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Members & staff of UKIP past & present. Committed to reforming the party by exposing the corruption and dishonesty that lies at its heart, in the hope of making it fit for purpose. Only by removing Nigel Farage and his sycophants on the NEC can we save UKIP from electoral oblivion. SEE: http://juniusonukip.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/a-statement-re-junius.html

Tuesday 31 August 2010

UKIP: More UKIP, More titbits

Just in! Vote Rigging for Dummies. Foreword by Nigel Farage and Michael Zuckerman. Afterword by Paul 'Benito' Nuttall. Copies can be obtained from the UKIP website shop.

The NEC Elections

The complaints regarding Bloom’s attempts to rig the vote continue. Even Roger Knapman has threatened to get involved.

Demands have been made that the membership lists be compared with the returned ballot papers in order to see if any members appear more than once. Zuckerman is resisting this.

One NEC candidate has described the count to us as a “f****** shambles and a disgrace to democracy”.

Here are a few facts about the count:

Ray Finch was set to win a place on the NEC. Suddenly another ballot box was produced. The votes inside tipped the balance in favour of another candidate.

Zuckerman was conspicuous by his absence. John Knotts replaced him as acting returning officer.

There were no official scrutineers

Ballot paper numbers were not checked against a master list of names and numbers.

Envelopes with more than one ballot paper – such as husband and wife - were immediately invalidated. No questions asked.

Many envelopes also contained the Godfrey Bloom 'approved list '. They were all accepted.

Some candidates have still not been told the number of votes cast!

Here are the final results:

Steve Allison 2275
George Curtis 1849
Hugh Williams 1748
Jill Seymour 1696
Mick McGough 1604
Elizabeth Burton 1548

Julia Reid 1491
Coburn 1,452
Micklethwait 1,326
Finch 1,317
Pain 1,261
Bours 1,248
Henke 1,198
Rowlands 1,191
Black 1,077
Daly 1,051
Mason 958
Garner 924
Atkinson 881
Jones 863
McKenzie 857
Harrison 847
Slaughter 832
Povey 822
Moyies 807
Mackay 789
Macey 751
Durrance 749
McIntyre 694
Swain 687
McWhirter 653
Hookem 634
Macarthur 559
Duxbury 500
Evans 421
Carter 392
Dodman 355

This is what Dr Edmond had to say on his excellent blog:

Another UKIP election surrounded by allegations of ballot rigging. The mysterious box of ballot papers that allegedly appeared at the last minute whose contents allegedly moved Mr Finch from in the lead to, well not elected to the NEC. When you add in the Junius allegation of a 'B' list of approved candidates sent out to some members by a UKIP MEP and subsequently find 4 B listers were elected then of course questions will be asked. The UK media would ask questions if this happened in a Banana republic!

You can't stop MEPs taking ill judged actions. The only solution is the long term one of selecting better MEP candidates. With this end in view, when on the SWCC I argued that UKIP use the ERS service which cost only a few pence per ballot more than an internal ballot and would have squashed most allegations of ballot rigging and given UKIP their seal of approval. This was passed by the SWCC but stopped by the Cabal. I wonder why?

The ERS also always uses FREEPOST so would have generated a higher response than the actual ballot that I estimate was in the low 30 percent range. The ERS will not only issue; receive and count votes, they will also verify the database containing the membership details of the voters. A service worth paying for in my opinion.

When at the NEC I tried to have the ERS used for all regions MEP selection ballots. I was shouted down by Farage and Whittaker who claimed completely wrongly that the ERS only did Single Transferable Vote ballots. I had a copy of an email at that meeting from the ERS stating they would use any system the client wanted including specifically the UKIP one. Still Farage and Whittaker insisted this was wrong and then there was the usual Cabal tribal chants from Clarke, Denny et al in support of NF.

There was so much to gain from using the ERS that one must ask why not? Well the latest allegations answer that question. As to those elected I know Julia Read is honest decent and will speak her mind without fear or favour. I cannot say the same about the rest that I know who were elected.

So now we move on to another leadership ballot. Last time this was conducted by the ERS funded by Mr Mickelwaite who was I believe subsequently reimbursed by Lord Pearson. It was a fptp election thus showing Farage and Whittaker were wrong but nothing unusual in that -it happened all the time. Let us just hope the ERS is used this time also.

Every professional body I and my wife have ever been a member of uses the ERS for their elections. They all have larger and better resourced head offices than UKIP yet they still see the ERS seal of approval as worth paying for. It stops dissent and argument about the probity of the election. Its high time UKIP learned its lesson on this. It became a political laughing stock over Pearson but a banana republic allegation will be much more damaging.

To see the original: LINK

Frank ‘Baloney’ Maloney may stand for leadership

Good old Frank!

"I'm thinking about it. Ukip needs to modernise and it needs the leadership to bring it into the modern world and to modernise its image.

The majority of people see us as cast-away Tories or old English. I don't think that's the case. I'm not an ex-Tory and I'm not old English, but I am patriotic. If Ukip makes the wrong decision now, it will stagnate and simply become a party of protest."

We just hope that Frank remembers how you spell ‘Britain’. Last time he stood for election it caused him a lot of trouble! See above. Also see: LINK

For an amusing take on the UKIP leadership election see the Independent: LINK

Porn Earl looking for a Press Officer

The Earl of Dartmouth is currently advertising for a Press Officer. The wage will be between £75,000 and £85,000 a year.

The odious Paul Nuttall has been quick to deny any UKIP involvement.

So why are applicants instructed to send their CVs to UKIP's Head Office? And why are they being misled into thinking that the job involves working for a political party when Nuttall says different?

Here is an extract from the advert:

Established UK political party looking for experienced journalist to head media team based in London.

Dartmouth's website clearly states says his EU allowances are fully committed to employ three assistants in the West Country and one in Brussels. It certainly doesn't mention a media team in London.

We sincerely hope that UKIP has not lied again. The advert is quite clear in stating that the job involves working for a political party. Deliberately publishing a misleading job advert can be damaging to your health. We would REALLY hate to see UKIP involved in yet another scandal.


John Papworth

How interesting to note that the UKIP website "shop" contains a book by John Papworth.

Mr Papworth is a stalwart of the Green movement.

However, his career is somewhat shady. He has done a couple of stints behind bars, and was even 'defrocked' by the Church of England for encouraging people to shoplift from supermarkets.

Funny party, very funny people.

