The odious Paul Nuttall has announced that he will not be standing for the UKIP leadership.
The decision was posted on his blog:
I am committed to a huge amount of public meetings in the North West over the coming year, as well as helping to oversee some overdue restructuring in the region. I also want to spend a lot of time in Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland campaigning for the assembly and parliamentary elections next year, as well as putting myself forward once again for my local council."
End of quote.
The usual spin but a wise choice! UKIP needs another corrupt leader like it needs a hole in the head. And let us not forget that Farage is thinking of running again for leader. Nuttall would never dream of standing against his hero and master.
A few Nuttall facts:
UKIP’s wannabe Mussolini has upset many members due to his arrogance, willingness to lie and, above all, his bullying nature. Several UKIP branch chairman in the NW have resigned because of this. See: LINK
He has one of the worst attendance records of any UKIP MEP. See: LINK
He claims to hate the EU but is more than happy to use his MEP salary to fund a lavish lifestyle at the taxpayers expense. See: LINK
He has declined to provide a FULL audit of his MEP accounts.
He forced PPCs with criminal convictions onto branches. See: LINK
He listed phantom branches on UKIP’s official website to give the impression that UKIP NW is a thriving region. See: LINK
Nuttall and McManus sought to remove Gregg Beaman as UKIP’s lead MEP candidate by fabricating lies about him. See: LINK
He supported Farage’s attempts to give him dictatorial powers to remove so-called dissidents from the party. See: LINK
He supports the suppression of free speech in UKIP. He tried to close down the UKIP Members Forum because UKIPPERS were raising concerns about corruption in the party. See: LINK
He supported the removal of democratically elected members - Dr Eric Edmond and Dr David Abbott - from UKIP’s NEC. Their only crime was to raise concerns about corruption in UKIP. See: LINK
He kicked Del Young out of UKIP after claiming that Mr Young was a member of UK First. He wasn't. See: LINK
He was first appointed UKIP national chairman in total disregard of the membership who were not even consulted about his appointment.
He colluded in the rigging of UKIP's MEP selection process. Piers Merchant - UKIP's Returning Officer - gave him a copy of his report on the MEP selection process. In this report it was clearly stated that the process had been corrupted. Nuttall ignored it.
He wilfully ignored the Data Protection Act by refusing to comply with John West's data request. He was finally forced to comply with the Act after the ICO found in Mr West's favour. See: LINK
In Brussels and Strasbourg he is happy to sit with EFD fascists and racists and yet he has the nerve to attack the BNP! See: LINK
And he supports kangaroo courts and witch-hunts conducted against all those members who dare to question Farage’s leadership. He fully approved the decision to ban Nikki Sinclaire from standing as a UKIP PPC in the General Election. And her crime? She didn't want to sit with fascists in the EFD Group. See: LINK
The man is truly contemptible. He has no scruples, integrity or decency. He will do anything to get the top of the greasy pole and stay there. He would readily stab his own colleagues in the back for personal gain. He truly belongs in the gutter with the rest of the Farage filth.
Paul Nuttall's reasons for not putting himself forward for UKIP leadership doesn't ring true to me.
Yes, I understand he has a diary of committments, but so too does Miss Morecambe!
I don't think Miss Morecambe would refuse to enter the Miss UK contest or Miss Universe contest for that matter on the pretext of many committments including cutting ribbons outside new supermarkets!
Not that I am saying that Mr Nuttall's committments are as banal as cutting ribbons outside new Tesco stores.
Perish the thought!
He was told not to stand. He does whatever Farage wants.
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