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Members & staff of UKIP past & present. Committed to reforming the party by exposing the corruption and dishonesty that lies at its heart, in the hope of making it fit for purpose. Only by removing Nigel Farage and his sycophants on the NEC can we save UKIP from electoral oblivion. SEE: http://juniusonukip.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/a-statement-re-junius.html

Wednesday 2 September 2009

UKIP: Where does Nigel Farage get to?

Farage has stated that membership of a political group is essential if MEPs are to get voluble places on key committees, and to avoid the risk of sitting as non-attached members alongside the BNP.

Yesterday, the Parliament's Fisheries committee met in Brussels. Matters that might be considered of importance to the UK, such as protection of fish stocks, were discussed. Despite being in the building, Farage did not attend the meeting for a single minute. Such a shame, he could have taken his seat next to fellow committee member Jean-Marie Le Pen!

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