Monday 30 August 2010

Nikki Sinclaire's EU referendum campaign gathers momentum

And while UKIP MEPs continue to line their own pockets at our expense and do very little else.......

Nikki's campaign for a referendum on EU membership continues to gain massive support across the West Midlands.

She will be shortly taking her campaign to fringe meetings at the Tory, Labour, Lib-Dem and UKIP conferences.

You can visit her website at Have Your Say.

Join the campaign for a referendum on membership of the EU. Let the people decide!

Sunday 29 August 2010

UKIP's Earl of Dartmouth: Nothing to do with me old Bean!

Photo by Andrew Edwards, UKIP's official artist and photographer. Is available for UKIP Conference. Cheaper than Derek Bennett!

The row over Dartmouth's links to a porn company continues. See: LINK.

Dartmouth has now issued a very brief statement:

I have never heard of the company mentioned in the Telegraph article ( Mandrake Column ).

I have had no dealings with the company mentioned in the article.

End of statement.

Our older readers may remember the Profumo scandal of the early 60's. While giving evidence at the trial of Stephen Ward, charged with living off the immoral earnings of Keeler and Rice-Davies, the latter made a famous riposte. When the prosecuting counsel pointed out that Lord Astor denied an affair or having even met her, she replied, "Well, he would, wouldn't he?" (often misquoted as "Well he would say that, wouldn't he?").

For more on this: LINK

Saturday 28 August 2010

UKIP: Dr Edmond may stand in leadership election

Dr Edmond has expressed an interest in standing for the leadership of UKIP. We wish him luck.

You may recall that Dr Edmond was thrown off the NEC for trying to raise concerns about widespread corruption in UKIP.

Since then, he has been the subject of a concerted smear campaign conducted by the Farage cabal. Baseless allegations of links to the BNP are trotted out with boring regularity by the usual suspects. They claim that Dr Edmond was all in favour of a pact with the BNP. They use Buster Mottram's appearance at the NEC as proof of this. In fact, it was Farage and the odious Nuttall who allowed Mottram to attend the meeting and propose the pact.

And yet the very people who attack Dr Edmond are strangely silent when it comes to Farage’s far-right links and UKIP’s involvement with fascist groups in the EFD. See: LINK & LINK

There are plans to expel Dr Edmond from UKIP for ‘bringing the party into disrepute’. Only in UKIP could raising concerns about corruption be classed as ‘bringing the party into disrepute’!

The leadership of UKIP has now sunk so far into the gutter that they make the Kray Twins look honest in comparison!

We would advise UKIPPERs to take a look at Dr Edmond’s blog. It is well written and is always most informative.

Here are two recent examples:

UKIP's dirty tricks - an incomplete list

As it seems a UKIP leadership election will be called and as I am considering running I think it is time to list some of the dirty tricks that I have experienced of and their perpetrators. They are in no particular order.

In Autumn 08 at the request of Ian Proctor, a SWCC member, I agreed to do a test run of their video capabilities for the forthcoming election. Doug Dawson did all the very good video, sound and editing. So I went down to Lexdrum and recorded three unscripted talks, entitled, "Why should we vote UKIP", "Stay out of the Eurozone" and "The Government is running out of money". All three were posted up on YouTube and were accessible via the UKIPSW web site and were generally well received with around 1000 hits each which I was quite surprised at given my little talks were given no publicity at all especially from UKIP!

I went back to check them sometime later and found they had mysteriously disappeared after I had been deselected as a UKIP MEP candidate. Someone in the UKIP hierarchy had ordered their removal because they showed Eric Edmond was a very good communicator and a real asset to UKIP, the words of branch members not mine.

As I knew the dirty tricks UKIP uses I had taken a copy of these videos and have managed to get two back up on YouTube.

Click on below to see the videos, judge my presentation and how prescient my financial forecasting was:

Government Money



I put these up now a number of UKIPers have said I am selling myself short. I have never been given a UKIP platform or a chance to give a prepared speech to a UKIP conference or branch other than my own. I do not expect to be so invited so please forgive my self promotion in this matter! UKIP only promotes those in or favoured by the Cabal especially those with titles.

In late September 08 I received a phone call from Nuttall re the scheduled UKIP NEC meeting for Monday 6th October and that a UKIP member, Mr Mottram wished to attend and address the NEC, and what did I think about this. I replied I did not know Mr Mottram but my attitude would have been the same for any UKIP member who put themselves to the inconvenience of travelling up to London to address the NEC. We should see any member and listen to what they had to say but make clear it would be for a short fixed time of 10 minutes.

I heard nothing more from Nuttall until just before the 6th October when he phoned again to say he had cancelled the meeting as people could not make it. I pointed out to him that David Abbott had arranged to take time of his hospital work to fly back from Oregon to attend this meeting and urged him to reconsider. He refused and offered no further explanation to me Del Young or David Abbott. Given the trouble and expense David had been put to offering him recompenses for his airfare was the least UKIP should have done in my opinion.

I have made several attempts as a UKIP member to join the UKIP members forum but my application has never been approved. Rob McWhirter, current NEC candidate, who lives in Zurich. He contacted Arnott who is nominally in charge of the UKIP forum who asked me to submit yet another application. I did so and again nothing happened. Rob took it up with Arnott who admitted he had been instructed by Nuttall not to approve my application as the forum was only for 'members of good standing'. in UKIP. I did not know about this. I was never notified of my lack of standing. The decision seems to have been made by Nuttall and it could happen to any member of UKIP. There is no appeal against Nuttall's decision.

So there you have it UKIPers. You are a member of a party with two classes of member those Nuttall approves of and those he does not and you have no appeal! If it sounds like a dictatorship that is exactly what it is.

These are is only some of the dirty tricks used against me but Del suffered to with Harling being used to oust him from Young Independence. David had to put up with Farage's inane parrot cry of BNP, BNP, BNP. All to sick making for words given the neo-Nazi racists Farage is now allied to in the EFD group. UKIP is not a fair or democratic party. It has been hijacked by a self seeking Cabal. Only a new leader, permanently working for UKIP in the UK, untainted by Brussels and the Cabal can rescue UKIP. If not we must seek another option to get us out of the EU.

To see the original: LINK

Will Pearson show his face at the Torquay conference?

