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Members & staff of UKIP past & present. Committed to reforming the party by exposing the corruption and dishonesty that lies at its heart, in the hope of making it fit for purpose. Only by removing Nigel Farage and his sycophants on the NEC can we save UKIP from electoral oblivion. SEE: http://juniusonukip.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/a-statement-re-junius.html

Tuesday 4 May 2010

UKIP: Farage to flop in Buckingham

Farage has been extremely busy in Buckingham. He has poured Stuart Wheeler's money into the campaign, drafted in activists from across the country and visited almost every pub in the area. He even got his mistress – Annabelle Fuller – to give him a hand or two.

And she even helped him campaign!

But sadly it has been for nought.

John Bercow is an extremely popular constituency MP and has a very large personal following in the constituency.

One constituent told one of our contacts that “John Bercow is very hard working and has done a lot for us over the years. Why should I vote for Nigel Farage?”

Even Farage’s staunchest supporters are now starting to admit that their hero is unlikely to even come near to beating him.

One UKIPPER in Buckingham admitted to one of our contacts that John Stevens, the former Tory MEP, may even get more votes than Farage.

Indeed, Farage became so worried that he got his press office to put out a statement attacking Stevens for claiming £210,000 in office expenses over a period of eight years. That works out at roughly £2,100 a month.

But Farage conveniently forgot to mention that Stevens was using the £2,100 to rent an office in St James AND employ a secretary

So much for that scandal!

Farage really needs to remember that old saying about people who live in glass houses.

A few questions for Nigel Farage:

What did happen to the £2 million you claimed as expenses?

Why have you refused to provide a full audit of your accounts as an MEP?

Why did you lie about publishing a full list of your expenses on your website?

What happened to £211,000 that vanished from UKIP's South East accounts?

Why have you refused to publish the full accounts for the Ashford call centre?

What happened to the money raised by Ashford ?

Why did you approve - via Stuart Agnew - an illegal donation to UKIP?

Here is the quote: “I've spoken to Nigel Farage and he says at the moment you can put £25,000 into Global Britain and you will remain anonymous."

Why did you secretly claim a second EU pension?

What is the purpose of Farage Ltd and the Isle of Man Trust Fund? On one occasion you paid a cheque of roughly £250,000 into that bank account. Where did the money come from?

Why do you employ your wife? This was despite your promise not to do so. To this day no-one knows what exactly your wife does for £30,000 a year.

Why do you preach morality to the voters of Bucks and yet commit adultery with Annabelle Fuller and others?

Why do you boldly condemn racism in Britain, but surround yourself with extremists in UKIP's EFD Group?

Why do you avoid UK tax by paying your salary into a Belgian bank?

And so on.

For Farage to campaign on an anti-sleaze ticket is simply laughable. That would be like Hitler campaigning for Jewish rights!

We would also advise our readers to keep a very close eye on Farage’s election expenses. He has spent rather a lot. Thousands upon thousands of leaflets, renting an office, paying campaign staff, hiring planes to fly across the constituency, etc, etc.

We would hate to think that he exceeded his limit as a candidate!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for all donors who have given money to UKIP in good faith.

They must be looking at all those leaflets coming in the post from 'Save the Children' telling them how £100 could provide medicines for desperately sick, malnourished children and wondering what they are doing wasting their hard earned money on such a disreputable political party as UKIP.

But then it seems, ALL political parties have become disreputable.

And here we are in Britain,while children are deprived in poor countries, squandering our resources, wasting money and being oh so greedy ...

Do our Politicians have a conscience?

Of course they do!

But what they do, like you and me I suppose is JUSTIFY their own actions to themselves.

As soon as you hear any man or women trying VERY HARD to jusify or even deny something, then you know that person is not trying to convince you that they have done wrong, but themselves!

Justification and denial is the conscience's way of dealing with even the tiniest of guilt that pricks the mind for even a second.

Flawed human nature. Flawed political parties ...