From: Link
News reaches us that the the UKIP NEC have been summoned to an urgent conclave, in order that they might vote on the following motion:
"That pursuant to section 4.1 of the UKIP constitution, we rule herewith that the UNITY Party is henceforth "an organisation . . . membership of which is incompatible with UKIP".
"Further we rule that the leadership candidate Winston McKenzie has 48 hours to confirm that he is no longer a member of said UNITY Party, and moreover, that he is not intending to contest the vacant leadership of any other party, such as Veritas (which we note he has done in the past).
End of quote.
With thanks to GLW for making us aware of both this website and the fact that John West had posted the quote on the British Democracy Forum.
Both Greg Lance-Watkins and John West must be commended in their efforts to expose the corruption that lies at the heart of UKIP. Long may they both continue to fight the good fight.
thanks for your kind words and it is important that you are able to maintain your anonimity so as to keep on tracking the inside facts - it is astonishing, and to be congratulated that you have not had your identity exposed working so close to the 'flame'.
You will find several allusions to Winston McKenzie on my blog as I have friends who are in the 'fight game' and thus an inside track but the latest mention comes in my write up and comments on the new Leadership Web Thingy.
Do see some more background FACTS and comments at:
This is a PRAISE Feste for the Truth and so Keep up the good work to Niall Warry, John West, Eric Edmond, David Abbott, Geoffrey Collier and others trying to defend UKIP and the truth against the anti UKIP Farage team of EUkip who have done such damage 7 particularly well done to Junius they make a formidable team - just consider the 1,000s of items of fact exposing why EUkip is clearly corrupt, racist, xenophobic, Islamophobic, degenerate and dishonest and the Junius team are coming up for almost a year or constant and reliable service for those without the time to read my lengthier and more detailed equivalent at:
Anyone wanting to supply factual information who can support it with evidence please do not hesitate to contact me by phone, 'e'Mail, letter or a visit I have nothing to hide and have no intention but to strive to get these United Kingdoms out of The EU and I believe that EUkip is now so corrupted that it is unfit for purpose and more a shelter and part of the problem than any concept of a solution.
You can find ALL my details at:
In all the many years I have taken a public stance on issues of principle I have NEVER been shown to have materially misled, lied or distorted the facts pertaining a single person or incident, organisation or event.
You CAN trust information and facts I have supplied based upon a 100% record of integrity.
I hope we can help clean up UKIP chuck out the anti UKIP Farage Fan Club of EUkip in time to make it electable.
Greg L-W.
Greg L-W.
do note that this Winston Churchill is NOT associated with The Unity Party, which seems to be a pan EU political party - similar to the EFD which is the Pan EU political Party/group Nigel Farage is running having gathered around him racists, no hopers, xenophobes, the sexually intollerant bigots who are the sweepings of EU politics.
There was some confusion at:
The New EUkip Leadership web site.
I wrote to their contact address and pointed this out to them.
Just immagine if the web site turns out to be 'official' a mistake like this could have caused!
Greg L-W.
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