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Saturday 20 March 2010

UKIP: Jaroslav Paska & why Nigel Farage has some explaining to do

The Parliamentary Assembly is one of the Council of Europe’s two main statutory bodies and represents the main political tendencies in its member states. The Assembly sees itself as the driving force in extending European co-operation. Like the European parliament, members of the assembly sit in political groups, one of which is the European Democratic Group (EDG). Between 2007 - 2009, the vice-chair of this integrationist group was Jaroslav Paska, now sitting as an MEP in Nigel Farage's EFD group.

Paska is also a member of the "Euronest" parliamentary group, which seeks to establish enhanced relations with the EU's neighbouring states, many of which aspire to EU accession.

Speaking in the European Parliament Paska called for greater cooperation amongst EU member states in fighting the economic crisis: "I would like to point out that the Lisbon Treaty is entering into force at a time of economic crisis in Europe. The current decisions of the governments that have taken steps to overcome the economic crisis were not effective, were not efficient and from this perspective, I think that we must proceed in future in a more coordinated way and not take ad hoc decisions which fail to produce a sufficient effect in terms of supporting employment and economic development." he said.

Paska not only advocates greater cooperation, he wants to enforce it. In a recent question to the European Commission he wrote about: "recent developments in energy regulation in Greece which require immediate attention, since they depart from the agreed EU policy on the promotion of high-efficiency cogeneration."

Complaining about a two year delay in the implementation of a Commission directive in Greece, he finished by asking:

"What is the Commission doing to ensure that the Greek Government complies with the relevant directive?"

Could Nigel farage, and indeed his fellow MEPs, please explain to UKIP members exactly how the party's association with Mr Paska - a vice chair of the EFD group - will help get Britain out of the EU?

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