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Members & staff of UKIP past & present. Committed to reforming the party by exposing the corruption and dishonesty that lies at its heart, in the hope of making it fit for purpose. Only by removing Nigel Farage and his sycophants on the NEC can we save UKIP from electoral oblivion. SEE: http://juniusonukip.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/a-statement-re-junius.html

Wednesday 31 December 2008

UKIP's Clowns of the Year

The Junius award for UKIP’s Clown of the Year must go to Nigel Farage. His arrogance, incompetence, stupidity, treachery and dishonesty have ensured that support for UKIP has plummeted since his election as leader. His total inability to accept criticism and his uncanny ability to alienate previously hardworking and dedicated UKIP activists has now ensured that many branches are refusing to support his attempt to re-join the EU Gravy Train in June 2009.

But Nigel could not have done this without the support of his dedicated group of sycophants and nodding donkeys.

Nigel must share his ‘Clown of the Year’ award with Mussolini lookalike Paul ‘anything you say, Nigel’ Nuttall. Paul Nuttall is a man without honour or decency. He colluded with Farage to remove Greg Beaman as lead MEP candidate in the NW and then went on to endorse the unlawful expulsion of Dr Eric Edmond and Dr David Abbott from the NEC. He continues to curry favour with Farage at every opportunity. His political opportunism is sickening.

Others members of the Farage sycophants club include: David Bannerman, Michael Zuckerman, Christopher Gill, Derek Clark, Rachel Oxley, Douglas Denny, Jonathan Arnott, Stuart Agnew, Jeffrey Titford, Peter Reeve, Michael McGough, David Challice, Godfrey Bloom, George Curtis, Andrew Smith, Gawain Towler, Jill Seymour, Bob Feal-Martinez, Stuart Gulleford, Mark Croucher, Lisa Duffy, Annabelle Fuller, John Whittaker, Clive Page, Malcolm Wood, Marta Andreasen and Alan Bown.

Their unwavering support for Farage’s dishonesty and corruption will ensure UKIP’s electoral meltdown in 2009.

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