Malcolm Pearson has let UKIP down. He purported to be the leader of a party seeking independence for his country and yet he walked out of the job leaving an administrative mess, or should I say Eton mess, presumably so as not to miss the stag shooting season with his old Tory chums. Clearly he does not want to account for his pathetic performance verging on sabotage of UKIP's General Election campaign particularly in the South West where the conference takes place.

His behaviour comes as no surprise to me but will UKIP members learn from this sorry episode? On their past record, No. They will do as before and vote in as new puppet leader whoever is endorsed, as Lord Pearson was, by the cult leader N Farage. Remember the last election with Farage on national TV describing Pearson as head and shoulders above all the other candidates and hence denigrating people who had spent many years working hard for UKIP in favour of a newly arrived, Thatcher created Life Peer, who ditched UKIP as soon as it suited his real agenda.

Ah say the sycophants but UKIP increased its share of the vote. But look at the highly favourable circumstances of the General Election for UKIP. The voter's were still mad with their MP's over the expenses scandal. The Labour government was in disgrace and the Tory party was nothing more than a bunch of public school PR oiks. The LibDems, campaigning as the clean party, were at over 30% in the polls at one stage, unknown since the days of Lloyd George. And what did UKIP achieve but, 3.1% of the vote and zero MPs, again! Its not easy in a fptp system for small parties but the Greens managed one by concentrating on an area, Brighton, where they had been building up their strength over previous elections.

Where was UKIP's main effort and money put? Contesting Buckingham, one of the safest Tory seats in the country, to generate personal publicity for Farage! Well Bercow unsurprisingly bested him easily and the whole thing ended in the air crash farce where thank God no one was killed. But Nigel got the best UKIP result at 17.4% of the vote say the sycophants. Given the amount of TV time and money was that really a good result? The Independent, John Stevens, also standing on an anti Bercow platform, without Farage's money or TV coverage, came second with 21.4% of the vote! All Farage achieved was to finish third, split the anti Bercow vote and let the Tory back. There is a pretty obvious message there. Voters given the choice between Farage and another candidate on the same issue won't vote Farage. (In the Europeans in the South East they voted UKIP.)

The money and effort should have been invested in UKIP's strongest region the South West where results in the 6% to 9% range, twice the national average, were achieved by good local candidates who are there for the long haul. And who did most to destroy the moral of UKIP's South West candidates? Why old Lord Pearson urging these committed candidates to stand down in favour of his Tory friends. Given this, UKIP's South West results were excellent, Thank goodness many of these candidates will be back fighting these seats again in the next election. And where will Lord Pearson be? Up on Rannoch moor a'chasing the deer!

I urge UKIP members to vote for a leader who is in it for the long haul in this country and not some media wannabe posturing in Brussels.

To see the original: LINK

Friday 27 August 2010

UKIP MEP profits from porn

Revealed: Dartmouth's secret involvement in pornography business

Senior UKIPPERS have already dismissed the revelation as of no consequence. It is nice to know that UKIP's leadership are not the least bit concerned about the sexual exploitation and corruption of women. Is that all women are fit for? But let us not forget that more than one UKIP MEP has been known to use prostitutes for sex. See: LINK

So are the Earl of Dartmouth's constituents in the South West region aware that their elected representative is involved with a porn film company?

Here are some of the titles:

Anal addicts, Ass Invaders, Asshole Combustion, Gaping Girls, Sex Carnage and Wide Open.

Living off of the earnings of pornography may not be illegal but few would see it as an acceptable way for a UKIP MEP to earn extra money.

The Earl of Dartmouth's wife recently sold a flat for £11 million. So he hardly needs the money.

For more on Dartmouth: LINK & LINK

From The Telegraph:

Sir Hayden Phillips, an adviser to the Prince of Wales, and the Earl of Dartmouth, the Ukip MEP, are on the board of Hanson Family Holdings.

The Earl of Dartmouth has been named and shamed as the director of a company involved in the making of pornographic films.

Lord Hanson has found himself embroiled in an unseemly courtroom battle involving a pornographic film company.

Hanson, 49, is being sued by David Newnham of Victoria, in Australia, who claims to be owed £350,000, including interest, after he was sacked as the chief executive of Woodman Entertainment, a Spanish company involved in making pornographic films such as Psycho Sex, Wide Open and Sex Carnage.

In documents filed at the High Court, Newnham alleges that Hanson has a financial interest in Woodman and, in August 2008, guaranteed his salary for two years. He was, however, sacked in October that year and is now seeking to compel Hanson to honour the agreement.

Newnham says he met Hanson at the Mayfair offices of his company Hanson Capital. It is a Hanson Family Holdings company, of which Hanson is the chairman.

The deputy chairman is Sir Hayden Phillips, the chairman of the National Theatre and charities consultant to the Prince of Wales. Its directors include the Earl of Dartmouth, the Ukip MEP. There is no reference on the company’s website to Woodman.

Hanson, who was once engaged to the model Sophie Anderton and whose father was a close ally of Margaret Thatcher, declines to comment. He was on holiday yesterday with his wife.

To see the original: LINK

Also see: LINK

Thursday 26 August 2010

UKIP: The NEC Election Results

Farage and the Wolfman: Also known as the Crook and the Liar

What a VERY big surprise! More nodding donkeys on Farage's NEC. More lies, more corruption, more stupidity, more dishonesty, more sycophants, more crooks!

As expected, the votes just don't add up. Ray Finch was doing very well and it looked certain that he would be elected. However, a box of 'late' votes suddenly arrived. The voting slips tipped the balance in favour of Farage 'approved' candidates. Mr Finch lost the seat. How strange!

The list of shame:

Steve Allison.
George Curtis.
Hugh Williams.
Jill Seymour.
Mick McGough.
Elizabeth Burton.
Julia Reid (the only independent).

We have been told that several losing candidates are set to complain because several of the winners were featured in Bloom's 'recommended' list.

The Bloom list:

Jill Seymour
Mike McGough
Stephen Allison

John Harrison (not elected)
Mike Hookem (not elected)
Elizabeth Burton

This is what we said about the winning candidates in previous posts:

Elizabeth Burton

It was Elizabeth Burton who 'seconded' Douglas Denny's motion for the Ashford Call Centre to be taken under direct control of the NEC. She also seemed strangely indifferent to minor points such as first having the accounts audited.

When last on the NEC would frequently ask Farage how he wanted her to vote!

Thinks that it is natural for men to get erections in a hot bath. Gawain Towler was pleased with that one! For more on this see GLW's link at the bottom of this article.

