Tom Wise had organised the bus to be brought from Brussels. It should be noted that it was the Ind/Dem’s money that was used to finance this, not Tom’s. It should also be noted that when I took the bus to London Nigel Farage was only too keen to speak from the top of it as he did when I took the bus to Brighton to support the court case against Gordon Brown.

10. I get invited to many Branch meetings to speak. One of those meetings was at Fenland when Peter Reeve was also invited to attend; this is where he really cooked his books with the membership, when he refused to sit at the same top table where I was sitting because he stated that I work for Tom Wise!! How very childish, the membership went ballistic; I consider this was the start of the members insisting that Peter Reeve must be deselected as their PPC.

11. I have, at the request of members, at Branch meetings, organised a motion of no confidence in Peter Reeve as Regional Organiser, perhaps by now you are beginning to realise why. At the only South West Bedfordshire Branch meeting he has attended in 21 months as R.O. He actually stated and I quote from the minutes taken by the Branch Secretary “Peter Reeve stated that he was not concerned about our Branch, Jackie Cole told him he should be concerned”. This was the first time in over a year that Jackie, an ex-teacher, has spoken at a Branch meeting, she was very angry! Jackie has since refused to renew her membership as have several others.

12. I was also invited to sit on a ‘Question Time Panel’ as a UKIP representative alongside Patrick Hall a Labour MP, and PPC’s from the Greens, Tories, and Lib/Dems, I have also been invited to sit on another panel in April ’09.

13. I was invited to lay a wreath at Bedford on behalf of UKIP in November ’07 where I was very proud to be able to wear my late Father’s medals; he served in both the 1st and 2nd world wars.

I will now explain why the Motions of no confidence in the Eastern Counties Committee were voted on by the membership.

A. It is considered that that the Eastern Counties Committee is unlawful for the following reasons – 4.1 of the Regional Committee Rules dated 4th February 2008, states - The Term of regional committees shall be 5 years, with each committee normally elected two years before each euro-election. – This did not happen, therefore by UKIP’s own rules, the committee is unlawful! That in turn makes every decision taken since June 2007 unlawful.

B. This also includes the selection of MEP candidates, and what a shambles that was, and still is in my opinion. How on earth a girl of 19, still at school, can be better suited to stand than a man with the political experience of Christopher Hudson is beyond comprehension!

C. Lastly, the lies spoken by both George Curtis and Andrew Smith at committee meetings are disgraceful and without reason, when I ask for an apology from Mr Curtis all I get is “Please could you inform as to where and when I am supposed to have made such a statement?” – My reply “At your last meeting” – I have repeated my request for an apology but I have not received that courtesy.

I was under the impression that the ECC is there for the benefit of the members and therefore I see no reason why minutes are kept secret, well that is until someone passes me a copy, and that would open a few eyes if you knew my source!

On Monday 24th November 2008 I managed to talk an Eastern Counties Branch Chairman from holding a branch meeting until after our meeting with the Party Chairman, the membership are so disillusioned with UKIP and in particular Peter Reeve that they want to close the branch; this has now been put on hold.

Do I really sound as though I am anti-UKIP? My assumption is that certain people do not want me at a meeting, or indeed want me to answer a letter I might receive from the committee for fear of being made to look fools!

I spent 37 years of my life running my own businesses, retiring when I could not happily continue under EU laws, I have since then devoted my time to helping UKIP, but it appears, because I work for Tom Wise 9 to 5 Monday to Friday ONLY, the only thanks I get is to be kicked in the teeth”.

Peter Cole

End of letter.

Is this really a man out to destroy UKIP?

Can Mr Curtis say he has done as much for UKIP? After all, the vast majority of UKIPPERS in the East don’t even know that he is the Chairman of the Regional Committee. And those that have heard of Mr Curtis generally regard him as a bumbling Colonel Blimp figure without a single original idea in his head.

Mike McGough is no better. In the May elections he only got 1% of the vote. This was largely due to his lacklustre campaign and his inability to inspire even his own supporters. To make matters worse he then went on to lie in his MEP address. Even Piers Merchant’s report on the selection process criticised him for this. Despite this he is still allowed to remain on the list. He also continues to make a fool of himself on the British Democracy Forum but seems oblivious to this.

When I think of Mr Curtis and Mr McGough the words fools and hypocrites come to mind.

Nigel Farage & Mark Croucher: The best of friends

I am the first to admit that Nigel Farage has done one good deed since he became our beloved leader - he sacked Mark Croucher as a UKIP Press Officer and Editor of Independence.

