Last week the following post appeared on the British Democracy Forum :
Hi Everyone,
Hi Everyone,
This is my first post here, just to let you know I will be posting here every Wednesday to let you know whats going on inSIDE the UK First Party. As you know they are a new party but they already have a leaker thats Me
I am Junius of the UKFP.
Report one: Membership is now at 76
1. Name of party The Party is legally registered as United Kingdom First. However this may, where appropriate, be abbreviated to ‘UK First’ or‘UKF’. For the purposes of this document it will referred to as “the Party”
2. Aims. The Party seeks to reduce the power, scope and intrusiveness of the State into the lives of its citizens. It will campaign to reduce thesize and scope of, and increase the accountability of government, including by the increased use of binding referenda. This by necessity includes
the re-establishment of the Parliament at Westminster as the sovereign and sole legislative body for the United Kingdom and to this end the Party will seek the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union. The Party will also give priority to ending large-scale immigration, and will seek to protect and enhance the traditional culture and social cohesion of the British people, including the historic right to freedom of speech and expression.
The Party may from time to time adopt other policies provided that they do not contradict those stated above#
3. Activities. In furtherance of the above aims the Party may take part in all European, national, regional and local electoral processes within the UK . (Insert paras 3.4 to from UKIP constitution)
4. Fundraising. In furtherance of the above aims and policies the Party may raise funds and receive contributions from any person or corporate body whatsoever by way of loan, subscription, donation or otherwise, within the limits established by electoral law; may publish, with or without charge, any item it sees fit; may employ and pay persons to supervise, organise and carry out work for the Party; may purchase, lease or rent property; and make arrangements for the management of any property acquired. May invest any monies not immediately required in accordance with the Trustee Act of 1925; and do all such other lawful things as are necessary for the attainment of its ends.
5. Membership is open to UK citizens and resident foreign nationals overthe age of 16. The Steering Committee has the right to reject any application for membership within 21 days of that application being received by the Party.
Members must maintain their subscriptions.
Members shall accept the Party’s constitution and any rules made in accordance with the constitution.
Members shall not act in a manner which brings the party into disrepute or is likely to bring the party into disrepute. If a member is suspected of behaving in such a fashion he/she will be requested to appear before the Steering Committee or a designated sub-committee to explain his/her actions .
The membership may be suspended or removed by the said committee
6. Management of the Party .
A Steering Committee of normally 5 persons will be set up to govern the party for a maximum period of 9 months fromthe date this constitution comes into force .The Steering Committee consists of Peter Cole , Tom Wise , Petrina , Bruce Lawson , E.J Parker
Thereafter an elected Board of Governors will take over from the Steering Committee.
7. The party`s structure, funds and publicity will be the responsibility of the Steering committee. They shall appoint a Treasurer and MembershipSecretary. ( Peter Cole)
They may establish temporary or standing committees to deal with any matters which they deem fit.
The Steering Committee shall be the body which establishes all the rules governing the party management, conduct and administration and conferences save where such rules are already covered by the constitution.
8. Candidates .The Steering committee shall establish an approved list of candidates from the membership who have applied to represent the party in any election. This constitution comes into force on xx March 2009.
Any changes to this constitution can only be made by a majority decision of the membership.
End of post.
Sadly for 'ukfirstpartyleaker' this ‘leaked’ document was nothing of the sort. It was copied from a document made freely available to all those who attended the UKFP meeting in West Sussex.
‘Ukfirstpartyleaker’ had rather crudely added several names to the document, including that of Tom Wise. According to this new version they are members of UKFP’s Steering Committee. Unfortunately for the ‘leaker’ they couldn’t be sure if Petrina used her professional name or her married name. To be on the safe side they left it blank!
Petrina Holdsworth was quick to expose this crass attempt to smear the new party:
‘The steering committee membership quoted here is a load of rubbish as are the membership numbers.The poor dears behind this stuff are clearly ruffled and frankly very amateurish’.
Paul Wesson of the British Democracy Forum was also less than impressed:
'Leaker' (bed wetter), if you're going to be the new Junius you should at least make an effort to present credible evidence’.
Nuff said!
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