Declines to give her age. It is not surprising when you consider that she is actually in her late 80’s! Farage sycophant. Assentors include Bloom, Oxley, Bown, Duffy and Malcolm Wood. Nuff said!

End of quote.

Farage nodding donkey elected. And far too old!

Steve Allison

Claims to be a reformist candidate. But why would a 'reformist' candidate want the likes of Bloom, Dartmouth and Bufton as his assentors? Has criticized Zuckerman’s 'Friends of Israel' which, you may recall, was set up as yet another Farage money making scam. Naughty!

His rather tasteless facebook site leaves a lot to be desired. His site profile includes a declared interest in Strangling Animals and Masturbating. Has he ever heard of the word gravitas?

We noticed that Mike Nattrass was listed as one of his assentors. But would Mike have done this if he had been aware that Mr Allison was behind a rather inept attempt to leak false information about him to yours truly?

Mr Allison claimed that Nattrass was going to join the BNP. A quick check revealed this to be false. The attempted smear was made at a crucial time when Mike was considering leaving the EFD Group and joining Nikki Sinclaire as an unattached MEP. Would Mr Allison care to explain why he did this?

End of quote.

Is not all he seems.

Jill Seymour

Aged 52.

What can we say? Jill means well but lacks the courage to stand up to Farage and his sycophants. We have lost count of the times she has promised us to tackle Farage about corruption in UKIP. She always arrives at the Farmers Club full of optimism and a sense of purpose. But once there a quick glare from Nigel soon silences her into submission.

Dr Eric Edmond, Del Young and David Abbott will attest to that.

Jill Seymour: A tragic tale of wasted opportunities. Don’t waste your time.

End of quote.

Farage nodding donkey and a coward re-elected.

Wolfman McGough

Aged 60. One of the most corrupt UKIPPERS ever to stand for the NEC. A classic Farage sycophant. No wonder Farage is desperate to get him onto the NEC!

Proposed by Farage in the hope that gullible members will be swayed by the ex-leader's approval of this dishonest lowlife.

His assentors include, Bannerman, Bloom, Curtis, Whittaker, Stephen Allison and Malcolm Wood.

You may recall that the Wolfman got into hot water after claiming in his MEP selection address to be the PPC for Harlow.

Here is the quote in question:

'am currently the prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Harlow'

This was a lie. The chairman for UKIP Harlow was less than amused!

Unfortunately, McGough made himself look even more foolish by failing to correct this error at ANY of the hustings held in the Eastern Region.

When challenged McGough vainly tried to defend himself by claiming that “he thought” he was the PPC for Harlow.

Apparently, he “thought” he had formally applied for the position. He also “thought” he had gone to a hustings where he “thought” members had elected him the PPC.

Clearly, McGough lives in a fantasy world where the normal laws of electioneering do not apply.

This is what Piers Merchant - UKIP’s Returning Officer - had to say:

“I also received complaints about Michael McGough, who, it was claimed, described himself as a UKIP PPC when he was not, thus seriously misleading the voters”.

His concerns were ignored by UKIP's corrupt NEC.

In another party the Wolfman would have been removed the from the MEP list and brought before a disciplinary committee for bringing the party into disrepute. But this is UKIP and you can get away with almost anything as long as you are prepared to condone leadership corruption. The Wolfman also likes to illustrate his profound stupidity by posting moronic comments on the British Democracy Form.

It is interesting to note that McGough has been highly critical of Batten's decision to turn down an MEP pay rise. Has said that Batten should have taken the money EVEN after voting against such a pay increase. Such is McGough's morality. He has also gone on record as saying "If you wish to be moral don't go to Brussels and Strasbourg period!"

Is that why Mr McGough was so keen to become an MEP himself? But at least it is nice to know what he really thinks about Mr Batten's moral standards!

Would 'Tim' like to explain why Batten was happy to second the Wolfman's nomination papers?

Farage is said to be confident that McGough will get onto the NEC. We bet he is!

End of quote.

Farage nodding donkey. So how did Farage know that he would be elected? The answer is that the vote was rigged.

George Curtis

Aged 73. One of the most corrupt individuals ever to sit on UKIP’s NEC!

Heavily involved in the rigging of the MEP selection lists in the Eastern Region. Lacks any integrity. Starting to show signs of senility. Farage sycophant. Farage wants him back on the NEC.

His proposer and seconder are Christopher Gill and David Bannerman.

His assentors include Pearson, Agnew, Andreasen, Denny, McGough and Jill Seymour.

It is no wonder that these assorted crooks, liars, cowards and cheats back him!

End of quote.

Farage nodding donkey re-elected.

Hugh Williams

Age 63. Another waste of space. Thinks Marta Andreasen is great. Oh, really? So you support staying in the EU? Marta does!

Assentors include Andreasen and Bannerman.

Mr Williams was thrown out of his own UKIP Branch as chairman for corruption - including colluding with Malcolm Wood to out manoeuvre the decisions of the Branch Committee - nominated Bannerman. We guess someone had to endorse the lying chump!

End of quote.

Farage nodding donkey elected.

Julia Reid.

The only independent of the bunch. Allowed onto the NEC so that it won't appear too obvious the election was rigged. But will she have the guts to stand up to the cabal? Not that it will make ANY difference. The Farage sycophants have the majority. Nothing changes. A sham election and a sham NEC!

Also see: LINK

UKIP Titbits: NEC elections & Quote of the Week

The NEC elections

The election is over and the votes are being counted. The elections have been marred by the usual attempts to rig the vote.

1. More than one candidate is concerned that the number on the ballot sheet is not the same as the membership number. This leaves it open for another 1000 ballot sheets to ‘appear’ with Farage’s chosen seven clearly marked. It has happened before. How do you think Lisa Duffy got 'elected' to the NEC?

2. Bloom sent out a letter ‘advising’ members who they should vote for. This was in clear breach of the rules. See: LINK

3. Ms Daly was caught lying in her election address. She claimed to have been a candidate in the General and Euro elections. It was no surprise to see Farage’s useful idiots rush to her defence.

‘Wolfman’ McGough – via the British Democracy Forum – had this to say:

'Elections contested ' is open to wide interpretation as we campaign / contest many. A better more precise wording might have asked about being a candidate'.

No surprise to see the Wolfman justifying her lies. He was one of her assentors. He also has a track record of lying himself.

