Dear Paul,
It is with huge regret that I am today resigning from my UKIP membership. I want to belong to a party free of sleaze, greed and corruption (in the true meaning of the word). UKIP is clearly no longer such a party. I want a party that is transparent, accountable and above-all honest, and in my view UKIP fails on all three counts.
The Party that was against centralised Government, the EU and troughing-it – has become a parody of itself – a mirror image of everything it supposedly despises. I can therefore have no further part of such an organisation. The party has been stolen from its grass-roots which is a tragedy. In my view ordinary decent people are being duped.
At the meeting at Ugley you stated that you would arrange a meeting between me and Nigel Farage – you have not done so. As you know Nigel has seriously misled me – “Robin your MEP selection is down to the Political Committee”. You informed the meeting at Ugley, Nigel is the Political Committee.
When and if UKIP cleans itself up – I will readily rejoin. Until that day I want nothing more to do with it apart from getting it to comply with the Data Protection Act. I understand that you will be hearing again from the Information Commissioner concerning your wilful disregard of the law in the near future. It is indeed ironic that following recent events UKIP has been complaining about breaches of Data Protection. A case of the “biter being bit”, it seems to me.
Yours sincerely,
Robin Page
Cc Nigel Farage
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