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Members & staff of UKIP past & present. Committed to reforming the party by exposing the corruption and dishonesty that lies at its heart, in the hope of making it fit for purpose. Only by removing Nigel Farage and his sycophants on the NEC can we save UKIP from electoral oblivion. SEE: http://juniusonukip.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/a-statement-re-junius.html

Friday 19 December 2008

UKIP: The next six months by Dr Eric Edmond

Taken from Dr Edmond’s excellent blog UKIP Truth: http://ukiptruth.blogspot.com/

As I noted last time Animal Farm details UKIP's progress. Click on the link below for an excellent summary of the book. I will not insult your intelligence by identifying the UKIP characters and plots involved in the book.

In the New Year we shall have the new party constitution to approve. The guiding principle will be Nigel is always right. Approval is certain. The voting system will ensure the right result. Mass expulsions from the party of the less equal members will then ensue. Those expelled will be accused of supporting the BNP along the lines currently pedalled by the anonymous cowardly Common Man. David Abbott and I however stand ready to sue anyone who puts their real name to his, or is it her, pack of lies.

Candidates for the next round of NEC elections will be carefully vetted. Disciplinary charges will be brought against candidates likely to ask questions on the NEC so debarring them from standing.

All previous UKIP failures will be blamed on those expelled. I remember NF at the NEC blaming the UKIP disaster in the Henley by-election on the failure of South West activists to work in Henley! David, Del and I burst out laughing at this ridiculous remark saying "..but Nigel, Henley is in the South East region not the South West. The South East is your region where were your activists?". Ms Duffy took great exception to our daring to laugh at the great leader but when he makes such ludicrous remarks it is difficult to keep a straight face.

Activists will be demoralised by these expulsions and NEC manipulation. The media will be concentrating on Ganley and he will get huge coverage. UKIP will be squeezed between Ganley in the South and the BNP in the North. Ganley is the bigger threat. It is going to be very difficult so why make it harder by purging some of our best people and wasting time and goodwill on pointless constitutional changes? Blaming BNP infiltrators is untrue, stupid, and reeks of Animal Farm.

I dread what will happen to UKIP in June. Failure however will still be blamed on those expelled and any success will be because of NF. Believe it if you like.

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