You may recall that he got into hot water after claiming in his MEP selection address to be the PPC for Harlow.

Here is the quote in question:

'am currently the prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Harlow'

This was a lie. The chairman for UKIP Harlow was less than amused!

Unfortunately, McGough made himself look even more foolish by failing to correct this error at ANY of the hustings held in the Eastern Region.

When challenged McGough vainly tried to defend himself by claiming that “he thought” he was the PPC for Harlow.

Apparently, he “thought” he had formally applied for the position. He also “thought” he had gone to a hustings where he “thought” members had elected him the PPC.

Clearly, McGough lives in a fantasy world where the normal laws of electioneering do not apply. He is probably best known for getting just 1% of the vote in a General Election, one of the lowest results in UKIP history!

This is what Piers Merchant - UKIP’s Returning Officer - had to say:

I also received complaints about Michael McGough, who, it was claimed, described himself as a UKIP PPC when he was not, thus seriously misleading the voters”.

His concerns were ignored by UKIP's corrupt NEC.

Rob McWhirter – another NEC candidate - was less than impressed with Ms Daly:

I read it as implying she was a candidate.

If she stood under a different name (I can't find her candidacy for either on the internet), then her entry should have made this clear.

Moreover, since UKIP requires candidates to be police vetted, leading people to think she was a candidate would imply she was vetted, and therefore a safe risk despite what Godfrey had said...


Steve Allison has investigated, and tells me that Paula, poor lass, misunderstood the term "contested", and took it to mean "was part of the campaign team".

Mike Nattrass will be surprised to learn I contested Crewe and Nantwich for UKIP in 2008, and I really want to see Frank Maloney's face when he finds I contested Barking this year, and the London mayoralty twice.

End of quotes.

So Ms Daly is admitting that she is too stupid to realise what ‘contested’ means! A perfect candidate for Farage’s NEC!

Here is the definition of ‘to contest an election’:

To strive to be elected.

To dispute the declared result of an election.

Seems pretty clear to us. Ms Daly is a liar.


UKIP Quote of the Week

From Herald Scotland

Tom Shields on … honesty in politics

Gaun yersel, Lord Pearson of Rannoch.

You may ask: why is the topic for today LPoR? That’s an abbreviation of his name, by the way. It’s to save space. Mind you, I’ve now wasted space explaining it’s an abbreviation.

A reader interrupts: can you just get on with it? Where should LPoR go and why should go himself?

Gaun yersel is a Scottish way of saying well done. LPoR was leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party. But he resigned, saying he wasn’t very good at it. And it was no fun. He also admitted he hadn’t bothered to read all of his party’s manifesto.

This is a remarkably honest approach. If LPoR is not careful he may bring politics into repute.

Next thing, UKIP will wind itself up, saying it’s not much of a political party with only the one policy of getting out of Europe.

Members might admit they only joined to get elected as an MEP and blag £3m in expenses.

To see the original: LINK

Wednesday 25 August 2010

UKIP leadership contest: Gerard Batten to stand

As expected, Batten has announced his intention to stand for the leadership of UKIP. Last year he was beaten into second place by Lord Pearson.

Sadly, Gerard has a poor track record when it comes to speaking out in public about the widespread corruption in the party. For years, he has tolerated Farage's dishonesty and lies in order to avoid deselection as an MEP. Can he change and finally find the courage to stand up to Farage and clean up UKIP? We shall see.


UK Independence Party

From Gerard Batten MEP, London

Date: 25th August 2010


Gerard Batten, UKIP MEP for London, announces his intention to be a candidate in the forthcoming leadership contest for the UK Independence Party.

Mr Batten came second in the UKIP leadership election in November 2009. He is founder member of UKIP and has represented London since 2004.

Mr Batten said, "I will saying more about my programme for the Party as the contest progresses. At this stage it is sufficient to say that my vision for the Party is for it to continue its development as a radical alternative to the cross-party consensus that is reducing Britain the status of a colony of the European Union.

"I have been persuaded to make my decision on the basis of the large number of calls and messages I have had from UKIP activists and members asking me to enter the contest and because I have a clear view of where the Party should be heading".* *

Note: Press or media who wish to speak to Mr Batten can contact him on his office number 020 7403 7174.

End of statement.

Tim will be pleased!

Also see: LINK

Tuesday 24 August 2010

UKIP: More Farage, More hypocrisy!

Nigel Farage: UKIP's very own Janus

Over the next three years alone, the cost of EU civil service pensions is expected to rise by 16 per cent to an annual bill for taxpayers of £1.3 billion.

Nigel Farage, said: "Only now are the true costs of EU membership coming to light. This will be another millstone around our children's and grandchildren's necks. These people can increase our future liabilities, without having to suffer the consequences."


And this is the man who signed up for a second EU pension and hoped that no-one would notice!

He later gave up the second pension but ONLY after being named and shamed by the media.

In an interview with Andy Carling of New Europe he said:

"I was in it, but I'm not in it now. I left last year"

It is interesting to note that Farage ‘forgot’ to explain to Mr Carling why he had decided to sign up for it in the first place. He also failed to explain why he had kept it secret from UKIPPERS or the public.

Would a man who supposedly wants to leave the EU take personal financial advantage of a system that he claims to hate? Would a man who supposedly hates the EU line his own pockets at the British taxpayers expense? The answer is YES, he bloody well would!

When will Farage learn that paying money back or pulling out of something after you have been exposed by the media does not make it right!

If Farage worshipped a god it would be Janus! See: LINK

Farage and devolution

So Farage now favours devolution.

In a recent interview (9/8/10) with the BBC he described the election of a Dutch-speaking separatist party in Belgium's general election, which favours the gradual break up of the country, as "delicious", seeing it another sign that Europe is heading towards break up as a political entity.

What is it about Farage and Belgium? Did he have a bad experience at the Battle of Waterloo site as a child? Or did the Belgian Police confiscate his collection of Belgian porn?

But at least we now know that Farage supports Belgium splitting into Flanders and Wallonia. We had no idea he supports devolution. So can we expect him to campaign for Scottish and Welsh independence?

After all, it would be yet 'another sign that Europe is heading towards break up as a political entity.'

Monday 23 August 2010

UKIP's Lord Pearson: He came, he saw, he failed.

UKIP had a very lucky escape when Lord Pearson decided to step down as UKIP leader. Getting your photo taken with a man wanted by Interpol is not exactly the sort of image a party needs.