Numerous complaints had been made to Nigel about Mark Croucher's total inability to keep to deadlines, answer emails and letters or even set his alarm clock. Even Nigel, it seems, could not tolerate Mark crawling into the office at 11.00, bleary eyed and somewhat the worse for wear after a night out on the town. The final straw came when Mark stopped turning up altogether. Nigel phoned him up only to be told that he would much rather work from home! Nigel’s response was to give Mark the order of the boot.

As you can imagine Mark was furious and demanded severance pay. He pointed out to Nigel that he was in possession of a rather embarrassing conversation recorded on his mobile. This conversation had apparently been recorded by Mark without the knowledge of the ‘lady’ concerned.

Oil was quickly poured on troubled waters and now Nigel and Mark are the best of friends. They are now so close that Mark even posts comments on The British Democracy Forum on behalf of our computer illiterate leader. In a further gesture of friendship he even allows Clive Page, UKIP Press Officer and convicted benefit fraudster, to stay at his pub when he is working in London. What a guy!

Friday 12 December 2008

Dr Eric Edmond on Martin Haslam, Marta Andreasen & Michael Zuckerman

Another excellent article by Dr Edmond and taken from his blog ‘UKIP Truth’:

"For completeness I give my views on Martin Haslam (non-elected, but invited), Marta Andreasen (ex-officio, non elected) & Michael Zuckerman, elected.

Martin Haslam is one of the most honest and decent men I have ever met. He was nominally deputy treasurer of UKIP but in fact did all the Treasury work. I am not quite sure what Ms Andreasen did. He has donated over £10000 to UKIP and also paid La Andreasen's salary of £36000 for the first three months. I have never met anyone with a bad word to say about Martin except NF. Nigel arranged for a journalist from the Independent newspaper to phone Martin when he was playing tennis with the sole purpose of entrapping Martin into speaking to a journalist without informing NF. NF brazenly stated he was testing Martin's loyalty. It beggars belief that anyone could doubt the integrity, honesty and loyalty of Martin Haslam. He is a man without fault.

Ms Andreasen's character shows through in her interview with the BBC. Click on the URL below, click on "Watch full interview” button, turn up the sound and settle down for 30 minutes informative viewing. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/hardtalk/2293519.stm

After watching ask yourself if you would wish to work with this woman, have her working for you or have her represent your party and your views.

After Martin's entrapment he was removed from the NEC by NF. Ms Andreasen is now signing the cheques and keeps the UKIP books presumably in Barcelona where she lives.

As La Andreasen is now an MEP candidate she might well be signing cheques payable to herself. This is called a conflict of interest and is not recommended as good practice.

Mr Zuckerman also has ambitions to be an MEP. He is on the London list but Mr Batten and Mr Atkinson are ahead of him. Mr Batten and Mr Atkinson had some bitter arguments during the MEP election. Mr Bannerman has helpfully suggested if these arguments continue then Mr Batten and Mr Atkinson should be demoted in the list leaving Mr Zuckerman as numero uno.

Mr Zuckerman as party secretary and legal advisor was also helpful in confirming that Mr Bannerman being paid by EU money, an organisation EUKIP avowedly wishes to leave, was not a bar to Mr Bannerman being a member of UKIP NEC and formulating the charges against me. The ways of the law are indeed strange.

I expect to have more to tell you about Mr Zuckerman in the New Year.

On Tuesday, 9th Dec, I attended a meeting of my local branch committee to which our excellent chairman, Ken Perry, had invited our RO and long time friend of Mr Farage, Malcolm Wood to explain by what authority the NEC could remove an elected member whose only crime was to disagree with some of the great leader's views. Ken and the other committee members were clear that they were minded to dissolve the branch if necessary.

I was humbled and proud of the way Ken and all the committee members refused to be distracted by Mr Wood's dissembling and obfuscation. They repeated their argument that UKIP's ruling cabal had no democratic authority to expel me. That by so doing they were behaving just like the EU and were turning UKIP into a Fascist organisation. Why do we have elections at all if the NEC ignores the result? How can the NEC be prosecutor, judge and jury in its own case?

They have written to Nuttall demanding I be reinstated.The decision to disband will be deferred until they get his answer but they demand his answer by Xmas. They also noted they had not yet received a reply from Nuttall to their previous letter.Our committee represents all that is best in UKIP and indeed why I joined UKIP in the first place. Mr Wood's waffling and persistent avoiding of questions went down very badly indeed. As Mr Lincoln said, "You can’t fool all of the people all of the time"

End of article.

Keep up the good work! By all working together we can remove Farage and his corrupt cabal.

Thursday 11 December 2008

All about UKIP

The ‘All About UKIP’ blog has gone rather quiet. I wonder why? Perhaps Nigel, Annabelle and Mark ( pictured here) are running out of ideas for new BNP conspiracy theories.