At the meeting Derek Clark revealed to a concerned audience that UKIP East Midlands has just £8,000 to fight the Euro elections. This is clearly not enough to fight a decent campaign (in March 2004 they had well over £23,000).
Many UKIPPERS are now resigning themselves to the fact that UKIP is extremely unlikely to win any seats in the region. They also believe that the BNP are likely to do very well and will undoubtedly take many UKIP votes.
Across the region leaflet drops have failed to generate support. On many occasions the response from the public has been quite hostile.
But should UKIPPERS be so surprised? After all, Clark betrayed the people who elected him by signing UKIP up to the principle of "subsidiarity". By accepting the principle of subsidiarity UKIP was now accepting the authority of the union to take decisions which are not devolved to national or regional government.
At the same time Clark also signed up to the principle of "reforming" the Common Agricultural Policy, something which UKIP had previously refused to recognise at all.
At a single stroke of a pen he betrayed everything that UKIP was supposed to be against.
OLAF’s investigation into Clark is also moving forward. They will be interviewing Niall Warry - UKIP's former office manager - about Clark next month.
Is Derek Clark the sort of man you want representing Great Britain for another five years?
Derek Clark OLAF Case Number: D/007/033/04.09.08
Derek Clark OLAF Investigation Number: DD/FD-D2008.A1/7133/OF/2008/0240
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