Russio-Israeli Mikhail Chernoy has been accused in the media of various criminal actions, including corruption, money laundering and organized crime.

Here is a picture of Mikhail with UKIP’s now ex-leader. It was taken after Pearson was given an award by the Chernoy backed Zionist Jerusalem Summit. He received the award for ‘values and vision in politics’. Now you know why Pearson is so anti-Muslim!

Pearson has been described as an 'honourable man' by some commentators. Oh, really?

Pearson’s few months as leader were a total disaster for UKIP.

Here are a few reminders of just how 'honourable' he can be:

Shortly after Pearson's election as UKIP leader in 2009, the Daily Telegraph reported that he had claimed more than £115,000 in Parliamentary expenses between 2001 and 2007 by designating his £3.7m home in London as a second home, and his estate in Scotland as his main residence. However, when he sold his second home in London he informed HMRC that this was in fact his main home, effectively flipping his residences and therefore avoided paying an estimated £275,000 in capital gains tax. See: LINK

Pearson called the EU system of grants and subsidies to farmers a "whole vast swindle" and said Britons were forced to pay "higher taxes" ... "to keep EU farmers in the style to which they have become accustomed".

But he forget to mention that one of the projects now being funded with EU money is Sword Loch 3, a 300-acre forest on Lord Pearson's estate in Perthshire. According to the Forestry Commission, the official body responsible for protecting Britain's trees, this is one of a number of grants that it has given to Lord Pearson.

The latest £95,000 grant will be used to replant an old Caledonian pine forest, an ancient Scottish species. See: LINK

Soon after becoming UKIP leader he faced questions about bribery allegations against his company. See: LINK & LINK

He was caught on audio tape advising an undercover reporter how she could make illegal donations to UKIP. See: LINK

He offered to disband UKIP if David Cameron agreed to hold a referendum on membership of the EU. He didn’t think to consult the membership of UKIP before making the offer. See: LINK

He told Nikki Sinclaire that her decision to leave the EFD Group would not affect her position in UKIP. He lied. She was later banned from standing as a UKIP candidate in the General Election. See: LINK

He claimed that Nikki Sinclaire’s own committee did not support her. He lied. See: LINK

During the General Election he campaigned for Tory candidates in several constituencies. He even told voters in the South West to ignore UKIP candidates and vote Tory! He also campaigned for a Labour candidate. This led to UKIP MEPs such as Mike Nattrass and Gerard Batten to call for his resignation as UKIP Leader. See: LINK & LINK

And this was the man who Farage described as "head and shoulders above the others."

Some head, some shoulders. He should have stayed in the Tories where he could have done less damage to the Euro-sceptic cause!

And how we laughed at those Farage sycophants who said that both we and GLW were lying when we said that Pearson was going to step down after the General Election. The sycophants claimed that Pearson had no intention of standing down and fully intended to serve the full term as UKIP leader.

Yeah, right.

Farage's crash just forced Pearson to postpone his resignation for a few weeks. The sycophants must feel very foolish now!

UKIP: Godfrey Bloom may stand for leadership

Why? You are a joke candidate with even more baggage than Lord Pearson!

And we love this quote:

“I haven’t ruled out standing myself but I won’t if Nigel does.”

Hardly the words of a man eager to take the reins! There speaks a man with true vision! A man who has no talent, no ideas and no integrity.

So what will his election slogan be? “I’m only doing this because Nigel can’t be bothered”?

Godfrey, do yourself a favour and don’t waste our time!

You recent attempts to influence the NEC elections once again clearly illustrate your unfitness to do the job.

You knew full well that sending out a letter ‘advising’ members to only vote for recommended candidates was completely against party rules. You are either incompetent or just don’t care.

You have publically compared Nikki Sinclaire and the other NEC candidates to convicted fraudsters. This action alone proves that you are unfit to lead anything, let alone a political party. You are Farage’s puppet, nothing more, nothing less.

For more on Bloom see: LINK & LINK & LINK

Also: LINK

From the Huddesfield Daily Examiner:

YORKSHIRE politician is considering running for the leadership of his party.

United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) Euro-MP Godfrey Bloom revealed to the Examiner yesterday he was weighing up a bid for the top role.

He was speaking after party leader Lord Pearson announced he would step down. Mr Bloom revealed he had phoned former leader Nigel Farage urging him to stand.

The Yorkshire Euro-MP said: “I deeply hope that Nigel will come back and he’s thinking about it. However, he has two young children and two grown-up children at university.

“I haven’t ruled out standing myself but I won’t if Nigel does.”

Lord Pearson resigned as UKIP leader yesterday, just nine months after he was elected to the post. The former Conservative peer admitted he was “not much good” at party politics.

Mr Bloom likened Lord Pearson to Sir Alec Douglas-Home, the Conservative aristocrat who lost the 1964 general election to Huddersfield’s Harold Wilson.

Mr Bloom said: “There is an analogy with Sir Alec Douglas-Home who was an old-fashioned gentleman who came forward.

“Lord Pearson is always unbelievably polite and politics isn’t always like that.”


Sunday 22 August 2010

UKIP NEC elections: Paula Daly faces complaints

Paula Daly has been the subject of several complaints after UKIPPERS in the East Midlands noticed that her NEC election statement contained falsehoods.

Claims to have been a Euro election candidate in 2009. False.

Claims to have been UK General Election candidate in 2010. False.

This matter has now been brought to the attention of Zuckerman, the Returning Officer.

Paula Daly was formally married to an Irishman whose name she chooses to keep. She lives in Nottingham and commutes to London where she works for Gerard Batten. You will note that her seconder is Lynnda Robson, her work colleague. One of her assentors is Batten.

You may recall that Toby Micklethwait produced an election campaigning leaflet/booklet for use by UKIPPERS. She got hold of the booklet and distributed it in the East Midlands. We don't have a problem with that but should she have claimed it as her own work?

UKIPPERS should be very cautious of her. She is deeply distrusted by UKIPPERS in the East Midlands due to her eagerness to turn a blind eye to corruption in the party. But as she is in a hurry and has ambitions to become a UKIP MEP should we be that surprised?

A Farage sycophant from her head to her toes!

This is what we had to say about in a previous post:

Aged 46. Where has this women been? She claims to find “the media’s dismissal of UKIP as closet racists as deeply offensive”.

