UKFP’s second meeting on Saturday was a great success. Over 30 people travelled to Haywoods Heath to learn more about Britain’s newest political party.
The speakers included Peter Cole, Martin Haslam, Petrina Holdsworth and John Petley. All gave interesting and informative speeches on topics ranging from UKIP corruption to the aims of UKFP.
I was also very pleased to learn that Petrina Holdsworth - UKIP's former chairman - will be standing against Nigel Farage in the Euro elections.
Good luck Petrina!
For more information on this meeting please see: http://http://ukfirstparty.blogspot.com/2009/03/ukfp010-2nd-meeting-this-time-south.html
Good luck Patricia, i will still be registered in Reading for the Euros so will certainly be voting for her!
Good for you!
It is good to see Petrina back in the front line of the fray.
Good luck & wouldn't it be great if we saw Trevor Colman had the integrity to leave the corrupt EUkip to stand with UKFP.
Sadly I believe he will see his best way to the troughs on the gravy train as helping and aiding corruption, dishonest and the fascist style of management of The Faragista Fan Club.
Good luck to UKFP can someone stand againt the treacherous Derek Clarke who has so betrayed Britain with Farage signing up to greater subsidiarity to the EU and helping The EU on committees!!!!
Greg L-W.
I agree with you!
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