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Members & staff of UKIP past & present. Committed to reforming the party by exposing the corruption and dishonesty that lies at its heart, in the hope of making it fit for purpose. Only by removing Nigel Farage and his sycophants on the NEC can we save UKIP from electoral oblivion. SEE: http://juniusonukip.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/a-statement-re-junius.html

Thursday 18 March 2010

UKIP: Mark Croucher loses court case against Greg Lance-Watkins. He is ordered to pay over £8000 in costs

We are extremely pleased to announce that Mark Croucher has today lost his court case against Greg Lance-Watkins.

The case was heard in Cardiff County Court.

Croucher had attempted to claim over £90,000 in copyright fees after GLW used three of his photos on his Caterpillars and Butterflies blog.

He was claiming roughly £675 for every day that the photos had been used on his blog!

We can confirm that the Judge was far from amused when he discovered that Croucher had failed to attend the court. It is just as well that Croucher was not there as we understand that the Judge was particular scathing in his comments about the little man. He pointed out that EVEN if Croucher had bothered to attend he would have still lost the case on the grounds that his claim for £90,000 was extreme.

Croucher was ordered to pay all of GLW's costs - over £8000. And that does not include Croucher's own costs!

This case was clearly politically motivated as Croucher/UKIP were seeking to bankrupt GLW, silence his blog and thus hide the truth about Farage and UKIP.

This is the second case that Farage's UKIP has lost in the last few months. In 2009 UKIP was also found guilty of a breach of confidence in Ipswich County Court. This concerned John West's mock MEP interview which was placed on YouTube without his permission. See: LINK

Mark Croucher is the Head of Media for the Europe of Freedom and Democracy Group in the European Parliament. He was formerly Director of Communications for the UK Independence Party and editor of Independence.

He is also Farage's smear master and often posts his lies and smears on the British Democracy Forum under a variety of different names. He has quite a checkered history as the following links will clearly show: LINK & LINK & LINK & LINK

We would like to thank Greg's partner for giving us details of the case. The Junius Team will now be opening a bottle of wine to celebrate the odious Croucher's costly defeat!

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