Has she ever heard of Farage’s EFD Group of which UKIP’s MEPs are members? We advise her to check out the policies of the EFD’s Lega Nord. Perhaps she should also ask Bannerman – who signed her nomination paper - why he is happy to sit with a party that believes in racial segregation on public transport.

The former leader of Lega Nord, Umberto Bossi, an MEP in the last parliament, was convicted of incitement to violence in 1998. He received a one-year suspended prison sentence. He had previously received a conviction for taking a 200 million bribe. In 2003 he described Africans as "Bingo-Bongos", and suggested that the Italian navy should open fire on boats carrying refugees.
We don’t advise her to attend any meetings of the Lega Nord as her colour may offend their sensibilities. She really needs to speak to Nikki Sinclaire!

Clearly naive or just plain stupid. See: LINK

Saturday 21 August 2010

UKIP leadership race: Paul Nuttall rules out standing this time

The odious Paul Nuttall has announced that he will not be standing for the UKIP leadership.

The decision was posted on his blog:

I am committed to a huge amount of public meetings in the North West over the coming year, as well as helping to oversee some overdue restructuring in the region. I also want to spend a lot of time in Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland campaigning for the assembly and parliamentary elections next year, as well as putting myself forward once again for my local council."

End of quote.

The usual spin but a wise choice! UKIP needs another corrupt leader like it needs a hole in the head. And let us not forget that Farage is thinking of running again for leader. Nuttall would never dream of standing against his hero and master.

A few Nuttall facts:

UKIP’s wannabe Mussolini has upset many members due to his arrogance, willingness to lie and, above all, his bullying nature. Several UKIP branch chairman in the NW have resigned because of this. See: LINK

He has one of the worst attendance records of any UKIP MEP. See: LINK

He claims to hate the EU but is more than happy to use his MEP salary to fund a lavish lifestyle at the taxpayers expense. See: LINK

He has declined to provide a FULL audit of his MEP accounts.

He forced PPCs with criminal convictions onto branches. See: LINK

He listed phantom branches on UKIP’s official website to give the impression that UKIP NW is a thriving region. See: LINK

Nuttall and McManus sought to remove Gregg Beaman as UKIP’s lead MEP candidate by fabricating lies about him. See: LINK

He supported Farage’s attempts to give him dictatorial powers to remove so-called dissidents from the party. See: LINK

He supports the suppression of free speech in UKIP. He tried to close down the UKIP Members Forum because UKIPPERS were raising concerns about corruption in the party. See: LINK

He supported the removal of democratically elected members - Dr Eric Edmond and Dr David Abbott - from UKIP’s NEC. Their only crime was to raise concerns about corruption in UKIP. See: LINK

He kicked Del Young out of UKIP after claiming that Mr Young was a member of UK First. He wasn't. See: LINK

He was first appointed UKIP national chairman in total disregard of the membership who were not even consulted about his appointment.

He colluded in the rigging of UKIP's MEP selection process. Piers Merchant - UKIP's Returning Officer - gave him a copy of his report on the MEP selection process. In this report it was clearly stated that the process had been corrupted. Nuttall ignored it.

He wilfully ignored the Data Protection Act by refusing to comply with John West's data request. He was finally forced to comply with the Act after the ICO found in Mr West's favour. See: LINK

In Brussels and Strasbourg he is happy to sit with EFD fascists and racists and yet he has the nerve to attack the BNP! See: LINK

And he supports kangaroo courts and witch-hunts conducted against all those members who dare to question Farage’s leadership. He fully approved the decision to ban Nikki Sinclaire from standing as a UKIP PPC in the General Election. And her crime? She didn't want to sit with fascists in the EFD Group. See: LINK

The man is truly contemptible. He has no scruples, integrity or decency. He will do anything to get the top of the greasy pole and stay there. He would readily stab his own colleagues in the back for personal gain. He truly belongs in the gutter with the rest of the Farage filth.

Friday 20 August 2010

UKIP: The Godfrey Bloom NEC letter

Here is the text of the letter mailed out to UKIPPERS by Godfrey Bloom's office. You will note the poor grammar and spelling mistakes. Only the most stupid of UKIPPERS would even try to defend Bloom's attempt to influence the outcome of the election. Copies of the letter were mailed with Bloom's regional newsletter and a marked copy of the ballot paper.

Spelling and grammar as the original:

5th August 2010

In my view we have now the best NEC group in many years. I feel the standard of candidate has increased enormously.

I attach the ballet paper with six names, that are well known to me personally and I can vouch for them. I think the golden rule over many years is never vote for somebody you do not know or have not had personally recommended. If in doubt, don’t vote. It has looked good on paper and you end up with a Wise, Moat or Sinclair or anyone else who does not have the true cause at heart.

Kind regards


Bloom is in clear breach of NEC election rules.

He has sent out an unsolicited mailshot using the party database to promote favoured candidates.

He has used UKIP/MEP funds to do so.

He has defamed Nikki Sinclaire and the other NEC candidates by comparing them to two convicted and jailed fraudsters.

And who is he trying to kid with all that rubbish about having 'the true cause at heart'? Bloom should be the last one to criticise any fellow UKIPPER or patriot. Bloom had brought the Euro-sceptic movement into disrepute time and time again with his drunken outbursts, visits to brothels, lying about not employing relatives, applauding a terrorist bombing, his sexism, etc, etc, etc. For more on this disgusting little man see: LINK

There have been calls for Bloom to face a disciplinary committee for attempting to rig the election. Don't forget that Farage put Bloom up to it!

Thursday 19 August 2010

UKIP: More on Godfrey Bloom and the NEC elections

Readers of this blog will recall that Bloom has sought to influence the election by sending out a letter 'advising' members how they should vote. LINK

A copy of a marked ballot - see above - was also included with certain names marked as 'recommended' candidates.

Complaints have now been made to Zuckerman. There have been calls for the election to be halted pending an investigation into Bloom's attempt to rig the vote.

So who are the chosen few?

Jill Seymour
Mike McGough
Stephen Allison
John Harrison
Mike Hookem
Elizabeth Burton

And who put Bloom up to this? Look no further than Nigel Farage.

Farage is always clever enough to get others to do his dirty work. That way there is never any come back on him when the **** hits the fan.

And we are not the least bit surprised that he got Bloomers to do it. Bloom was never the sharpest knife in the box and has always been quite happy to be led by the nose.

