We note with amusement the disquiet felt by many UKIPPERS in the East Midlands following the 'selection' of UKIP’s Leicester mayoral candidate. Her name is Regine Amanda Anderson and she is rather shy!
We can confirm that many UKIPPERS in the East Midlands are extremely unhappy with this particular candidate. It has emerged that she is only 18 years of age and is still in full-time education. It has also emerged that the East Midlands Regional Committee was not even informed that she was standing. Nor was there an official interview/selection process for the position!
Her main sponsor is a certain Abhijit Pandya. Readers of this blog may recall that Mr Pandya has close links with Lord Pearson of Rannoch which ultimately led him to defect from the Conservative Party and join the UKIP in 2009. In the 2010 UKIP Leadership Contest he emerged as a prominent supporter of Nigel Farage, and was made Head of Research for the campaign. He is also leading Farage sycophant so don’t expect him to be too concerned about rooting out corruption in the party! For more on Mr Pandya:
LINKMs Anderson is described by Leicester’s Returning Officer - in the official election booklet - as failing to provide an election address. She refuses to take part in hustings, declines to engage in electioneering, ignores requests for information from the press and refuses to give even basic details about her background. We can only assume that her youth and inexperience have both played a large part in this fiasco. Someone in UKIP’s bent leadership really needs to have a word with her about the basic rules of campaigning.
It may come as a surprise to her but the electorate of Leicester actually have a right to know a little bit about who they are voting for. Does she really expect the voters of Leicester to select a candidate that declines to list her policies or even her basic political beliefs? Or is she just too ashamed to admit to her friends that she is standing for UKIP? We can't really blame if that is the case. Would ANY right minded person want to be associated with a party that sits with racists and fascists in Farage's EFD group?
And we are not the only ones to be less than impressed with her:
From the Leicestershire Mercury:
Mayoral election: Have you seen this woman?
A young woman hoping to become the most powerful person in Leicester has left voters asking one question: Where is she?
Regine Anderson is standing to become the first directly elected mayor of the city as the UKIP candidate.
But the 18-year-old has not appeared at any of the hustings events so far, and party organisers have said she does not plan to attend any of them.
Nor did she join party leader Nigel Farage when he visited the city on Saturday.
The party has not released any information or details about the candidate, other than a single, passport-sized photograph.
June Wright, 56, an undecided voter from Hamilton who has attended three hustings events so far, said: "It's obvious that this individual is nothing more than a paper candidate.
"Other than representing UKIP in name only on the ballot paper, there's been no attempt to take part in the democratic process."
Attempts by the Mercury to contact Ms Anderson have been unsuccessful as the party has not returned calls or e-mails asking for her contact details.
One UKIP-supporting Twitter user said: "I found her on Facebook but she won't get back to me. It's all a bit strange."
During Mr Farage's visit on Saturday, the party's Leicester South by-election candidate, Abhijit Pandya, told the Mercury Ms Anderson was busy studying for her A-levels but would be releasing a statement this weekTo see the original:
LINKMore on Mr Denby
We note that Farage’s sycophants – including Ray Finch – are trying to claim that GLW and this blog are being hypocritical over the treatment of Mr Denby. Once again, they spin in the desperate hope that their lies are believed.
We have highlighted a simple fact. ONE PHONE CALL from Nick Hogan – a convicted criminal – resulted in the immediate removal of Mr Denby as a candidate. UKIP’s rules and constitution were ignored. And what is even worse is that Mr Denby only found out about his removal after the local press contacted him! It seems that leaking the story to the media was more important to UKIP's dishonest leadership!
Contrast Mr Denby’s shabby treatment with Farage’s treatment of Godfrey Bloom. Bloom compares a black man to a baboon in the EU Parliament and yet not a peep from our Nigel!
For more on Nick Hogan’s criminal conviction:
LINKHere is another email supporting Mr Denby:
From: Ned Naylor
Cc: lep.newsdesk@lep.co.uk
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 12:20 PM
Subject: Chorley Guardian article
Dear Colin
Just a short note to express my dismay as to how your good name and reputation have been sullied and defamed by the details in the article printed in last weeks Chorley Guardian.
I find it totally without credibility that someone like Mark Hogan, a convicted criminal who deliberately broke the law concerning smoking in his Public House, the Swan with two Knecks , and who has spent time in prison for that offence, has the audacity to label you as a racist. It is clear that Mr Hogan does not aspire to the highest standards of free speech and cannot demonstrate that his adherence to the law of the land is unequivocal. That he promotes his view of you being a racist via his membership of UKIP brings them into liability for allowing such defamation.
Having known you personally since I moved to Clayton Le Woods in 1977 and having had regular contact over the intervening years, there has not been one occasion whereby any comment made by you on any matter has caused me to believe you have any prejudice towards any class, creed or religious belief and you have always instilled in me the firm belief that as a civilised society, we must be tolerant of others beliefs, but that the evil extremism we now witness in the name of the Islamic religion being perpetrated against our race, our society and our beliefs is directly at variance with our core beliefs in accordance with the human rights act and the european convention on human rights, which guarantees, freedom of association, speech and religious beliefs, but does not grant terrorists the right to cause us harm.
You are and have always been to my mind a true Brit, who has served your country well in your military career and in civilian life done nothing but good works for the benefit of your fellow human beings.
I have sought out the meaning of “Defamation” which is below and I personally believe that not only Mr Hogan has defamed your good name, but that in repeating the allegations made by him in the Chorley Guardian, a vicarious liability for promulgating such slanders also lies with the Chorley Guardian. The effect of that article is certainly widespread as you have indicated it has been placed on to the internet for all to see, thus causing your good name and reputation as a fair minded and tolerant individual to be demeaned in the eyes the public and left you open to ridicule, hatred and contempt.
I would strongly urge you to take up this matter with the Chorley Guardian as they do carry some responsibility for what has occurred now in your life.
My solicitor is Stephen Evans at Birchall Blackburn in St Thomas’s Road, who may be able to assist you, possibly to claim damages if the impunity of your reputation is not revoked by the parties concerned and a public apology promulgated in the associated media.
There is a another issue which you may wish to draw to the attention of the Police. The effect of Mr Hogans defamation may be causing you to be or to feel harassed and there is specific protection against harassment under the provisions of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 which, if this matter has indeed been promulgated on to the internet and you are receiving messages of hate and criticism to make you feel harassed, could result in a criminal prosecution under the act, you should consult the police on this and provide evidence of harassment if this is occuring.
All the best for the future and I am looking forward to your next book.
Paul A (Ned) Naylor
A P Financial Services UK Ltd (t/a Ned Naylor & Co)
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Adlington, Chorley, Lancs. Pr6 9LF
Phone/Fax 01257 483640
Email - enquiries@nednaylor.co.uk
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