Subject: Email copy of a letter sent to M. Zuckerman
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 10:32:23 +0000
Dear Mr Zuckerman,
Thank you for your letter dated 6th February 2009. I refer to my letter of 3rd February 2009 as you have chosen to ignore most of what I had to say in that letter.
Point 2 in letter dated 3/2/9. Ian Smith was clearly prejudiced against me prior to his sitting on the panel which decided to suspend me. I thank you for providing further evidence of his prejudice in the form of an email sent by Mr Smith to Stuart Gulleford on Monday, 10th November at 2.34 PM.
In this email he advises J. Titford to attempt to bankrupt me in order to prevent from standing for UKIP. Hardly the words of an impartial panel member.
I again refer you to rule 1.6 of the Discipline Panel. His failure to declare an interest completely invalidates the original decision of that panel. Point 4 in my letter dated 3/2/9. I again put you on notice that intimidation of a potential prosecution witness is a serious offence. If this continues I will report both you and J. Titford to The Law Society and the police.
I have already spoken to Suffolk Police who have confirmed that I should report the matter to them if this attempted intimidation continues.
I also reserve the right to take action against J.Titford or any member of UKIP through the disciplinary process of the party if they continue take part in these proceedings.
As I have already said this raises the question of your impartiality. In view of these complaints it is my submission that you are not sufficiently unbiased to supervise J. Titford`s complaint against me and you should hand over the conduct of the proceedings to an unbiased party.
I again put you on notice that I reserve the right to take action against you through the disciplinary processes of the party if you continue to supervise and take part in these proceedings.
I note in your letter dated 6/2/9 that you state I have “thus created a situation where there is nobody left to hold a disciplinary hearing to examine your conduct”. On the contrary Mr Zuckerman it is you and the NEC that have created this situation be refusing to deal with any of my complaints. It was this abject failure to deal with these complaints that forced me to take the matter beyond UKIP.
I put you on notice for the last and final time that if you, J.Titford, the Discipline Panel or the NEC continue with this attempted intimidation of a potential prosecution witness I will make a formal complaint about UKIP to The Law Society and Suffolk Police.
Yours sincerely,
John West
For further information see GLW's blog: link
I have blogged today about a report we received from the North West about growing unrest and collapse up there in UKIP.
Are things really so bad?
In a word yes. UKIP North West is in terminal decline with members leaving in droves. I can assure you it can only get worse.
I expect the BNP to win a seat in the NW.
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