How predictable that McGough, Harrison, Burton, Allison and Seymour are Farage's favoured sycophants!

This is what we had to say to about them in a previous post:

Elizabeth Burton

It was Elizabeth Burton who 'seconded' Douglas Denny's motion for the Ashford Call Centre to be taken under direct control of the NEC. She also seemed strangely indifferent to minor points such as first having the accounts audited.

When last on the NEC would frequently ask Farage how he wanted her to vote!

Thinks that it is natural for men to get erections in a hot bath. Gawain Towler was pleased with that one! For more on this see GLW's link at the bottom of this article.

Declines to give her age. It is not surprising when you consider that she is actually in her late 80’s! Farage sycophant. Assentors include Bloom, Oxley, Bown, Duffy and Malcolm Wood. Nuff said!

Steve Allison

Claims to be a reformist candidate. But why would a 'reformist' candidate want the likes of Bloom, Dartmouth and Bufton as his assentors? Has criticized Zuckerman’s 'Friends of Israel' which, you may recall, was set up as yet another Farage money making scam. Naughty!

His rather tasteless facebook site leaves a lot to be desired. His site profile includes a declared interest in Strangling Animals and Masturbating. Has he ever heard of the word gravitas?

We noticed that Mike Nattrass was listed as one of his assentors. But would Mike have done this if he had been aware that Mr Allison was behind a rather inept attempt to leak false information about him to yours truly?

Mr Allison claimed that Nattrass was going to join the BNP. A quick check revealed this to be false. The attempted smear was made at a crucial time when Mike was considering leaving the EFD Group and joining Nikki Sinclaire as an unattached MEP. Would Mr Allison care to explain why he did this?

Jill Seymour

Aged 52.

What can we say? Jill means well but lacks the courage to stand up to Farage and his sycophants. We have lost count of the times she has promised us to tackle Farage about corruption in UKIP. She always arrives at the Farmers Club full of optimism and a sense of purpose. But once there a quick glare from Nigel soon silences her into submission.

Dr Eric Edmond, Del Young and David Abbott will attest to that.

Jill Seymour: A tragic tale of wasted opportunities. Don’t waste your time.

Wolfman McGough

Aged 60. One of the most corrupt UKIPPERS ever to stand for the NEC. A classic Farage sycophant. No wonder Farage is desperate to get him onto the NEC!

Proposed by Farage in the hope that gullible members will be swayed by the ex-leader's approval of this dishonest lowlife.

His assentors include, Bannerman, Bloom, Curtis, Whittaker, Stephen Allison and Malcolm Wood.

You may recall that the Wolfman got into hot water after claiming in his MEP selection address to be the PPC for Harlow.

Here is the quote in question:

'am currently the prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Harlow'

This was a lie. The chairman for UKIP Harlow was less than amused!

Unfortunately, McGough made himself look even more foolish by failing to correct this error at ANY of the hustings held in the Eastern Region.

When challenged McGough vainly tried to defend himself by claiming that “he thought” he was the PPC for Harlow.

Apparently, he “thought” he had formally applied for the position. He also “thought” he had gone to a hustings where he “thought” members had elected him the PPC.

Clearly, McGough lives in a fantasy world where the normal laws of electioneering do not apply.

This is what Piers Merchant - UKIP’s Returning Officer - had to say:

“I also received complaints about Michael McGough, who, it was claimed, described himself as a UKIP PPC when he was not, thus seriously misleading the voters”.

His concerns were ignored by UKIP's corrupt NEC.

In another party the Wolfman would have been removed the from the MEP list and brought before a disciplinary committee for bringing the party into disrepute. But this is UKIP and you can get away with almost anything as long as you are prepared to condone leadership corruption.
The Wolfman also likes to illustrate his profound stupidity by posting moronic comments on the British Democracy Form.

It is interesting to note that McGough has been highly critical of Batten's decision to turn down an MEP pay rise. Has said that Batten should have taken the money EVEN after voting against such a pay increase. Such is McGough's morality. He has also gone on record as saying "If you wish to be moral don't go to Brussels and Strasbourg period!"

Is that why Mr McGough was so keen to become an MEP himself? But at least it is nice to know what he really thinks about Mr Batten's moral standards!

Would 'Tim' like to explain why Batten was happy to second the Wolfman's nomination papers?

Farage is said to be confident that McGough will get onto the NEC. We bet he is!

John Harrison

Aged 69. Has Godfrey Bloom has his proposer!

Bloom is one of the most corrupt MEPs in UKIP!

A few Bloom facts:

Bloom has admitted visiting brothels in Hong Kong, and said that the majority of prostitutes were not exploited: “In short, most girls do it because they want to". Perhaps he would like to tell that to the women forced into prostitution by criminal gangs

After a visit from female students at Cambridge to Bloom in the European Parliament, he was accused of sexual harassment and making a torrent of misogynist remarks. The students, who had in fact been there to show SUPPORT for Bloom, were shocked by his behaviour. One student wrote that Bloom touched her leg.

Mr Bloom asked a colleague ‘Isn’t she the most delicious bimbette? Absolutely thick, but good tits’. Of the businesswoman who he had invited to share the platform at the next day’s press conference, Mr Bloom had only four words: ‘big tits, very feisty’.”

Bloom denied the touching but not the comments.

The three British MEPs with the worst attendance record are David Bannerman, Paul Nuttall and Godfrey Bloom, each averaging under 63 per cent.

Bloom exploited a loophole to pay a relative to work for him.

He states on his website that he “employs no immediate members of his family on his secretarial allowance unlike most other MEPs”. However Victoria Skowronek, his 21-year-old secretarial assistant, is his niece.

Miss Skowronek also works for an investment company in which Bloom is a major shareholder.

Bloom applauded the French bombing of a Greenpeace ship. One man died in the attack.

Bloom secretly claimed a second EU pension. Another so-called 'Euro-sceptic' who is quite happy to reap the rewards of being a Euro MEP!

Bloom was banned from the Mansion House after a drunken outburst.

For more on Bloom: LINK

It is simply not good enough for one of his colleagues to say:

“But John was not aware of these things”.

We would advise Mr Williams to do a bit of research on Bloom - via the internet - before asking him to sign your papers in the future. It could save you a lot of embarrassment!

We were surprised to see Hookem's name. So much for his claim to be independent and not a tool of the cabal.

For more on the NEC elections: LINK & LINK & LINK & LINK

Also see: LINK